The round, brick house on the outskirts of town was completely silent, not a whisper could be heard. The house was a bright orange, with a leaf green roof. There was around 7 windows, with two bone-white doors, one leading to a small garden in the back, the other at the front. Pumpkins boldly lined the paved pathway, with both silly and scary faces. Some were lit, some weren't, and looking closely at the house, you could see it was surrounded by even more pumpkins. If one were to be so bold to go 'round back to the Garden, all they would see would be- You guessed it- Pumpkins. Pumpkins of every shape and size. Perhaps the man inside was a little nuts about these kinds of things, but that never worried him. Inside, the house had been decorated like one of those 'House of Horrors' you'd see at Amusement parks. The scent of Pumpkin pie and soup filled the rooms of the man's lair. Small, plastic pumpkins hung down from the roof, stock-full with Lollies and sweets alike. The owner of the Estate, Dark Harune, sat down in his chair in the Living room, waiting for both guests and for one of his pies to finish baking. He was dressed up to look like the Grim Reaper. He had borrowed one of Sin's black cloaks, one of Mitsuki's toy Scythes, and not to mention one of Rachel's many masks she has lying around just for occasions like this. Perhaps he really was nuts about Events such as this...
"I have not done any sweet snagging for a while!"
Sure, he was around eight-teen. The desert pirate, wearing what looked like some sort of uniform. Wait, was he dressed like Leon Kennedy. Despite his eye patch and long blond hair. Sure, this holiday was not much for him, it was was a nice break to get away from the stress of dealing with monsters and mecha for a while. However, something caught his eye. A house hold decorated with pumpkins? The place had a very creepy vibe to it. Much like Moonlight Forest, just less monsters and one less giant Rankar Dragon that liked to chew on trespassers.
Sure, he was around eight-teen. The desert pirate, wearing what looked like some sort of uniform. Wait, was he dressed like Leon Kennedy. Despite his eye patch and long blond hair. Sure, this holiday was not much for him, it was was a nice break to get away from the stress of dealing with monsters and mecha for a while. However, something caught his eye. A house hold decorated with pumpkins? The place had a very creepy vibe to it. Much like Moonlight Forest, just less monsters and one less giant Rankar Dragon that liked to chew on trespassers.
A pale young man with white hair strode down the road when his eye was caught by a house surrounded by what appeared to be a pumpkin patch. He was simply dressed in jeans and a black hoodie. The one thing that stood out was the incredibly realistic looking scythe he was twirling carelessly in one hand. Sure, it might have been pretty dangerous to bring that of all things, but wasn't tonight conducive to danger and excitement?
As he walked up, Donovan noticed another boy with an eye patch also approaching the house. He stopped twirling his scythe and tugged his hoodie sleeves over his hands. As long as he didn't brush skin with anyone, things would go alright. "Nice night out." His soft spoken voice somehow traveled perfectly through the crisp air. He leaned forward to knock on the front door, not waiting for the other person to do so.
As he walked up, Donovan noticed another boy with an eye patch also approaching the house. He stopped twirling his scythe and tugged his hoodie sleeves over his hands. As long as he didn't brush skin with anyone, things would go alright. "Nice night out." His soft spoken voice somehow traveled perfectly through the crisp air. He leaned forward to knock on the front door, not waiting for the other person to do so.
The door slammed open, Dark standing in it's place watching the two males. "Hello there!" He spoke out loud, a smile on his face. "Having fun out on the streets this fine day?"
The decorations of pumpkins lining the outside the house that Ferric was walking past had caught his eye. Taking a moment, he had looked over and noticed that there was some commotion just beyond the path that he had been walking. With a piqued curiosity, the elven man had started making his way over and then started following the trail of jack-o-lanterns.
T'was an eventful holiday night, perhaps there was something going on that Ferric could have scoped out with little to no hassle. That was the hope, anyway.
Ferric soon arrived at a house that looked somewhat peculiar in appearance. Perhaps it was the pumpkin-ish looking abode itself, or perhaps it was the appearance of the doors being bone-colour. Either way, Ferric had to admit that if the person was going for a theme for their house, they certainly went all out on it looking like a jack-o-lantern for the event.
After admiring the house a while longer, Ferric noticed that there was someone greeting who he assumed were guests. Straightening his mantle, Ferric had walked closer to where the three individuals were and gave a nonchalant wave of the hand before saying, "hey there..! Happy Halloween, and such. Nice décor you got here. Many kudos to the efforts put in!"
T'was an eventful holiday night, perhaps there was something going on that Ferric could have scoped out with little to no hassle. That was the hope, anyway.
Ferric soon arrived at a house that looked somewhat peculiar in appearance. Perhaps it was the pumpkin-ish looking abode itself, or perhaps it was the appearance of the doors being bone-colour. Either way, Ferric had to admit that if the person was going for a theme for their house, they certainly went all out on it looking like a jack-o-lantern for the event.
After admiring the house a while longer, Ferric noticed that there was someone greeting who he assumed were guests. Straightening his mantle, Ferric had walked closer to where the three individuals were and gave a nonchalant wave of the hand before saying, "hey there..! Happy Halloween, and such. Nice décor you got here. Many kudos to the efforts put in!"
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