The events of last year was still fresh on everyone's mind. The awesome mansion that belonged to Master-Sama was burned to the ground after the party's host, Throthgar the most kawaii maid ever, allowed in Demons and all other sorts of horrors, thinking they were just people in very convincing costumes. It was only a matter of time before before some sort of war happened and all those stupid hybrids wanted a piece of the action, and even Shia Labeouf was there for some reason. It was honestly a very stupid and uninspired chain of events. Throthgar was never heard from again after those events.
Until now!
Now the ruins of the mansion are cursed. On Hallow's Eve the mansion will reappear, and the ghosts of the past will return to finish the epic party they were meant to host. They shall know no peace until every guest is satisfied and have their bellies full of candy.
"Oh noes, oh noes, oh noes~~" The gorgeous maid yelled as she floated over the decorated main hall with a bowl of candies in her arms."Everything has a blue glow! It won't wash off! Hontoneeeee?! Master-sama will be so displeased with me!"
The other ghostly maids floated around as well, seemingly unaware of Throthgar's shouting. They cleaned the floor with a dead stare in their eyes."Bakas!" Throthar-chan yelled all of a sudden."The guests will be here any minute! Put the brooms away and play music already!"
The path to the mansion seemed to lack any decorations, though the opulent mansion was enough to make up for that. The building itself had a blue shine, as if it itself was a spooky ghost. Eerie laughter came from the windows as pumpkins and skeletons danced with one another on the roof, despite there being no music. So spooky.
Until now!
Now the ruins of the mansion are cursed. On Hallow's Eve the mansion will reappear, and the ghosts of the past will return to finish the epic party they were meant to host. They shall know no peace until every guest is satisfied and have their bellies full of candy.
"Oh noes, oh noes, oh noes~~" The gorgeous maid yelled as she floated over the decorated main hall with a bowl of candies in her arms."Everything has a blue glow! It won't wash off! Hontoneeeee?! Master-sama will be so displeased with me!"
The other ghostly maids floated around as well, seemingly unaware of Throthgar's shouting. They cleaned the floor with a dead stare in their eyes."Bakas!" Throthar-chan yelled all of a sudden."The guests will be here any minute! Put the brooms away and play music already!"
The path to the mansion seemed to lack any decorations, though the opulent mansion was enough to make up for that. The building itself had a blue shine, as if it itself was a spooky ghost. Eerie laughter came from the windows as pumpkins and skeletons danced with one another on the roof, despite there being no music. So spooky.
The night was still young, and the events were just starting. A smile had found its way upon the cream-coloured individual as she strolled through the streets, a mask hanging lopsided on her head, and a cape that seemed too long dragging on the ground behind her. Brushing a few stray locks of hair from her face, the peculiar person had opened the sack that she had and gauged how many goodies she had already managed to get.
Satisfied with her haul, the teen-looking girl had walked further down along the pathway to nowhere before she paused in her tracks. Glancing to the side, she had seen something that had been... out of place? Or was it in place? It had been an odd holiday that the meat-beings called Halloween, after all. While fun and different than whatever celebrations were on Home World, there were still some things that she had just not understood.
Either way...
"Never seen a house like that before! That must be one killer party if the owner of that place decked it out to look like that!" the individual said excitedly to herself as she pushed open the gates and kind of just invited herself onto the property.
Further and further she went onto the land where this house had been built. The wonderment, amazement, and awe grew in this gem's eyes as she ventured ever closer. As if mesmerised, she had reached out for the door, curling her fingers into a fist, and then going in to rap her knuckles across the door. Whatever party this house was hosting, she definitely wanted in.
Satisfied with her haul, the teen-looking girl had walked further down along the pathway to nowhere before she paused in her tracks. Glancing to the side, she had seen something that had been... out of place? Or was it in place? It had been an odd holiday that the meat-beings called Halloween, after all. While fun and different than whatever celebrations were on Home World, there were still some things that she had just not understood.
Either way...
"Never seen a house like that before! That must be one killer party if the owner of that place decked it out to look like that!" the individual said excitedly to herself as she pushed open the gates and kind of just invited herself onto the property.
