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Forums » Looking for RP » The Traitor (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


The Visrain Empire, a human empire dedicated to conquering the world recently industrialised gaining access to steam-punk tech levels which suddenly gave it an advantage over the neighbouring countries. In a matter of months they can demolished all the small kingdoms around their territories expanding at a fast rate. In the end before the kingdom he was in was overrun a mage of extreme power opened a rift calling people from other universes and times who he hoped would be powerful enough to kill the Emperor and his guards. What he did not know however is that the Empire had already called on another person and that this person would be joining his group of heroes.

So after that intro I will begin by saying this rp is open to anyone of any time period and genre. Now the whole thing will centre around two things, firstly which character is the traitor and secondly getting to the emperor and killing him. Now from that, I will choose the traitor randomly once everyone has joined and from there characters are free to act as they choose to carry out their objective. Now if anyone wants to join as a character from a neighbouring kingdom that's fine too, in fact that would be great too. Overall I am looking for around 5 to 6 different characters. So if you want to join in this game of deceit that would be good.
Magic 50%
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Technology 40%
Industrial revolution
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
If there's going to be a posting order, I'd be more than happy to jump in with Charlotte. I've also got another character in the works that I can offer up. None of heri nfo's on here yet, but I have her profile on DA: . And then I've also got Xeres. If I do end up using Jackie I'll more than likely be using my Jackie Willow profile.
I can join in as Aayla, Lucina, or Inigo. I'll probably choose them based on the other characters.
Also, what would you expect in post length? Adjustable length or paragraphs? Also, is this a forum or PM RP?
hannibal32 Topic Starter

- Sketch444, well any of them if fine, up to you. I also think a sort of post order might be needed for this one as the traitor needs to have a chance to react to any situation

-RainbowToRosie, sorry for not being specific, I think a forum rp might be better but a pm one is just as good. It depends really on what the group wants. I would say adjustable length for this rp but no one liners or overly short posts. However any of your characters would be good.
hannibal32 Topic Starter

Once we get at least one more person. That's the minimum we need to begin.
Sounds good to me! I've been thinking more about what character I want to use, and the more I think the harder it gets. x3 However, I think I'd prefer being Lucina or Inigo for this roleplay now that I think about it.
Could I join? I think any of my characters would be good for the rp, and I hear you need another person! :)
hannibal32 Topic Starter

-RainbowToRosie, good to hear. Well either way it'll be good.

-Twilight, of course you can oin, that would be great. Now we have the minimum needed to begin however I will leave it open for a while to see if anyone else wants to join before beginning.
Ok whilst we wait would you wanna set up the post order?
hannibal32 Topic Starter

-sketch444 post order shall be the order in which you signed up.
Hazel Richards (played anonymously)

I like the sound of this. Room for one more?
hannibal32 Topic Starter

-Hazel sure the more the merrier
Hazel Richards (played anonymously)

Excellent! I can't wait ^^
Vice Jager (played by Novarion)

I would like to bring this guy here if that's ok? /secretly wishes to be the traitor.
hannibal32 Topic Starter

-Novarion he absolutely fine. But whether your the traitor or not. Well that is to be seen.
Is it okay if I play as Catena? I don't have many rps with her. :)
hannibal32 Topic Starter

-Twilight, sure that's perfectly fine all characters fit.
hannibal32 Topic Starter

Okay well since I have a good number of you who are in the rp and I don't want to keep you waiting long so I will close the right to newcomers in a few hours.

Did I make it in time?
May I join?

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