A collection of trees and brush surround the modern-style house. Despite the fact that it is hard to get to, or even hard to see from the road, there are some carved jack-o-lanterns and even some decorations out for Halloween. There are some crafted sheet ghosts hanging from the branches of the trees, there are some cardboard graves, fake skeletons hanging out here and there, and even some oddly realistic cobwebs hanging here and there across the trees and home front.
Whoever decorated the place sure looked like they had fun with the decorations, which eliminated the question as to why one would want to decorate when their house would not have been seen.
As you walk the stone path to the door, there is some rustling in the forest beyond. Pausing to take a look around, there seems to be what looked like a silhouette rushing past the trees. Or was it a trick of the lighting that is provided by the jack-o-lanterns and props?
When you arrive at the door, this is it. Do you decide to knock? Or do you decide that this place just is not your cup of tea and walk away?
Anything could be past that door, after all.
((I felt like it would just be better set up this way. |D;; All posts after this to interact with others will be used with Ei rather than describing the setting. :'D I just wanted more mystery and allure.))
Whoever decorated the place sure looked like they had fun with the decorations, which eliminated the question as to why one would want to decorate when their house would not have been seen.
As you walk the stone path to the door, there is some rustling in the forest beyond. Pausing to take a look around, there seems to be what looked like a silhouette rushing past the trees. Or was it a trick of the lighting that is provided by the jack-o-lanterns and props?
When you arrive at the door, this is it. Do you decide to knock? Or do you decide that this place just is not your cup of tea and walk away?
Anything could be past that door, after all.
((I felt like it would just be better set up this way. |D;; All posts after this to interact with others will be used with Ei rather than describing the setting. :'D I just wanted more mystery and allure.))
A portal has appeared, not too far away from the house. A pale skinned Thaumaturge walks out of it, with the portal closing behind him. He glances around the place where he had appeared. "Strange..." He thought. He was sure this portal was to form near Witch's Waypoint. After a sigh, he eyes the house. He remembers it being a special time of year for Earthen people and other folk. Halloowin was the name? Meh, he wouldn't be able to remember anyways. Something about people giving away free things if you come to their door.
"Well, since I'm here I might as well look around a bit." He said to himself. He walks toward the house following the stone path. He hears the rustling in the forest, he glances towards the noise, seeing something close to what looks like a dark silhouette, but excuses it for one of his occasional hallucinations. He stops at the door and knocks, waiting for an answer.
"Well, since I'm here I might as well look around a bit." He said to himself. He walks toward the house following the stone path. He hears the rustling in the forest, he glances towards the noise, seeing something close to what looks like a dark silhouette, but excuses it for one of his occasional hallucinations. He stops at the door and knocks, waiting for an answer.
From behind the door comes an excited clap as there is a knock at the door. Quickly, the silver-haired elf had taken her cloak and threw it upon her. It was a bit too small for her in her normal form, which led to the female taking a more innocent look as she grabbed a pointed hat that seemed a little too small as well. Before long, it had not been an adult wood elf that answered the door, but a smaller, more chubby faced child that looked to have been no older than six or seven in human years.
There was a bright, excited smile on the young girl's face as she looked to the man that stood at the door frame. For a moment, words failed her -- after all, she had thought that many persons that celebrated Halloween were children. However, she shook this thought from her head -- after all, she was centuries old and liked the celebratory aspects of many holidays; no matter what race started it! Maybe this person was the same, or going out on behalf of a child of theirs that could not go out for whatever reason!
"Happy Halloween, sir!" the silver-haired child said cheerily, straightening out her witch's hat and reaching over for the stained glass bowl that held chocolates, fruit candies, and other Halloween themed goodies.
There was a bright, excited smile on the young girl's face as she looked to the man that stood at the door frame. For a moment, words failed her -- after all, she had thought that many persons that celebrated Halloween were children. However, she shook this thought from her head -- after all, she was centuries old and liked the celebratory aspects of many holidays; no matter what race started it! Maybe this person was the same, or going out on behalf of a child of theirs that could not go out for whatever reason!
"Happy Halloween, sir!" the silver-haired child said cheerily, straightening out her witch's hat and reaching over for the stained glass bowl that held chocolates, fruit candies, and other Halloween themed goodies.
