The little robot was standing outside with a bowl of candy near him. He was dressed as a pirate with a eye-patch covering his right eye and his pirate hat covering his red hat. Cube began to beep happily as he was waiting for a few people to get some candy.
KAFOOM! A huge mushroom cloud of grey-green smoke erupts from the center of the porch. It smells of must and rot and seems to cling to fabric as it dissipates, but dissipate it does -- and left behind is a truly enormous garden snail. It stares at Cube with wide, wet eyes, and looks utterly perplexed.
Cube began to beep as he spins around happily. Without further ado, he began to hand the snail some pieces of candy with his robotic hands from his right hand wing to the his bag. "Beep!" The little robot said happily as he began to smile a little bit.
Padding along in his werewolf get up, Akira padded over to his pirate motif wearing friend. Or rather well, walking behind him more so. Snickering a bit in a playful manner, Akira tapped Cube on the back of his metal body.
Seeing that food was being offered, the snail leaned forward and felt Cube's palm and the candies with the short, stubby "tentacles" on its nose, getting a considerable amount of slime on both objects. Satisfied that the items are neither sharp nor salty, it pushes its snout into his hand and gathers up the treats in its mouth.
It chews with a slow, exaggerated movement, staring at Cube. "What are you?"
It chews with a slow, exaggerated movement, staring at Cube. "What are you?"
He looked at him as he began to smile softly as he turned around happily as he beeps while he looked at Akira, his older friend that he met during the fight against Odio. Cube somehow hands the candies to him as he smiled as he hops happily as he beeps. "I'm a robot." He replied to the snail.
Taking his sweets, Akira gave a rather happy smile.
"I was hopin' to give ya a scare, 'Cap'n Cube'. He said. However, his eyes averted over to the large snail. He was rather confused.
"I was hopin' to give ya a scare, 'Cap'n Cube'. He said. However, his eyes averted over to the large snail. He was rather confused.
Cube began to smile softly as he also began to beep just a bit. He looked at the snail as he began to notice that he has never seen that creature before.
"What's a robot?" asks the snail. It almost seems to speak in slow motion, most of its brain power currently devoted to slowly chewing up the candy.
Seeing the person in a werewolf costume approach them, it swivels one eye stalk to watch the newcomer, while the other remains looking at Cube.
Seeing the person in a werewolf costume approach them, it swivels one eye stalk to watch the newcomer, while the other remains looking at Cube.
"A mechanical figure that has skills like walking, fixing, and many more." He said to the snail as he smiled. Cube began to notice the snail moving it's eyes to Akira's werewolf costume as the little robot beeps softly.
"Ah," says the snail, though it's difficult to tell if it really understood any of that at all. "I'm a snail. I have skills like eating and... hiding?"
Adventuring rather close by to where she had been waiting for her significant other, Sylsalis had taken the time to wander about and getting some items from those that were giving them out. There was a sense of wonderment to her gaze as she walked over to where a small baseball looking thing was as well as a snail and... an Anaeum?
Sylsalis awkwardly stood there for a moment before she rose her hand and gave a gentle wave for a greeting.
"Good evening! I take it that you are all here for the holiday?" Sylsalis asked. She had not been too familiar with Halloween -- all she knew was that humans were hyped about it annually. This was the first time she had away from her military post to actually enjoy time with her should-be date that happened to have been late.
Sylsalis awkwardly stood there for a moment before she rose her hand and gave a gentle wave for a greeting.
"Good evening! I take it that you are all here for the holiday?" Sylsalis asked. She had not been too familiar with Halloween -- all she knew was that humans were hyped about it annually. This was the first time she had away from her military post to actually enjoy time with her should-be date that happened to have been late.
Cube began to beep happily as he looked at Slysalis with his red glasses. Without further ado, he began to give her a few pieces of candy with his right robotic hand as he beeps while he spins around. "Yes, I am giving out candy to everyone." He said as he began to let out a normal expression onto his face.
The snail's eyestalks turn to stare at the newcomer, blinking slowly. "He-... hell- hellooooCHOO!"
It sneezes so hard that its head flies backwards and slams into its own shell with a wet whump, temporarily flattening the back of its head. In the same instant, it is engulfed in another mushroom cloud of grey-green smoke. When the smoke clears, the snail is gone, but the slime trail remains.
It sneezes so hard that its head flies backwards and slams into its own shell with a wet whump, temporarily flattening the back of its head. In the same instant, it is engulfed in another mushroom cloud of grey-green smoke. When the smoke clears, the snail is gone, but the slime trail remains.
"Oh! I see... candy seems to be the theme of this holiday it see-- hello?" Sylsalis had started to say before noticing the snail sneeze itself elsewhere. For a moment, the Merr had stared at the puff of green smoke before she turned back to the little robot that offered candies.
"Erm... was that... perchance an... effect of yours?" Sylsalis asked after a moment or two of silence.
"Erm... was that... perchance an... effect of yours?" Sylsalis asked after a moment or two of silence.
"No." He said to her as he began to shake his head. "I didn't do it." Cube said as he began to look at her. He began to think that if the snail was all fine or not since he sneezed.
"Oh..." Sylsalis uttered rather flatly. She had not been too sure how to react to anything, but she did know that the snail had been for certain saying something before it sneezed itself out of the way. Stepping over to where it might have landed, the Merr woman had knelt down and looked about before giving up after several moments.
"Uh... whatever it was, it doesn't seem to be in the area any more. Weird..." Sylsalis said after getting back up onto her feet.
"I hope it's fine, whatever it was..." Sylsalis turned back to Cube. "Anyways... you're here for the holiday, so I guess, erm... humans toss around the phrase 'trick or treat', is that right? I don't particularly like candy much myself, but I think my fiancé would enjoy them."
"Uh... whatever it was, it doesn't seem to be in the area any more. Weird..." Sylsalis said after getting back up onto her feet.
"I hope it's fine, whatever it was..." Sylsalis turned back to Cube. "Anyways... you're here for the holiday, so I guess, erm... humans toss around the phrase 'trick or treat', is that right? I don't particularly like candy much myself, but I think my fiancé would enjoy them."
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