Further and further she went onto the land where this house had been built. The wonderment, amazement, and awe grew in this gem's eyes as she ventured ever closer. As if mesmerised, she had reached out for the door, curling her fingers into a fist, and then going in to rap her knuckles across the door. Whatever party this house was hosting, she definitely wanted in.
"Kyaaaaaa~~! They're here already!" The ghostly maid shrieked, spilling the contents of her bowl right over one of the less important maids, who seemed to care less about the sticky goo covering her ghostly image.
As soon as Spessartine hit the door, the house wailed, proclaiming the word "eeeeeeviiilll" in a long sigh. After a few moments, the bearded head of Throthgar popped through the door."Ohai minna-san!" He she greeted, until she noticed there was only one person."Hontone? You are early. Have some candy!" The maid chirped as two burly arms appeared through the door now. The sound of a dish clattering to the ground was heard behind it.
Though the gigantic sweatdrop appeared on her forehead out of nowhere, the maid didn't seem that troubled by the size of it."I'll err... I'll just open the door."
As soon as Spessartine hit the door, the house wailed, proclaiming the word "eeeeeeviiilll" in a long sigh. After a few moments, the bearded head of Throthgar popped through the door."Ohai minna-san!" He she greeted, until she noticed there was only one person."Hontone? You are early. Have some candy!" The maid chirped as two burly arms appeared through the door now. The sound of a dish clattering to the ground was heard behind it.
Though the gigantic sweatdrop appeared on her forehead out of nowhere, the maid didn't seem that troubled by the size of it."I'll err... I'll just open the door."
Stars formed in Spess' eyes, and an even wider smile stretched across her face as the spooky effects were triggered. Out of some of the other places that she had been that day, Spessartine definitely liked this house the most. This place was just so... unique when it came to this Halloween holiday
"Awww man! I'm early?" Spessartine was taken aback by this notion as Throthgar-meido-chan had made mention of it. "Duuude, sweet~ I can't wait to see what other humans and creatures come to this place. This place is siiiick!"
Accepting the invitation in, Spessartine paused at overturned bowl on the floor and proceeded to picking up some of the mess and getting it placed back upon a surface. However, she did take a handful of the wrapped items and popped them into her mouth -- wrapper, sticks, and all depending on what candy it was.
"Yo-- y'all really outdid yourself with this place. I've seen a lot of human things that are strange and weird and cool, but this place definitely takes the proverbial cake. I mean, you must have been preparing this for... for, like, years!" Spessartine excitedly said, still chewing on some of her candy as she spoke.
"Awww man! I'm early?" Spessartine was taken aback by this notion as Throthgar-meido-chan had made mention of it. "Duuude, sweet~ I can't wait to see what other humans and creatures come to this place. This place is siiiick!"
Accepting the invitation in, Spessartine paused at overturned bowl on the floor and proceeded to picking up some of the mess and getting it placed back upon a surface. However, she did take a handful of the wrapped items and popped them into her mouth -- wrapper, sticks, and all depending on what candy it was.
"Yo-- y'all really outdid yourself with this place. I've seen a lot of human things that are strange and weird and cool, but this place definitely takes the proverbial cake. I mean, you must have been preparing this for... for, like, years!" Spessartine excitedly said, still chewing on some of her candy as she spoke.
While searching for houses, Scott happened to come across this building. The first thing that caught his eye was its blue glow. "Is someone having a party?" he thought. Curious, he decided to enter. He suspected the first thing the people inside would see was Scott's costume, Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII. After entering, he noticed two people, a maid and a woman.
Scott: Uhh... What's going on here...?
Scott: Uhh... What's going on here...?
Jackie walked down the street. She'd been able to get away with her alien form thanks to something the humans called 'Halloween'. Heck, several humans had given her free candy too! Soon a large house caught her attention. It was large, nearly as large as her ship. Jackie noticed several people walking to the house. "What's goi'n on over there?"She asked walking over to the house. She soon arrived and went over to the maid, the woman, and hte man. "Hi, what's going on here?"She asked.
