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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: House of Mirrors

Jason and Kate lash (played anonymously)

"Oh this should be fun!" A feminine voice calls out. "Yes yes it will hehehe" a masculine voice replies." Then the sign raises

House of Mirrors:
Come find the two kittens lost in a disturbing maze

"Come on now trick or treaters! Come find us." The woman says, sitting upon the building.
Kitom (played by Kitom)

Kitom approaches as she heard voices echoing in the distance, tail wavering gently as she looks up at the risen sign.
"Ohhhh Some fun!" She giggled lightly, wings gave a little flutter as she approached, dressed as a classic red riding hood, her bright cherry red hood pulled over her head to hide half her face, short dress reached just to her thighs flutters as she sprints down a long walkway stopping just at the sign to call out "The tricks and treats!" She giggled looking for where she was to enter or whom she was supposed to pay for the attraction, it was often the haunted houses and such required payment in some way be it cash or candy. Her hands held up a rather hefty bag filled with sweets and a small pouch of money "Hellooooo~" She called once again looking around curiously.
Ai Kotori (played by Aoi_Kakeru)

"Man, this place looks creepy... im scaredddd..." Ai hid.
Scott Pilgrim (played by WonderGamer101)

Scott would just be passing by this house. He was thinking of which home to stop by next, and which candies to take all in his Cloud Strife costume. He would've ignored it, until the sign caught his eye.

Scott: Find the two kittens lost in the maze?

Scott was kind of a big fan of adventure; sure, he thought mazes were boring, but at least he could get some awesome loot! How could he say no to that? Hurriedly, he dashed towards the main entrance, but not before halting to see a scared child. He heard her say something about being scared, so Scott tried to reassure her.

Scott: Well, this IS Halloween. What were you really expecting?

He...wasn't doing so well...
Walking along and making her way along the rest of the town for the time being, Juri had taken pause at a home that had a sign in front of it. She had heard talking not too long ago from a couple of people talking about some kind of hide-and-seek game. However, it was definitely the sign that got her attention more.

"Aww... there are some lost kittens in there? Well, no pet owner should be sad on a festival day!" Juri said with conviction -- more to herself than anyone around her. Looking to the home where others had accumulated, the tiefling had given a small huff of determination before brushing some raven locks of hair from her vision.

Walking down along the path that led into the house, it seemed that the sign implied that the kittens were within the home's parameters, so that was at least good. It meant that she and the others that were helping look did not have to travel too far. Unless, of course, it is reported that the kittens slipped through a fence, or hole, or something.

Now that was a bit of a worrying thought if Juri was to help retrieve these kittens.

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