A cold breeze can be felt blowing in from the waterfront- not unusual, especially at this time of year. Up ahead, you can see The Longtail Tavern, a small two story building nestled in amongst many similar stone and wood structures here along the docks. It has been closed for several months while its owner, Reman Longtail, has been busy elsewhere, but recently he has returned to reopen the place. And tonight, the building's first floor is ablaze with lights, smoke pours out of the chimney, and a pair of jack-o-lanterns have been set right outside the doorway.
Inside, the atmosphere is quite festive. The cushions by the bar have all been covered with orange and black fabrics, and the bar itself is decorated with skulls, candles, and another jack-o-lantern at each end. Off to one corner of the room, the fireplace is burning brightly, helping to keep out the cold air from outside, and at the opposite corner is a staircase, presumably leading to Reman's private quarters on the upper floor.
Reman himself is quietly seated behind the bar, dressed up as the Egyptian god Anubis, guardian of the dead. An appropriate choice for Halloween, but it's one the canine is already starting to regret, as it is going to take days to get all of this black dye out of his fur. Still, he figures it should be worth it, just for this one night.
Tonight, the tavern is open to all, and there will be plenty of treats to be had, and possibly even a couple tricks, too. Plus, there's free drinks for everyone who stops by. For now, though, Reman quietly watches the front door, waiting for the first guests to arrive this evening.
Do you dare to pay his tavern a visit tonight?
Inside, the atmosphere is quite festive. The cushions by the bar have all been covered with orange and black fabrics, and the bar itself is decorated with skulls, candles, and another jack-o-lantern at each end. Off to one corner of the room, the fireplace is burning brightly, helping to keep out the cold air from outside, and at the opposite corner is a staircase, presumably leading to Reman's private quarters on the upper floor.
Reman himself is quietly seated behind the bar, dressed up as the Egyptian god Anubis, guardian of the dead. An appropriate choice for Halloween, but it's one the canine is already starting to regret, as it is going to take days to get all of this black dye out of his fur. Still, he figures it should be worth it, just for this one night.
Tonight, the tavern is open to all, and there will be plenty of treats to be had, and possibly even a couple tricks, too. Plus, there's free drinks for everyone who stops by. For now, though, Reman quietly watches the front door, waiting for the first guests to arrive this evening.
Do you dare to pay his tavern a visit tonight?
Scylla whipped her head back and forth to get the water out of her hair as her head broke water. It had been a long time since she'd been on land, but she always enjoyed a good harvest festival. Still... she'd need a little liquid courage before trying to go further inland. Good thing she could see lights on in a near by tavern.
She left puddles of water behind her as she thumped down the street, her webbed feet fwapping against the cobble stones. She'd make a sad attempt to wring the water out of her fish-scale tunic before pushing the door opening and slipping inside, but she still looked rather like a drowning victim by the time she collapsed into a bar stool.
"What's on tap tonight, Mr., uh... Anubis?"
She left puddles of water behind her as she thumped down the street, her webbed feet fwapping against the cobble stones. She'd make a sad attempt to wring the water out of her fish-scale tunic before pushing the door opening and slipping inside, but she still looked rather like a drowning victim by the time she collapsed into a bar stool.
"What's on tap tonight, Mr., uh... Anubis?"
Reman's eyes slowly opened as someone finally stepped through the doorway of the tavern and set themselves down on one of the barstools. He was a little concerned about the newcomer's appearance, though. Even though Scylla had dried herself off somewhat, she still looked like she'd just been soaked.
"Well, I've got some freshly brewed pumpkin ale, just the thing for this Halloween night," the canine said, cracking a smile. "But if that doesn't strike your fancy, I've got plenty of other choices available. Beer, ale, cider- you name it, I've probably got it. So, what'll it be?"
"Well, I've got some freshly brewed pumpkin ale, just the thing for this Halloween night," the canine said, cracking a smile. "But if that doesn't strike your fancy, I've got plenty of other choices available. Beer, ale, cider- you name it, I've probably got it. So, what'll it be?"
Scylla wrinkled her nose, perplexed. "You said pumpkin ale? That's a thing now? Yeah, sure, give me some of that. Anything once, right?"
She began to pat down her clothes, looking for something that would serve as payment. "Hey, do you accept pearls? Maybe mother of pearl? Very high quality, mostly flawless stuff."