Mitsuki wondered down the drive and towards the Mansion dressed in his adorable Lion costume. He held a plastic pumpkin in one hand, full of sweets. He wore a mischievous smile on his face as he grew closer to the Mansion's doors.
Scott would hear Jackie's voice, and he'd respond to it.
Scott: I have no idea myself... I just came here for the candy.
He took notice of her appearance.
Scott: Sweet alien costume.
Scott: I have no idea myself... I just came here for the candy.
He took notice of her appearance.
Scott: Sweet alien costume.
The inside of the mansion was just as glowey as the outside was. It was festively decorated with ghouls doing acrobatic tricks on the ceiling, skeletons that may or may not be real, and of course, pumpkins with little bows on their heads and big, glistening eyes and blushing cheeks. The undead-looking maids added to the scene as well as one lost her head in the bowl of candy that was placed in front of a large pair of mahogany doors that lead to some other room."Welcome to Master-Sama's humble abode!" The floating Throthgar chirped."You like candy, don't you, Chan-Chan? We have waaaaaay more in the party room."
But then more people arrived."Oooh! More guests desu~!" Throthgar-senpai spoke as she skipped her way back to the door."Ohaio, minna-san." Throthgar made a deep bow before them."Come on in, desu~. We have so many candies, we don't know what to do with 'em. So either you eat your tummies full, or your souls fill Kishin-kun's tummy. Tee hee!" The maid giggled as she lead them in. Every time someone entered the doorway, the disembodied voice would sound, saying "eeeeeeviiiiilll' three times in a row.
"Shut up already, Baka!" Throthgar yelled angrily as she shook her fists at the ceiling ghouls."Hey man I'm just doing my job. I've a wife and kids, you know!"
But then more people arrived."Oooh! More guests desu~!" Throthgar-senpai spoke as she skipped her way back to the door."Ohaio, minna-san." Throthgar made a deep bow before them."Come on in, desu~. We have so many candies, we don't know what to do with 'em. So either you eat your tummies full, or your souls fill Kishin-kun's tummy. Tee hee!" The maid giggled as she lead them in. Every time someone entered the doorway, the disembodied voice would sound, saying "eeeeeeviiiiilll' three times in a row.
"Shut up already, Baka!" Throthgar yelled angrily as she shook her fists at the ceiling ghouls."Hey man I'm just doing my job. I've a wife and kids, you know!"
He remained silent at the sight before him. A bearded maid, floating right before him, is introducing him to the building and where everything and is accompanied by other maids. ...Was this guy even a maid?
Scott: ...What the hell are you saying?
It was clear that Scott did not understand Japanese. Half of what he had just heard he could understand, but he knew nothing of what Throthgar was talking about. And hearing the disembodied voice say he has a job to do, he just grabbed a handful of candy, wide-eyed, and casually walked backwards to exit the building. He said nothing, not even a "Good-bye" or a "Happy Halloween!" He just simply left the area, continuing his candy quest.
Scott: ...What the hell are you saying?
It was clear that Scott did not understand Japanese. Half of what he had just heard he could understand, but he knew nothing of what Throthgar was talking about. And hearing the disembodied voice say he has a job to do, he just grabbed a handful of candy, wide-eyed, and casually walked backwards to exit the building. He said nothing, not even a "Good-bye" or a "Happy Halloween!" He just simply left the area, continuing his candy quest.
Jackie blinked, confused. "Wha?"She questioned when the bearded human began speaking in a language she didn't udnerstand, and one that her translater didn't have installed. So much for being 'universal'. Jackie's large floppy ears poked up whe nshe heard the disembodied voice speaking. "OOOOOOH! This isn't just a house! It's a Space Ship!"Jackie said, thinking she figured out what was up with all the weirdness. "That's a cool Ai you've got! Does it have a projector Orb? I bet it's nice than my Ai. Stupid program kept calling my space ship a hunk of junk."Jackie grumbled.
