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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: The crew

For most places are dressed up and made fancy by their residents for the Hallow's eve, there are some that don't feel the need to decorate their yards and houses. Some are just too lazy, some don't feel the need for it. One or two might also feel a tad bit too intimidated enough by their neighbours... There aren't many uniqly decorated houses here...

Your eye travels through the decorated houses, you might want to go asking for some candy on those ones, they seem like they'd have some sweets to share

Still one of the less decorated houses catches your eyes. What is it about that house that you feel an urge to go check it out? It seems like an ordinary two house building, just a bit larger looking. The yard is nice and tidy, there isn't much there to accompany the nicely cut grass but a few skillfully cut Jack-o-lanterns and a few electrically lit regular lanterns - probably incase it winds and the pumpkins go out.
There is a signboard, addverticing that there is indeed some sweets inside, no matter the 'lame' decoration. The writer also appologizes for the lack of lights inside the house, apparently there had been sone sort of accident a few days ago or such.

Well, might aswell. Seems like this trip would be easy And who says no to easy candy?!

As you make your way to the house, you're greeted by a samoyed dog right by the door. It has a collar so ou know it's not a stray dog and you can see that the dog is named Sammy. The dog wags its tail at you, it seems like a warm hearted pet. And oh look, it brought you a flashlight, how convinient~

Well, step in, try your luck~

~ So, here's how it works ~

First of all, before you write much, roll 2 dies (one with 2 sides and another with 10). If you need help with the dice usage, feel free to PM me~
You can edit your message afterwards according the result

The dice with 2 sides will tell you if:
1 - You take the flashlight and get in
2 - The dog plays a trick on you and runs away before you can get a hold of the flashlight it has (it'll bite you if you try grabbing one of the lanterns)

The dice with 10 sides:
1 or 10 - You'll stumble upon Sergei, he'll throw you out
2,3,8,9 - You'll be found by Dim. The Russian will chace you out but you can try again [Oh, By the way, due to the lack of claws and overly sharp teeth: He has a knife, so you should run] Quick! Rush for the candy while he's distracted!
4,5,6,7 - You'll find your way to where the sweets are~ Here you'll meet Christofer

~ Good luck ~
Azazel readjusted her helmet, starting up the path toward the house. She crouched as the dog got nearer, petting its read, but frowned as it ran away. "Oh, that's cool." She said dryly. "You know, I'll just use these night vision goggles."

She scowled, starting into the dimly lit house. "This all screams imminent death-" she said, turning a corner...

To be accosted by a man with a knife. "A PLAGUE ON YOUR BLOOD!" She shrieked, turning and running out of the house to the edge of the sidewalk.

rolled 1d2 and got 2

rolled 1d10 and got 3

(AH. I should play dice for a LIVING)

She squared her shoulders, huffing angrily. "I ran... from a human..." she spat.

She started toward the house again, the dog prancing up to her again. She crossed her arms. "Here to betray me again?" She asked, crouching to take the flashlight. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, and the dog ran again. "DISHONOR ON YOUR PUPS AND MATE, YOU MUTT!" she hissed, turning to walk inside.

As she entered, she screamed again, no words even discernible. She lost all memory of her anger, fleeing the house again.

rolled 1d2 and got 2

rolled 1d10 and got 3

Mad Ranger - CL (played by FALLEN_)

Taking my rolls, 'gonna edit it later.

rolled 1d2 and got 2

rolled 10d6 and got 42

Mad Ranger - CL (played by FALLEN_)

Whoops, nevermind the second roll of my first post. >_>

rolled 1d10 and got 10

Dmitri Novikov (played by Reima) Topic Starter

[ It seems like Sammy is being a nuisance~ Well, the dog only likes Toffi for the most part ]

Dim wasn't all that exited of regular Halloween. Sure spooky things would be cool and all, but he did not like being pranked yet people seemed to love doing that, it was because of the blind eye, wasn't it.

Christofer and Sergei didn't want him running around pranking others (his 'pranks' were a bit too much on the brutal side), so they had told him to 'guard the house'. At first he wasn't too exited, but managing to sneak a knife in was all he needed
The man grinned, having managed to scare two people already~ Or was it just the same person? Anyway, he had done a good job
Dmitri Novikov (played by Reima) Topic Starter

Azazel Rutela Black wrote:
(AH. I should play dice for a LIVING)

She squared her shoulders, huffing angrily. "I ran... from a human..." she spat.

She started toward the house again, the dog prancing up to her again. She crossed her arms. "Here to betray me again?" She asked, crouching to take the flashlight. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, and the dog ran again. "DISHONOR ON YOUR PUPS AND MATE, YOU MUTT!" she hissed, turning to walk inside.

As she entered, she screamed again, no words even discernible. She lost all memory of her anger, fleeing the house again.

On your way from away the house, you see another sign: "Thank you for trying. Here, have a cookie" And indeed, there was a tin can ful of freshly baked cookies, still warm and everything
Zack (played by DetectiveZack)

Zack walked up to the house and saw a dog. Zack reached for the flashlight and got his grip on it. Zack then proceeded to the house.