She began to pat down her clothes, looking for something that would serve as payment. "Hey, do you accept pearls? Maybe mother of pearl? Very high quality, mostly flawless stuff."
Reman shrugged. "I got it from a nearby brewer, he says it's a new thing," he replied. "I'm not sure how successful it's going to be, but I suppose it's worth a try, right?"
He got up from his seat and went to fetch a mug, which he quickly filled with ale before handing it to Scylla.
"Don't worry about it," he added, when Scylla asked about payment. "The first drink tonight is free. Anything more than that and I'll have to charge you, of course. I... usually only accept payment in coin, but maybe for you I can make an exception."
He got up from his seat and went to fetch a mug, which he quickly filled with ale before handing it to Scylla.
"Don't worry about it," he added, when Scylla asked about payment. "The first drink tonight is free. Anything more than that and I'll have to charge you, of course. I... usually only accept payment in coin, but maybe for you I can make an exception."
Scylla cackled, reaching for the mug. "First one's free? What's the occasion? Is this a grand opening? You tryin' to get me hooked?"
Taking a large swig of ale, her eyes practically bulged. "You ARE trying to get me hooked! Who thought of this? Are you the ale genius? Ale artist? House ale artist?"
Taking a large swig of ale, her eyes practically bulged. "You ARE trying to get me hooked! Who thought of this? Are you the ale genius? Ale artist? House ale artist?"
Reman chuckled. "More like a grand re-opening," he said to Scylla. "I've been away for a while, and I'm hoping this Halloween event will help the tavern get back into business again.
"I'm no brewer, unfortunately," the canine added, leaning back in his seat again. "I'm just the middle-man here. I see you like this ale, then?"
"I'm no brewer, unfortunately," the canine added, leaning back in his seat again. "I'm just the middle-man here. I see you like this ale, then?"
Scylla half turned in her chair to frown at the festive, yet empty, tavern. "Well, that's smart business, at any rate. Good middle manning. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the rest of the business is going so great. What can I do to help you get the party started?"
Reman shrugged. "Well, I'd appreciate it if you were to stay in here for a bit," he said. "Maybe just seeing someone in here will entice other people to come and join in the fun. But if you've got other places to be, well then don't let me keep you. The night is still young, after all, and there's sure to be plenty to do before Halloween is over.
"I don't think I caught your name, by the way?"
"I don't think I caught your name, by the way?"
Scylla laughed, sticking her hand out for Remand to shake. "You've got a deal, but only if you'll take my currency for the night. Otherwise, I'm going to have to go elsewhere to pawn them, and there's no knowing how long that'll take at this hour." Taking another swig of ale, she paused to savor it before answering. "They call me Scylla. What do I call you?"
Reman shook Scylla's hand. "Deal," he replied, before sitting back down again. "I'm sure your currency will work just fine tonight."
"My name's Reman Longtail," the canine added. "Pleased to meet you, Scylla."
"My name's Reman Longtail," the canine added. "Pleased to meet you, Scylla."
"Pleased to meet you, Reman. Now, I hate to drink alone. Do I need to buy you a drink, or are you going to pour one for yourself?"
Reman chuckled. "No need for that," he said, getting up from his seat to fetch himself a mug of hard cider. As he returned with his drink, he cast another glance towards the windows. Despite all the festive decorations he had put up, it seemed that his tavern wasn't getting much attention tonight, which was a little disappointing.
He sat back down across from Scylla and raised his glass in a toast. "Well, happy Halloween," he said, smiling.
He sat back down across from Scylla and raised his glass in a toast. "Well, happy Halloween," he said, smiling.
Scylla watches Reman approvingly as he sets himself up to drink with her, and immediately raises her glass to join his toast. "To a night of warm companionship, despite the fall weather. Happy halloween to us both."
Ferric had been bushed from a lot of the festivities that evening. He had made away with a decent enough haul in terms of sweets. Sure, if he were younger and celebrating, he would scoff at what he had now. There were only three or four decently sized candy bars, but being at his age and in his line of work, there were far more important things to keep his mind on rather than dwell on petty desires.
Seeing a tavern in the distance, the elven man had given a slight laugh to himself. It seemed fitting to end the night on a few pints of ale or spirits, really. That in mind, he made his way toward the building, his fingers resting upon the small pouch fastened at his side.
