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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Dawson Guidio

Jupiter (played by CosmicCometInOrbit)

Dawson checked his back door, making sure it was locked, before setting his sword down, and picking up a book. To be honest, he was just hoping to have a quiet night. But he forgot an important detail; it was Halloween week.
Ei Ie (played by FreeJayFly)

Such an eventful night with a lot of great and interesting people thus far! Ei had been excited in her child-like form to get out and travel from door to door, receiving candies or other kinds of treats. At the moment, she had been walking a path to a new home and paused before the front door.

Smiling to herself and then straightening her witch's hat, Ei had raised her fist and gently knocked upon the door. Ei then stood there and waited, her pillowcase in tow and ready for more treats to get placed within.
Jupiter (played by CosmicCometInOrbit) Topic Starter

He heard the knock, standing up. Oh, right. It was the week. He went off to go grab his bag of candy, and walked over to the door.
David Juilard (played by Zephyrezz)

Daivd held his bright purple pumpkin in his hand, the inside of it devoid of candy. He had already managed to spill his bucket twice and have greedy kids pounce on the fallen candy. But instead of crying as most children would, David just continued on, hoping he wouldn't spill the candy again.

Walking up the drive to yet another house, David saw that he was not the only one here. Another kid dressed as a witch stood at the door, dragging a pillowcase full of treats with her. Now she is lucky. David sighed to himself, straightening the classes to his Kent Clark costume. He continued up the rest of the drive and stopped right behind the girl, looking around her at the front door.
Jupiter (played by CosmicCometInOrbit) Topic Starter

He opened the door, to see the two people. "Hello, there. I see you've come to trick or treat." His normal outfit was enough of a costume as is.
David Juilard (played by Zephyrezz)

"Trick or treat!!" David beamed, forgetting about his lack of candy quickly. The man that stood at the door had a fantastic costume on, and he looked really cool. He held out his empty bucket and waited politely.
Jupiter (played by CosmicCometInOrbit) Topic Starter

He dropped two chocolate bars into the bucket, with a nod.
Red XIII (played by Asroc)

"What a weird thing..." Nanaki muttered to himself.

He padded to the porch, holding a bucket in his mouth. Looking up at Guido, his ears flickered a bit.

"What... do they say? Trick... or.. treat..? Did I say that correctly?"
David Juilard (played by Zephyrezz)

"Thank you mister." David beamed brightly, turning around and heading back down the drive. One Candy down, a bunch to go. David walked down the street some to the next house, hoping that he wouldn't trip.
Ei Ie (played by FreeJayFly)

Ei must have spaced out for a moment -- before she knew it, there were other trick-or-treaters around, and she had been still holding out her pillowcase! Snapping out of it, the small child had looked to the others and then to Jupiter. With a sheepish giggle and a somewhat embarrassed expression, Ei had waved to the other two that showed up and then looked to the owner of the house.

"U-um... t-trick-or-treat, sir!" Ei said, attempting to use cheerfulness to hide her embarrassment.
Jupiter (played by CosmicCometInOrbit) Topic Starter

He gave the others their candy, silently. Good job, Jupiter. Being all grumpy as absolutely the way to do it.

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