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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat Leon Robertson

Leon Robertson (played by Leon)

After setting up the device I sit down in a folding chair next to it, in a Deadpool costume, complete with makeup on my face under the mask so I look like I'm him underneath the mask too. The device beside me looks like simple large blue box, but it is much more. When someone puts their hand in, the box reads their mind, and when they pull it out, in their hand will be their favorite candy, a king size version. If they do it a second time, they'll pull out a joke pistol. When you pull the trigger a flag comes put with 'Bang!' written on it, and if you pull it again, a bit of water will squirt out. And for those who are greedy, if you put your hand in a third time, you'll receive a short electric shock, only enough to sting a little. Now I just sit and wait for the people to roll in. I look back at my mansion, hoping that people will assume that I have the best candy since I'm rich.
The night had been filled with laughter and had been enjoyable amongst some of the older crowd that had gathered for that evening's Halloween. As some of the merriment died down, the chocolate-haired elven man had broken away from his pals and started for home. There had been a lopsided smile on his face, and he carried some goodies in his pockets from the party that he had made the responsible decision to leave early from.

Gazing about, Ferric familiarised himself to the area before noting some of his surroundings after several minutes of walking. There had been a mansion, and in true Halloween fashion, it had a lit up porch to notify those that it was available for trick-or-treaters that were in the area.

Shrugging his shoulders, Ferric had decided 'why not', and made his way up to the path to see what he could snag in terms of more goodies to satiate his sweet tooth. Funnily enough, there had been people that seemed to allow adults to continue having fun on this occasion instead of just the children. Making his way up the stairs, Ferric had rose a hand to the person that had been sitting there next to the blue box.

"Yo," Ferric greeted, a cheery expression still on his face. "Are you available for trick-or-treaters? I think my devilish rogue look is good for the occasion, no?"

There was an amused look upon Ferric's face as he awaited an answer.
Leon Robertson (played by Leon) Topic Starter

"Yeah, go ahead, reach into the box. You'll be surprised at what comes out. Take two, if you'd like. Though I won't condone or tell you to do it a third time." He can't tell, but under my mask I'm smirking, hoping he goes for three times. I'd be funny to watch him get shocked.
The statement had piqued Ferric's interest, though the elven man had typically been more one to consider others before himself. He had a small smile on his face as he waved a hand in slight decline.

"I'm sure there are plenty of children that would really prefer it if I were to go ahead and simply take just one. Besides, it's merely a small... treat... for the evening. Might as well in the whole spirit of things rather than brush it off," Ferric said. He had been perhaps too modest, though that was his nature.

Reaching a hand into the box now that he had permission, however, Ferric attempted to feel for something. Before long, he had grasped upon a rectangle bar. Withdrawing, Ferric's expression became that of pleasant surprise.

"Ah... a white chocolate and strawberry bar. How delightful!" the elven man said with a cheery expression.

"Thanks, and have a splendid rest of the evening, sir!"

With that, Ferric had descended the stairs, quite pleased with how much of a joy it was to have gotten something he actually really liked the taste of.
Leon Robertson (played by Leon) Topic Starter

"Are you sure you don't want another one? There's a lot more to this box the meets the eye." I smile under my mask, hoping he goes for it.
Cavalia (played by Kim)

It had been a productive night so far, and Cavalia's saddlebags were already bulging with sweets. That's when she spotted it. A MANSION?! ALRIGHT! That definitely had to be where all the good loot treats were being given out.

Cavalia cantered her way down the street, bypassing all of the smaller homes in favor of her main target. She started calling out before she was even halfway down the walk. "Hey! HEY! You still got some treats for me?"
Leon Robertson (played by Leon) Topic Starter

When I saw a centaur bounding up my walkway, I wasn't the least bit surprised. I've seen much weirder things over the years. I just shrug and motion to the box beside me. "Yeah, go ahead, take one. Or two, or three. Doesn't really matter. Be careful though, there's more than meets the eye to this box."
Cavalia (played by Kim)

Up close, she was smaller than you'd usually expect for a centaur. More of a stocky pony breed, really. "More than meets the eye, huh? What does the box do?" She crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head - she'd been on too many adventures gone wrong to stick a hand into a "special" box without some kind of explanation.
Leon Robertson (played by Leon) Topic Starter

I cross my arms and lean my chair back against nothing. "Well, why don't you find out? Trust me, it's nothing bad. Unless you don't like candy or humor." I laugh slightly, smirking under my mask. I hope someone goes for a third time, I'd really like to see someone get shocked.
Cavalia (played by Kim)

Eyes narrowed with suspicion, Cavalia reaches into the box, ready to snatch her hand away at a moment's notice... But what's this? A whole honeycomb, fragrant wax dripping with sweet honey!

"Wow!" shouts the centaur, biting a piece off. "What is this, some kind of cornucopia spell?"
Leon Robertson (played by Leon) Topic Starter

"No magic was used in the making of this box, only science. And go ahead, take another. But use the other hand, I'd prefer not to have to clean honey out of it later."
Cavalia (played by Kim)

Still chowing down, Cavalia does indeed go for a second reach, and gets a... plastic pistol? She turns it this way and that, squinting at it and even once sniffing it. It's clear she has little idea what she's seeing. "It's like... Some kind of alloy I don't know. Maybe a part for building a cross bow? It doesn't seem edible. Maybe it's valuable?"

She shifts her hooves in uncertainty, clearly imagining many possibilities for what this strange new object might be.
Leon Robertson (played by Leon) Topic Starter

I smile. "Try pulling the trigger,something fun will happen. And no, it's not valuable. You might get five bucks for it, even if that." And yes, I had just read her thoughts. Not on purpose though, sometimes my powers act on their own and I read people's minds, and I can't tell the difference between thought and speech when it happens.
"I'm good. I sincerely thank you for the offer, though!" Ferric replied, chuckling softly. When he had heard the clicks of hooves clacking against the pathway, he had turned. It had been a centaur, and it had been somewhat of a surprise to the elven man. Most centaur where he came from usually kept to themselves and remained reclusive.

"Well, as I said, there are others that would love to have some treats that you have, kind sir," Ferric said with a smile. He waved to the centaur and continued off.

"Good evening to you, madam, and a good rest of the evening to you, sir!" With that, Ferric had departed from the home, thinking back on the encounter just now. There had been a slightly amused look on his face as he departed, though he simply remained silent, keeping to himself and making tracks back home.
Leon Robertson (played by Leon) Topic Starter

"Alright then, sir. Have a good rest of the night. Don't get run over!" I yell after him, laughing to myself afterwards. "God, I love morbid humor."
Cavalia (played by Kim)

"I have to take it somewhere safe before I try pulling any triggers. I'll not be tricked again!" says the centaur, turning and galloping off, honey and toy gun in hand. What an odd person.

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