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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Loki

Loki Laufeyson (played by Slendy)

There was something odd about mortal culture that the would be king still couldn't understand. One such being their odd fascination with putting up decorations that were both cute and oddly morbid at the same time on a certain day of the year. He didn't know why Tony had been so excited the two weeks leading up to this 'Hallows Eve', but none the less the God had humored him and decided to play along. His two floor town house had been decorated up in all sorts of Halloween themed adornments, fake spider webs with matching spiders, carved pumpkins (which he took great pleasure in hand carving himself by the way), some floating ghosts and a scarecrow dressed up that oddly resembled his brother, Thor.

The sun hadn't even begun to set and yet parents and children of all ages were parading about in their costumes and going door to door for candy. Smug, albeit childish at heart, the younger looking Jotunn had taken it upon himself to dress up for this occasion as well. Hilariously enough, considering who his roommate currently was of all people, he had picked Iron Man to model his costume after. Having once witnessed the Iron Avenger in all of his armored glory many years ago back on Midgard, mimicking each and every detail with some magic and illusions was hardly a chore at all.

With his helmet off and resting at his side and a massive bowl of candy in his lap, those silver hues watched in eagerness as men, women and children of all ages began to make their way up to his door. Or rather, right up to him.

Smiling wearily from where he sat he nodded his head and returned the all too familiar greeting. "Trick or Treat."
Lisska (played anonymously)

Celebrations of the Dead were not uncommon nor unknown to the pegasus, whom had both observed and partook in countless ceremonies and traditions regarding death or the ancestor's of a culture. In this particular world, October 31st was called 'Halloween' and had apparently gleamed its flamboyant manners from the Mexican 'Day of the Dead.' In modern times though, the holiday was all about dressing up in costumes varying from pretty and tame to frightening or grotesque, receiving free candy from strangers and for many adults, binge drinking all night. Amused by the pomp of it all, Lisska decided to make her own costume for the sake of joining in on the 'free candy' aspect. Because who doesnt enjoy tooth-rotting sweets handed out free?!

The blonde is absolutely unrecognizable from a first glance; she's taken to wearing a dark suit, white undershirt and a flowing black and red cape. It's a rather masculine ensemble really and it would be easy to mistake the broad-shouldered woman as a man. A hat is worn to obscure her white-blonde hair and a bone-white mask dons half of her face, which is a clear marker for what she is dressed as. The Phantom of the Opera! A red rose is tucked into the lapel of her jacket and she carries a wicker basket laden with more of the crimson blossoms, handing them out to passer-by's with nothing more than a charming smile. Many women are left blushing from the silent Phantom's passing..

Lisska, amused by her own antics, follows a train of children and their chaperons to a familiar apartment building. She waits patiently in line until reaching the doorstep where Loki, dressed as Iron Man, is handing out treats. A rose is plucked from the basket she is carrying and offered to the Trickster with a charismatic smile, electric blue eyes gleaming, the only feature that is a clear indication of who the masked Phantom is.

"A treat for the handsome Man of Iron." She hums with a wink.
Loki Laufeyson (played by Slendy) Topic Starter

Would have loved to have sat down and took notes to learn what all the hype was about but at this very moment he was too busy trying not to feel unnerved by the swarm of children standing in front of him. Without Tony here to help him he was uncertain on what to do as they stared hungrily at the bowl in his lap. Swallowing hard he lifted his hand, plucking a few pieces of candy free and almost instantly those bags and buckets were offered to him.

Oh, so that's how it works.

Chuff of laughter bubbled free, several pieces of candy taken from the bowl and dropped into the containers that each child eagerly held. Just like that they were smiling and giving him a soft chorus of Thank you's before the next batch arrived. The process repeated over and over again and yet his bowl did not seem to grow empty, a little trick of magic to make sure all of the boys and ghouls got what they so eagerly craved. Even after about the sixth group of children, the way they continued to parade down the streets, he was in for a long night ahead since the line showed no sign of stopping.

A tall, dark figure grew closer and closer, the armored prince paying little attention until it finally stood before him. " Trick or tr- " Words fell off into silence at the sudden appearance of that red rose. Wasn't he suppose to be the one giving out these treats? Brows knit in confusion and yet, he was oddly curious. Reaching up slowly he took the rose, admiring the red petals with a soft hum before tucking it away beside his helmet. " Why, thank you. " He spoke softly, gaze of molten mercury cut through the shadows and instantly fell upon those electric blue eyes.

A sense of familiarity filled him, and the moment his mind put two and two together he was beaming. " What a marvelous costume, for an equally marvelous person. " Fishing into the bottom of the bowl he pulled out two rather large sized candy bars, a little treat he had tucked away both for those that had managed to impress him, as well as to keep to himself should he get peckish later on. " Thank you for visiting, feel free to stop by or give us a call later. " Knowing wink was tossed its way to the Phantom before the line continued moving.
Cavalia (played by Kim)

Ahh, Halloween. The modern incarnation of the ancient Celt's "Samhain". And like so many modern incarnations, it had only so much in common with its ancestry. And also a time that a stocky little centaur pony could wander this world without drawing too much attention.

Oh, who are we kidding? Horse costumes don't look anything like the real thing, and could there really be such a thing as too much attention? Cavalia went gallopping down the street, fluttering black and orange silk scarves behind her, drawing many an ooh and ahh from parents and children alike. Her saddle bags were already bulging with sweets, but she wasn't nearly done for the night, oh no. Now in a new neighborhood, it was time to buckle down and try to hit as many doors as possible before the lights went out.

Trotting down the walkway, she gently guided children out of her way with an outstretched hand. "Excuse me, excuse me, coming through! Important trick or treating business!" she sang, extending a leather bag toward Loki with her other hand as she finally made it to the porch. "Trick or treat!"
Noël Noire (played by FreeJayFly)

A new neighbourhood, a new set of potential photo opportunities! Noël had been happy with how many people he had gotten to take photos of, and he had been happy with how much acclaim his own zombie outfit had gotten him. If anything, it was at least nice to know that his own FX had been well received. It was at least something to keep in mind for when he was to get back to script writing and planning out his next film.

The clacking of hooves had immediately gotten Noël's attention as he walked down along the sidewalk. Looking over, he saw a centaur running past?

Wait, that could not have been right. Centaurs did not exist outside of fairy-tail and mythos. Surely it must have been someone that had been really well educated and well equipped to make believable FX that would knock the socks off of anyone! And of course they would choose the best night to show it all off.

Picking up the pace to wherever it was the centaur was headed, Noël tightened the strap of his camera bag and followed after.

The person behind such an awesome creation had to be captured on film!

Though it seemed that the centaur had been trick or treating... now that was certainly something! Even more was the fact that there had been someone that was dressed in a very convincing Iron Man costume giving out candy for this holiday.

Man, people were just giving it their all this year!

"Uh..." Noël muttered after realising that he had been standing there silently, catching his breath. "Sorry! I just... I was stunned by how well all your costumes are! I've been aspiring to making my own films and stuff, and seeing such good FX really makes me happy! I want to say 'trick or treat', but the real treat would be getting your pictures taken, if it's not too much trouble!"

At that, Noël had retrieved the Canon camera from his bag and held it up with both hands to show them.

"I'm totally willing to send you all a copy of the images once I have them developed and uploaded! I just need some contact info if you're interested!"

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