"Happy Halloowin to you too... is that how you say it? Halloowin?" While standing at the doorframe, he could sense an abnormal amount of Victus, Alienis, Spiritus, and Praecantatio near the girl. Quite interesting, especially since Praecantatio is mostly found near magic users and arcana of all sorts. He would look into this later though, as the thought of somebody saying 'excuse me but do you use magic?' would seem pretty blunt and random at the moment. "I was actually wanting to know where I am exactly. Do you have any maps?"
Giggling somewhat, Ei had been amused by the pronunciation of 'Halloween' that the man had chosen to go by. As she settled down a bit, she had politely corrected her guest: "it's 'hah-low-ween'. Mommy and daddy used to take me out for trick'r-treatin' before we moved out of Eve! But we live too far away, now. It's okay, because mommy and daddy dress up the house and bring me candy!"
Ei seemed a little caught up in her tales before she slowed down to process what had been asked of her. Pondering it a moment, the small child replied: "... we don't have maps of here. Mommy and daddy always ask directions from random people in town if they're lost! I can tell you that you're in Arvendor! My class' teacher taught us about Arvendor being our Ryne's home of the Elves!"
Ei seemed a little caught up in her tales before she slowed down to process what had been asked of her. Pondering it a moment, the small child replied: "... we don't have maps of here. Mommy and daddy always ask directions from random people in town if they're lost! I can tell you that you're in Arvendor! My class' teacher taught us about Arvendor being our Ryne's home of the Elves!"
"Well, where is your Mother and Father then? I'm quite lost at the moment." He looks around behind him. This seemed to be the only house in the area, or the others were hidden out of sight. Either way, he didn't know the area that he'should in at all.
For a moment, Ei looked thoughtful, though she then said: "daddy's home and doing some work; he's preparing tonight's dinner before mommy comes home! Mommy is out doing late work tonight. Did you want me to get my daddy? He could pro'ly help!"
However, before there was another word said, Ei looked past Draken, seeing if there might have been other people that were making their way over. After all, if there was someone that actually showed up here, there might have been more people coming this way over the course of the evening as well.
However, before there was another word said, Ei looked past Draken, seeing if there might have been other people that were making their way over. After all, if there was someone that actually showed up here, there might have been more people coming this way over the course of the evening as well.
(Would've thought others would join by now, but nope guess not.)
"Yes, that would be helpful if you could." After he said that, he would take out a book bound in gold and leather from his cloak, open it up and begin to flip through it's pages.
"Yes, that would be helpful if you could." After he said that, he would take out a book bound in gold and leather from his cloak, open it up and begin to flip through it's pages.
A flickering light could be seen approaching from down the street, and soon enough, it would resolve itself into the hair of a young, bronze-skinned woman. She did have a map, but she was scowling and swearing at it, reading it by the light of her own hair. "No no no, this isn't any help at all. Wait. A house! You there, you two. Where are we on this ma-- Wait, are those candies? Are you giving out candies?"
(Why, hello there Kim.)
"Huh?" Draken would turn around and notice the fiery haired woman near the street. Noticing the map in her hand, he comes to the conclusion that he's not the only one here that's lost. "Candies?" He glances over his shoulder noticing the bowl, and glances back to the woman. "I think so..?" Unintelligible whispers would come from the book he's holding every now and then, and every time it would do that, he would look down at it. "It's Hallooween or whatever it's called today right?"
"Huh?" Draken would turn around and notice the fiery haired woman near the street. Noticing the map in her hand, he comes to the conclusion that he's not the only one here that's lost. "Candies?" He glances over his shoulder noticing the bowl, and glances back to the woman. "I think so..?" Unintelligible whispers would come from the book he's holding every now and then, and every time it would do that, he would look down at it. "It's Hallooween or whatever it's called today right?"
Ei had been about to turn around and find the other person that she lived with, though with the appearance of someone new, she halted and waved kind of excitedly. While the newcomer seemed to look a little perplexed by the situation, Ei had shrugged it off internally, remembering that she was definitely treating tonight as if she were a child.
"Yeah! Mommy and daddy bought candy and said to give it out to people who knock on the door!" Ei said, reaffirming her grasp on the bowl of candy.
