I think it's safe to say that the majority of roleplayers have a strong interest in storytelling, but there are times where we want to bring our worlds to life without help. Sometimes it may just be to scratch a creative itch, or perhaps it's an expositional tale that fleshes out a character for later RPing.
Though the Art & Creativity board provides somewhat of a gallery for players to display their work, I don't think RPR has a defined place to house stories. Separating these concepts might help focus and encourage members who aren't sure if their work is welcome, and maybe draw more interest from other authors who want to offer critique. It's also a launching pad for future RPR writing contest events or NaNoWriMo projects.
Would the staff be willing to consider this idea? I really think it would be a valuable addition, and of minimal cost to the site.
Though the Art & Creativity board provides somewhat of a gallery for players to display their work, I don't think RPR has a defined place to house stories. Separating these concepts might help focus and encourage members who aren't sure if their work is welcome, and maybe draw more interest from other authors who want to offer critique. It's also a launching pad for future RPR writing contest events or NaNoWriMo projects.
Would the staff be willing to consider this idea? I really think it would be a valuable addition, and of minimal cost to the site.

Wouldn't a group meet those needs?
Groups are, by their very definition, exclusionary. The goal is to create a freely available and inviting space in which any member can, without previous application, be able to share their creative writing.
It's more or less the same premise as an art thread, only for a different (and arguably more relevant) medium.
It's more or less the same premise as an art thread, only for a different (and arguably more relevant) medium.
Groups van be set to accept anyone immediately with the forums visible to nonmembers, no application or waiting period required, so I don't believe they are exclusionary.
I also believe that on RPR, stories are considered an art form as well, so the Arts & Creativity forum is the appropriate place for that. If it's story/world building applicable for RPing, then the RP Discussion forum is suitable.
There's also a NaNo group on RPR already by the way.
I also believe that on RPR, stories are considered an art form as well, so the Arts & Creativity forum is the appropriate place for that. If it's story/world building applicable for RPing, then the RP Discussion forum is suitable.
There's also a NaNo group on RPR already by the way.

I could sort of see a benefit to this, but something did just cross my mind! I took a good look at the Arts & Creativity board, including its forum description:
The description does cater more to artistic creations than written ones, and on more than one occasion in the past have I had to move someone's piece of fiction over to that board because they didn't realize it was an appropriate place to put it!
So that said, if a separate board for writers isn't a wise choice, maybe the Arts & Creativity board could just become the "Creativity" board, with a more inclusive description for all walks of artistic/written/produced works? If it sees a heavy boom in activity as a result, which I doubt would be any more active than any other board on the forums, then perhaps looking back at the option of two separate areas would be a fine course of action to reconsider.
Art & Creativity wrote:
Show off your fancy schmancy character art here.
The description does cater more to artistic creations than written ones, and on more than one occasion in the past have I had to move someone's piece of fiction over to that board because they didn't realize it was an appropriate place to put it!
So that said, if a separate board for writers isn't a wise choice, maybe the Arts & Creativity board could just become the "Creativity" board, with a more inclusive description for all walks of artistic/written/produced works? If it sees a heavy boom in activity as a result, which I doubt would be any more active than any other board on the forums, then perhaps looking back at the option of two separate areas would be a fine course of action to reconsider.
Copper_Dragon wrote:
Art & Creativity wrote:
Show off your fancy schmancy character art here.
The description does cater more to artistic creations than written ones, and on more than one occasion in the past have I had to move someone's piece of fiction over to that board because they didn't realize it was an appropriate place to put it!
The title seems fine to me, but the description could use an update! Plenty of folks have posted poetry and stories there before by their own accord.

I for one never thought to post threads about fiction anywhere but the A&C board, and I'll be posting my novel there when it's done for sure. I've seen other folk do the same--those threads still absolutely got attention too! But the description could use some spitshine!

I agree with both of you, hence why I brought up the suggestion to update the description!

We could absolutely update the board's description. I think it's still the same sentence I slapped on it five years ago, the day the forums opened! I have always viewed the Art & Creativity board as the place to house writing -- I do occasionally see prose and poetry posted there, and it's always refreshing.
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