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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: June and August Mayberry

Zack (played by DetectiveZack)

"Um sure." He got out a memo pad. "What's wrong June. Is that a habit of his?" Zack chuckled
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

(Sorry, my internet screwed up ene)
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

She laughed. "Constantly. He likes being famous." She teased as he took the notepad and a pen out of his pocket.
Zack (played by DetectiveZack)

Zack chuckled "Well can't beat that"
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

"Hey..." Asher hesitated to speak a bit. "Can I have an autograph too...?" He asked a bit shyly.
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

August whipped out a photo of himself, signing it and handing it to Asher. "Here." He grinned, his teeth doing a steryptypocal glint. June shook her head
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

He grinned widely, holding the picture close to him, trying his best not to wrinkle it.
Zack (played by DetectiveZack)

Zack smiled. "Why thank you" He said taking the notepad back
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Two kids that looked around twelve, one dressed as a vampire and the other Like a pirate, pushed their way past Zack and Asher to get at the candy.

June smiled reproovingly. "Be nicer to my friends, boys." She reached foRward, feeling the fabric of the vampires cloak. "Did you ask your dad if you could use this?" She said incredulously. He shifted awkwardly. "Well... no... trick or treat!"

June shook her head, tossing candy into the boys baskets.
Zack (played by DetectiveZack)

'Kids these days' Zack thought to himself . He shook his head. As the kids walked by.
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

He smiled, laughing softly. "You two having fun?" He asked the two boys, kneeling down to them.
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

"Maybe you two should shove off before you catch the elbow of a sugared up eight year old." She said, smiling apologetically at Ezra and Zack.

The pirate boy smiled at Ezra as his friend dragged him away.
Zack (played by DetectiveZack)

"Right it was nice seeing you two" he said with the pillow case full of candy over his back
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

Asher waved goodbye to Zack. "Nice meeting you!" He said with a hi toothy grin.
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

June waved frantically while August grinned. "Have a good night!"
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

Asher dug around in his bag, beginning his banquet of sugary sweets.
Spessartine (played by FreeJayFly)

It was that time of the year again. This was the time that this Gem had been eager to travel to homes and places that were celebrating the night by giving out treats and goodies to those that knocked upon their doors and uttered a simple phrase. The phrase had been like a world-wide password for receiving treats.

At the moment, Spessartine had used her shapeshifting abilities to give her form a couple of cat ears, whiskers, and a floofy cat's tail to go with her outfit. Unfortunately, she did little to alter her normal attire.

Walking up to the next house on the list, so to speak, Spess looked to the people that were set up, giving out stuff for the holiday.

"Evenin'! Trick-or-treat, and all that fun stuff!" Spessartine cheerfully said with a small wave.
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

June waved merrily, but August put a hand on her face, mushing her out of the way. "Oh Maker, Good eve-e-ning!" He said, grinning foolishly at spessartine.
Spessartine (played by FreeJayFly)

Spessartine's brow rose with a bit of amusement and confusion. She was normally perplexed by the oddities of some cultures, and how they acted around one another. However, pushing that aside in her mind, the gem had kept a smile on her face and held up the plastic pumpkin container she had on her person.

"Good evening to you, too!" Spessartine said August as grinned at her. In response, all Spessartine really learned to do was grin back as a friendly gesture.
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

"Mm, yes, very good evening. Would you like some candy?" He asked, pulling the bowl from June and heading down the stairs toward her.

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