Glancing to the book that Draken held, Ei's eyes lit up.
"That's a pretty cool prop, mister!" Ei said in amazement before turning her attention back to the woman that had walked down the pathway.
"And yeah! Daddy says that Halloween is primarily a human tradition, but it's for everyone to enjoy!" Brushing a few stray locks of silver hair from her face, Ei had glanced back to see if Zero were around, or if he had still been in the kitchen. Either way, Ei remained to see if there was anything else needed of her before she got Zero for help.
"Ah... ummmm..." Ei drew out her sounds before asking: "would you like some candy? I gots chocolate and some fruity ones!"
"Yeah! Mommy and daddy bought candy and said to give it out to people who knock on the door!" Ei said, reaffirming her grasp on the bowl of candy.
Glancing to the book that Draken held, Ei's eyes lit up.
"That's a pretty cool prop, mister!" Ei said in amazement before turning her attention back to the woman that had walked down the pathway.
"And yeah! Daddy says that Halloween is primarily a human tradition, but it's for everyone to enjoy!" Brushing a few stray locks of silver hair from her face, Ei had glanced back to see if Zero were around, or if he had still been in the kitchen. Either way, Ei remained to see if there was anything else needed of her before she got Zero for help.
"Ah... ummmm..." Ei drew out her sounds before asking: "would you like some candy? I gots chocolate and some fruity ones!"
Savalia matter of factly folded her map up, nodding smartly to Ei. "Why yes, I would love some fruity and some chocolate candies," she says with a wink, fully aware that the offer had probably meant to be an 'or' rather than an 'and' kind of deal. But who could blame her for taking advantage? She certainly wasn't going to feel bad about it.
Reaching to get a handful of candy from the bowl, she eyed the whispering book. "Now what the heck is that thing, and why are you wandering around with it out like that?"
Reaching to get a handful of candy from the bowl, she eyed the whispering book. "Now what the heck is that thing, and why are you wandering around with it out like that?"
Admittedly, this was the first year that Ei had been able to actually do the Halloween festivities that the humans introduced to the other races. However, that did not deter the young-looking elven girl from having an enjoyable experience. Plus, she did realise that perhaps hers and Zero's home was out of the way of people... and maybe that was the reason that only two people showed up.
Not only that, but people that appeared to have needed directions on getting somewhere else.
"Help yourself! Mommy and daddy said they got plenty for the evening!" Ei said as Savalia had dipped her hand into the candy bowl and took as much as she wanted. The night was for festivities, after all, and Ei certainly was not going to be a party pooper for people that wanted to enjoy themselves.
Not only that, but people that appeared to have needed directions on getting somewhere else.
"Help yourself! Mommy and daddy said they got plenty for the evening!" Ei said as Savalia had dipped her hand into the candy bowl and took as much as she wanted. The night was for festivities, after all, and Ei certainly was not going to be a party pooper for people that wanted to enjoy themselves.
"Ei! Hurry up with the visitors, dinner will be done shortly. Then we can venture out for treats ourselves."
The distant voice called out from the kitchen, as the Elven man with snowy hair stepped within sight of the entryway. Cloth in hand as he rubbed the hard work into the folds and cleaned his palms. Despite the casual clothing, the older man seemed rather unusual in appearance. Though provided the holiday had garnered many obscure presence in costumes, it could have simply been the unusual choice.
"Ei, are you listening-?"
Something about the scene appeared to visibly pause the Elven man in place a moment. Though after he processed the scene, the gentleman approached the entryway further. As it seemed things were held up with two guests that appeared to linger.
"Can I help you two with anything?" he asked.
The distant voice called out from the kitchen, as the Elven man with snowy hair stepped within sight of the entryway. Cloth in hand as he rubbed the hard work into the folds and cleaned his palms. Despite the casual clothing, the older man seemed rather unusual in appearance. Though provided the holiday had garnered many obscure presence in costumes, it could have simply been the unusual choice.
"Ei, are you listening-?"
Something about the scene appeared to visibly pause the Elven man in place a moment. Though after he processed the scene, the gentleman approached the entryway further. As it seemed things were held up with two guests that appeared to linger.
"Can I help you two with anything?" he asked.
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