"Good evening," Ferric greeted as he pushed open the doors and walked in. The tavern seemed relatively empty save for two faces at current. One person looked as if they had been drying off from a swim, and the other person looked as if they were an Mueme of some kind... or at least that was the term used back where Ferric came from to reference the intelligent race of animal persons.
Walking forward, Ferric had decided to take a seat on one of the barstools at the counter.
"It'd be nice to have an apple cider to end this evening, kind sir!" Ferric said, addressing Reman with a smile. He had taken some gold and silver coins from his pouch, placing two gold and three silver down. Perhaps a bit much given what he was ordering, though Ferric was a relatively generous soul depending on where he was and how he felt about his surroundings.
Seeing a tavern in the distance, the elven man had given a slight laugh to himself. It seemed fitting to end the night on a few pints of ale or spirits, really. That in mind, he made his way toward the building, his fingers resting upon the small pouch fastened at his side.
"Good evening," Ferric greeted as he pushed open the doors and walked in. The tavern seemed relatively empty save for two faces at current. One person looked as if they had been drying off from a swim, and the other person looked as if they were an Mueme of some kind... or at least that was the term used back where Ferric came from to reference the intelligent race of animal persons.
Walking forward, Ferric had decided to take a seat on one of the barstools at the counter.
"It'd be nice to have an apple cider to end this evening, kind sir!" Ferric said, addressing Reman with a smile. He had taken some gold and silver coins from his pouch, placing two gold and three silver down. Perhaps a bit much given what he was ordering, though Ferric was a relatively generous soul depending on where he was and how he felt about his surroundings.
Reman was halfway through a sip of his ale when he heard the doors swing open. He looked past Scylla to see an elven man entering the tavern. The canine cracked a smile, always happy to see a new guest arrive.
"Apple cider, you say? Coming right up," Reman said, rising to his feet to fetch a mug of hard cider for Ferric.
"Here you go. You look like you've been busy. Have you been enjoying the festivities tonight?"
"Apple cider, you say? Coming right up," Reman said, rising to his feet to fetch a mug of hard cider for Ferric.
"Here you go. You look like you've been busy. Have you been enjoying the festivities tonight?"
Smiling a bit more and offering a warm look, Ferric had chuckled softly. Inhaling and taking in the scent of the cider before him, it took a moment before the elven man started to speak: "ah... yeah. Went to a small party with friends, and then went out to enjoy going door to door with some last minute festivity events."
Looking back to the cider, Ferric had left the pieces of gold and silver on the counter and said "thank you" to the man that had serviced him.
"And how have the two of you been enjoying the evening? Well, I hope?"
Looking back to the cider, Ferric had left the pieces of gold and silver on the counter and said "thank you" to the man that had serviced him.
"And how have the two of you been enjoying the evening? Well, I hope?"
Reman took the appropriate coins from Ferric, before handing the change back to the elf.
"Well enough," he replied. "It's been quiet here tonight, which has been a little disappointing. Even so, I'm still happy to have some company this Halloween night.
"My name's Reman Longtail, by the way. I own and run this tavern. What's your name?"
"Well enough," he replied. "It's been quiet here tonight, which has been a little disappointing. Even so, I'm still happy to have some company this Halloween night.
"My name's Reman Longtail, by the way. I own and run this tavern. What's your name?"
Taking up the change and putting them into his pouch, Ferric went ahead to take a swig from the pint of cider. Waiting a moment, the elven man had repeated Reman's name in his head a couple times. After ward, Ferric had replied: "I'm Ferric Grimswald. Botanist and alchemist."
Ferric said it simply, though that was what he had been since before his life with the Crowns -- and definitely way before he had met a certain lady who had managed to steal his heart.
"It's a nice place you have here. A nice atmosphere for sure -- and I'm very happy with how welcome I feel here," Ferric had said, giving his genuine compliment to the service and establishment.
Ferric said it simply, though that was what he had been since before his life with the Crowns -- and definitely way before he had met a certain lady who had managed to steal his heart.
"It's a nice place you have here. A nice atmosphere for sure -- and I'm very happy with how welcome I feel here," Ferric had said, giving his genuine compliment to the service and establishment.
Reman smiled at Ferric, before taking another sip of his ale. "Pleased to meet you, Ferric," he replied. "Thanks for stopping by. I rarely get many customers here, sad to say. I was hoping decorating the place for Halloween might attract some interest, but it doesn't seem to have worked too well. Still, I'm happy to at least have you and Scylla here this evening. The more the merrier, right?"
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