'I feel like a security guard with this flashlight.' He thought to himself. Usually he carries a small one for investigating. He then saw a figure of a man with a knife. The man then chased Zack

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Zack shouted. As he ran to the streets. "Wow maybe the station should do something like that if they did a haunted trail. " Zack chuckled feeling his heart beat.

rolled 1d2 and got 1

rolled 1d10 and got 9

Dmitri Novikov (played by Reima) Topic Starter

Dim had managed to scare off another person. He'd grin, proud of himself.

Christofer was a bit unsure of the evening. Was anyone going to make it? Sergei had thrown a suspicious masked man out earlier and Dim kept on chasing everyone out.

The German sighed "I don't know if the knife is a good idea anymore..."
"What do you mean?? It's the best thing around~!"
Dmitri would defend the 'tool of murder'
Sergei on the other hand would not care
David Juilard (played by Zephyrezz)

David wandered up to the front step, adjusting the fake glasses he wore atop his nose. He was dressed as Kent Clark, the shirt open over the superman S. In his hand he held a purple pumpkin with very little sweets in it, for most of the houses had been too scary to go into.

Upon seeing the dog greet him a the door, David smiled in relief and decided this might not be that bad. He saw the flashlight in the dogs mouth and reached to grab it, the dog darting between his legs at the last second. "Stupid dog." He mumbled under his breath, not at all meaning it. Taking a huge breath, David entered the dimly lit house.

He was scared for sure, but it was the thought of candy that pushed him forward. Eventually he came to what he presumed was the back of the house and saw a bucket of candy on a low table. Beaming, David grabbed a piece.

rolled 1d2 and got 2

rolled 1d10 and got 4

Christofer 'Toffi' Markov (played by Reima) Topic Starter

Seeing that at least one person had made it through the house, Christofer smiled at the boy.

"Looks like you made it~ Take as much as you want" He'd kneel down a bit to get a bit better look at the boy "You like Superman? Is he like an idol to you?" He hoped to not be scaring the boy, so he tried talking in a soft nice tune. Really, they should have remembered that kids are the most common Trick or Treaters. It might not be all that fair to have someone running around with a knife - let alone a trained killer at that.
Scott Pilgrim (played by WonderGamer101)

Scott, wearing his Cloud Strife costume, happened to be staring at this house. It interested him, seeing how everything is so spooky and dark. He then came across a dog.

Scott: Hey there, buddy...

He felt the need to pet it, and inspected its collar.

Scott: Sammy, huh...? Sounds familiar.

Noticing that Sammy had a flashlight, Scott thought that he might need it.
The dog complied with Scott's needs, as it gave the flashlight. Soon after, Sammy left him alone...

Flashlight obtained!

Scott then turned on his flashlight and entered the mansion. Looking around, the home seemed...barren. As if, no one lived here. Distracted, he bumped into...something. Feeling a bit scared at what it was, he tried to flash his light on it.

Scott: (nervously) W-Who's there?!

rolled 1d2 and got 1

rolled 1d10 and got 10

Scylla Imbrie (played anonymously)

"Thanks, nice doggy," the fish woman said, patting the dog on the head with one hand and holding the dog-slimed flashlight between thumb and forefinger of the other hand. At a distance.

Still, with a little bit of reluctant fumbling, she managed to turn the light on and go thumping into the house. Up this hall, down the other, where was that damn candy?

And that's when the crazy russian with a knife jumped out at her. "AHHH!" she hollered, and her fan-bladed tail snapped up between her and the assailant. "BACK OFF BUDDY! I'VE GOT MORE KNIVES THAN YOU! Now, WHERE'S THE CANDY?"

rolled 1d2 and got 1
rolling to see if I get a light...

rolled 1d10 and got 3
rolling to see if I get a treat...

Sergei Sila Volkov (played by Reima) Topic Starter

It wouldn't really take long for Scott to run into the tall Serbo-Russian. More likely than not, he had wandered into some room where he was not supposed to be (a private room most likely, perhaps you interrupted his tea time).

"Little kids like you should most likely not wander around aimlessly" he'd say as he got up, putting down whatever was in his hands and got over to Scott. "And no excuses on being older. If you are, then you are under the effect of too much alcohol and should probably go home"

Indeed Sergei would not hear or listen to any complaints as he guided (/forcefully took) Scott back to the opening and ordered them to leave. Well, that was a short run. Still, there would be some fresh cookies if he wished to take something with him
Dmitri Novikov (played by Reima) Topic Starter

Dim would smirk at the fish woman, not intimidated by them partly screaming at him

"Treaten me all you want, but for a trained person like me it only takes one knife against the how many ever you've got~" He'd then take his knife and hold it like the woman was holding her flashlight (before they'd drop it at least) "Bad 'kids' don't get candy~"

No matter, Scylla would somehow get away from the other pale being.
"Too bad." Dim would sigh. "Well, maybe they'll come back 'for dinner'~" he'd joke to himself, thinking that he was being sooo funny
Scott Pilgrim (played by WonderGamer101)

After Scott was thrown out, he felt...hurt. He felt incredibly insulted by Sergei's comment. Who cares if he's too old to trick-or-treat?! Angrily, he grabbed one of the cookies and chucked it at the home, hurling another one of his pathetic comebacks.