."Hey man I'm just doing my job. I've a wife and kids, you know!" Excalimed the 'Ai'. Jackie's eyes lit up. "You figured out how to make your Ai be able to reproduce itself?! That's awesome! If I had a nicer Ai I'd need to pick up o nthat trick!"Jackie said, looking around in amazement. "Oh, and I'm surprised you're traveling with Thropnoids."Jackie said indicating the ghosts. "Y'know this planet has similar organisms the native lifeforms call 'Jellyfish'? But these 'Jellyfish' don't actually make Jelly.... and they don't have brains. So Thropnoids have that on 'em."JAckie said, placing her hands on her hips, before noticing one of the Skeletons. "OOOOOOH! You've got Necrons on your crew too?!"She gasped, not having given Throthgar a chance to respond to any of her random babblings.
."Hey man I'm just doing my job. I've a wife and kids, you know!" Excalimed the 'Ai'. Jackie's eyes lit up. "You figured out how to make your Ai be able to reproduce itself?! That's awesome! If I had a nicer Ai I'd need to pick up o nthat trick!"Jackie said, looking around in amazement. "Oh, and I'm surprised you're traveling with Thropnoids."Jackie said indicating the ghosts. "Y'know this planet has similar organisms the native lifeforms call 'Jellyfish'? But these 'Jellyfish' don't actually make Jelly.... and they don't have brains. So Thropnoids have that on 'em."JAckie said, placing her hands on her hips, before noticing one of the Skeletons. "OOOOOOH! You've got Necrons on your crew too?!"She gasped, not having given Throthgar a chance to respond to any of her random babblings.
Throthgar could do nothing but stare at Jackie with wide eyes. Somehow she managed to out-weird her."You I like, you're funny. Throthgar-chan likes funny people. Come inside, eat candies. We have many!"
The hairy maid waved goodbye at Scott as he hurriedly left."Baaaaiiii!" She chirped."Eat your fill, person who dressed up as Micheal Cera!" Afterwards she turned to the remaining folks."Are you chans ready for more candies?" She asked with glistening eyes."Follow me, desu~!"
She opened the doors that lead to the main hall. The inside of it looked amazing. Fancy lights were all over the beams of the opulent roof. A giant chandelier with gummy candles hung up high, ready to be snatched by anyone brave enough. Tables with bowls of every candy imaginable. Be it liquid, jelly, hard, sweet, sour, even candied apples were offered, all thanks to a small army of ghostly looking maids.
In the farthest corner of the room was a stage, and on it a live band played. Well, "live", they featured mainly skeletons and one very out of place looking teenager in a tenchcoat and with white hair for some reason. The band was singing "Ghostbusters" from the famous movie, but seemingly unironically.
And in the middle of it all sat a giant, eldritch flesh eating jibbering mouther feasting upon one of the maids.
"Go, chan-chans! Eat all your tummies can hold! It's a party!"
The hairy maid waved goodbye at Scott as he hurriedly left."Baaaaiiii!" She chirped."Eat your fill, person who dressed up as Micheal Cera!" Afterwards she turned to the remaining folks."Are you chans ready for more candies?" She asked with glistening eyes."Follow me, desu~!"
She opened the doors that lead to the main hall. The inside of it looked amazing. Fancy lights were all over the beams of the opulent roof. A giant chandelier with gummy candles hung up high, ready to be snatched by anyone brave enough. Tables with bowls of every candy imaginable. Be it liquid, jelly, hard, sweet, sour, even candied apples were offered, all thanks to a small army of ghostly looking maids.
In the farthest corner of the room was a stage, and on it a live band played. Well, "live", they featured mainly skeletons and one very out of place looking teenager in a tenchcoat and with white hair for some reason. The band was singing "Ghostbusters" from the famous movie, but seemingly unironically.
And in the middle of it all sat a giant, eldritch flesh eating jibbering mouther feasting upon one of the maids.
"Go, chan-chans! Eat all your tummies can hold! It's a party!"
Jackie blinked. "Is a 'Desu' a kind of animal? Cause I don't think I qualify for that.... unless that's what you guys call aliens...."Jackie questioned, before following after Throthgar. Jackie froze when she saw the Eldritch Abomination eating. "Uh... what's up with that thing?"She asked. "Isi t a failed genetics experiment or something? Or some kind of mutant?"Jackie whispered to Throthgar, not wanting to ask these questions out loud.
