Fulbright was at his house dressed as Superman. "This is where I can dress as JUSTICE!" He said with excitement. There was a bowl of small candy
It had been time to visit yet -- you guessed it! -- another house! The evening had been eventful, and there were lots of humans (and otherwise!) that had been dressed up and ready to celebrate the evening with friends or even strangers. Spessartine had definitely been enjoying herself going door to door and meeting new individuals that were having as much fun as she was, and sometimes having more fun than she had been experiencing.
Knock, knock!
Spessartine had knocked on the new door, a grin upon her face as she anticipated when to say those three magical holiday words: Trick or treat!
Knock, knock!
Spessartine had knocked on the new door, a grin upon her face as she anticipated when to say those three magical holiday words: Trick or treat!
"Happy Halloween and IN JUSTICE WE TRUST!" Fulbright shouted flashing his badge. He gave Spessartine a handful of candy. "If there is any suspicious activity going on, I'll pursue it with justice" Fulbright laughed in a mighty tone
A woman's voice rang out, low and mature, and remarkably severe for such a festive occasion. "Did someone say justice?"
Around the corner came a sharp-featured woman in a space suit. Her movements are deliberate, slow, and slightly unwieldy as she navigates in the getup meant for a more gravity-free environment. It doesn't look like a cheap costume, either. It looks like something from right out of the Smithsonian, complete with an Apollo mission patch. She carries the helmet under her arm. In the other hand, she holds a bright white canvas bag with the word "Boo!" stenciled on it.
Around the corner came a sharp-featured woman in a space suit. Her movements are deliberate, slow, and slightly unwieldy as she navigates in the getup meant for a more gravity-free environment. It doesn't look like a cheap costume, either. It looks like something from right out of the Smithsonian, complete with an Apollo mission patch. She carries the helmet under her arm. In the other hand, she holds a bright white canvas bag with the word "Boo!" stenciled on it.
"Why hello there!" Fulbright shouted. "I like your costume" he smiled giving Irene Hatfield a handful of candy. "I did say JUSTICE " he flashed his badge
Fuzzy wolf ears twitched on the bruiser's head. Dressed as a werewolf, which only consited of a pair of ears, a tail and paw gloves and boots on his feet, Akira gave a light snicker.
Poking his collar, which had a fish shapped tag on it, he surveyed his surroundings.
Maybe he could scare some people who were hunting treats. Even better, frighten people who were giving treats. Darting around some trees, he made his way to a house. This looked like a good place scare up some treats.
Giving a well placed knock on the door, Akira waited in the bushes.
Poking his collar, which had a fish shapped tag on it, he surveyed his surroundings.
Maybe he could scare some people who were hunting treats. Even better, frighten people who were giving treats. Darting around some trees, he made his way to a house. This looked like a good place scare up some treats.
Giving a well placed knock on the door, Akira waited in the bushes.
Spessartine let out a small giggle at the announcement that Bobby gave. She turned her head to see more people coming along, and since the scene did not seem like it was a party, Spessartine had started to go back down the stairs now that she had gotten what she came for. Waving to the others and then looking back to Bobby, Spessartine had said, "have a good rest of the Halloween!"
Hopping off the steps, Spessartine started her way to the next house with a wide smile on her face.
Hopping off the steps, Spessartine started her way to the next house with a wide smile on her face.
Irene accepts the handful of candies into her bag, peering down at them with what could only be described as a scowl of curiosity. It doesn't look like her face has much practice with smiling.
"Thank you. I approve of justice. It's an unusual sentiment for this time of year. More citizens should be concerned with it, year round," she replies with a smart nod. "I bid you a happy halloween. Thank you for promoting wholesome American values."
Serious much? She casts a disapproving eye at the others starting to approach the door, and thumps away.
"Thank you. I approve of justice. It's an unusual sentiment for this time of year. More citizens should be concerned with it, year round," she replies with a smart nod. "I bid you a happy halloween. Thank you for promoting wholesome American values."
Serious much? She casts a disapproving eye at the others starting to approach the door, and thumps away.
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