Scott: Well, you're a...! Insult...!

Hearing a slight "THWACK" emanating from the house, Scott flinched, and grabbed another of the freshly baked cookies. He sighed, and walked to his next destination. Maybe he won't meet any other jerks in the next home.
Richard Litzkiel (played by Septima-Kroi)

After he had scared off a few trick-or-treaters from his own house, Richard's brother had sent him off on his own candy crusade. Despite his protests - for he believed he was much to old for trick-or-treating - Elijah had practically chased him out of the house, though not before making sure he was properly dressed for the holiday. So, here he was, dressed as the prince from Disney's Sleeping Beauty, thanks to the apparent theme this year. Regardless, Richard made a personal policy to only stop by the houses that seemed interesting or just out of the ordinary. He supposed this house fit the bill all right. The dog was a nice touch.

"Hey, dog," he said, ruffling the fur on the top of its head. He carefully reached for the flashlight, though he was wary. He knew of some dogs that had been trained to play Keep Away. The boy relaxed when the light was in his hand, and he flicked it on, ignoring the obvious dog slobber. "Good dog," he praised absently, shining the beam at the door. To hell with the childhood rule of never going in a stranger's house. Still, to be appropriately courteous (his brother would kill him otherwise), he knocked on the door.

Not bothering to wait for any answer, Richard stepped inside. He muttered a quick, "Stay, dog," just before he stepped further inside. With only the illumination of the flashlight to guide him, he wandered blindly inside for a while. Occasionally, he would sweep the light around, expecting someone to jump out at him. Not that he was scared - it took quite a bit to scare him out of his obvious boredom. He also looked for some sort of clue, but he saw no indication that it was a maze, per say. Just as he was thinking about turning back, he came across a room with a candy bowl. His eyebrows went up. "Well that was pretty uneventful..."

rolled 1d2 and got 1
"Stay dog!"

rolled 1d10 and got 4
"Which way...?"

Christofer 'Toffi' Markov (played by Reima) Topic Starter

Taking his time, waiting for people to stumble by, Christofer would take note on some steps echoing from the hallway. To be honest, he wasn't a fan of being forced to stay in one Place and just 'wait' for something to happen. Sure it was nothing much, but what if some very mean person would get to him? Like, if someone really just wanted to play nasty nasty tricks on him... There were others that he knew in the house to make the German feel a bit more safe but there was still a slight feel of insecurity always when he'd hear footsteps approaching.

And indeed there would be someone lucky enough to make it to the finish, although they didn't seem too amazed by it. Christofer would tilt his head a bit, looking at the somewhat red haired person
"You seem rather, troubled..?"
Frisk (played by WonderGamer101)

As Frisk passed by an upset man, the child continued on the quest for as much candy as possible. The young human happened to stop by this home. Excited and determined to find more candy, Frisk entered the home without any hesitation.

After entering, a dog ran up to Frisk, licking the child in its slobber. Frisk laughed, it's been quite a while since there were any dogs that were encountered.

[*] Check
[*] Play
[*] <3 Pet
[*] Call

Frisk pet the puppy, noticing that it had a flashlight. After trying to reach for it, the dog ran away, never to be seen again. The child was a bit saddened by its departure, and scared that this adventure would continue, only in complete darkness. Frisk began to see things; the friends met dying, the different monsters cowering in fear, and another child similar to Frisk staring right at the human. This child was wearing a green shirt with yellow stripes and had rosy cheeks, open eyes, and a wide smile. This made Frisk feel uneasy, as the other child wielded a knife. Just then, it spoke to Frisk.

* Your SOUL is mine...

The other child leapt at Frisk with the knife. Frisk filched for a moment, almost to the point of crying for help. Frisk's eyes were completely shut, but were slowly opening. Looking around, the human must've thought that the other "child" was just an illusion... The quest continued.

All of a sudden, Frisk stopped in the middle of the path, seeing a shadow in the distance. Thinking it was friendly, the human, tried to approach the figure; until something in the shape of a knife could be seen. Frisk froze, completely afraid for what was going to happen next.

rolled 1d2 and got 2

rolled 1d10 and got 9

Dmitri Novikov (played by Reima) Topic Starter


The child was certainly something... Special. Dim wouldn't normaly care one bit of someone's age or anything - teen, kid, senior - they were all same to him. To be honest, he didn't feel any different at all upon noticing the stripe shirted kid wandering on the hallway, but there was still something about them that felt different. The albno would feel... Intimidated... But why? The other one was just a mere child. Hmh..! Surely he'd treat them just like any other person he caught entering the house

He couldn't really fully get himself to it though. Some gut instinct told him to not mess around with the kid... He wasn't a big person for families, having little to no experience on one himself and most of that was bad anyway, yet he still felth that maybe he shouldn't really try harming them or attempt on cutting them down with the knife

"Mmmm... Hey kid.." he'd start "I think your mother might want you home. It's a bit late for you to wander around some strangers' houses"
He'd keep his distance, not taking any risks juuuuuuust incase

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