Spessartine must have blanked out on the setting and the fact that she was getting a lot of treats to eat. This house was definitely the best out of all the ones that she had been to that evening, hands down. Shaking her head from that realisation, however, she noticed that the host of the party seemed to be off and greeting others as well as inviting everyone who was in attendance to eating anything and everything to their hearts' content.
Approaching Throthgar and the new, dinosaur-dressed and lion-costumed individuals, Spessartine had merely waved and took up another handful of candy. Throwing them into her mouth, she began making her way over whilst munching on wrapped candies.
"Hey there! Ms. Maid, this party is pretty awesome so far. I really dig the way you have this place set up, and the fact that it's open to so many people is great. I love meeting new people!" Spessartine chirped, wiping her mouth to rid herself of any stray crumbs or bits of paper and plastic that might have stuck to her lips.
Approaching Throthgar and the new, dinosaur-dressed and lion-costumed individuals, Spessartine had merely waved and took up another handful of candy. Throwing them into her mouth, she began making her way over whilst munching on wrapped candies.
"Hey there! Ms. Maid, this party is pretty awesome so far. I really dig the way you have this place set up, and the fact that it's open to so many people is great. I love meeting new people!" Spessartine chirped, wiping her mouth to rid herself of any stray crumbs or bits of paper and plastic that might have stuck to her lips.
Throthgar made an audible sigh."Auugh, stoopid Devourer-san keeps coming in here to eat the maids. Baka never listens." She said as she floated for the horror."Go! Out! Shoo! You not wanted here!" She roared as she picked the horror up to fling out of the window
The jibbering mouther whined like a beat dog as it got flung through the house's wall. Confused about what happened, the creature shuffles away awkwardly.
"There. No more party poopers!" Throthgar spoke as she comically clapped her hands together as if wiping off some dust. She turned to Spessartine with an inquiring look, which slowly but surely turned into a huge, stupid smile."O you! You so nice! You and Throthgar-chan are tomodachi from now on!" She chirped as she went in for the bone gnashing bear hug."I'll tell new friend a secret. Don't eat the maid heads. Not tasty at all."
The jibbering mouther whined like a beat dog as it got flung through the house's wall. Confused about what happened, the creature shuffles away awkwardly.
"There. No more party poopers!" Throthgar spoke as she comically clapped her hands together as if wiping off some dust. She turned to Spessartine with an inquiring look, which slowly but surely turned into a huge, stupid smile."O you! You so nice! You and Throthgar-chan are tomodachi from now on!" She chirped as she went in for the bone gnashing bear hug."I'll tell new friend a secret. Don't eat the maid heads. Not tasty at all."
"Hohf!" Spessartine squeaked as she was pulled into the tight grasp. She still kept a smile on her face, though -- were she human, maybe this would have been unbearable. Fortunately, most gems had a better pain threshold than most.
"'T-tomodachi'..." Spessartine repeated, thinking back on some of the human languages that she had picked up on her travels. "That... that's the human Japanese word for 'friend', right? I... uh... if so, then yeah! We can be great friends, Ms. Maid!"
The second thing that Throthgar had said kind of threw Spessartine for a loop. She had never been an offworlder to go and harvest heads for eating. That in mind, the gem replied, "don't think you need to worry about that. I don't think people would be too terribly tasty -- much less a skull full of brain and bone. Honestly doesn't sound too appetising to me, Ms. Maid."
"'T-tomodachi'..." Spessartine repeated, thinking back on some of the human languages that she had picked up on her travels. "That... that's the human Japanese word for 'friend', right? I... uh... if so, then yeah! We can be great friends, Ms. Maid!"
The second thing that Throthgar had said kind of threw Spessartine for a loop. She had never been an offworlder to go and harvest heads for eating. That in mind, the gem replied, "don't think you need to worry about that. I don't think people would be too terribly tasty -- much less a skull full of brain and bone. Honestly doesn't sound too appetising to me, Ms. Maid."
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