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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Red


(Since my character is usually part of a group, and never in his OWN house, I'm gonna be seriously wingin' this. So hang tough and don't run screamin' until I give you reason, yeah? I put a ref pic of the house up because it's 2 am for me and it was just easier. Imagine a willow tree off to the left and you have it.)

Red had already set up a crap load of candy by the door, ready for whoever made it to his part of the street tonight. Hybrid was gonna do his best to be good, and hopefully not scare the daylights out of people with those fangs or his painfully obvious 'bad boy' persona he radiated in waves. Red was dressed in a black hoodie with the words Memphis May Fire etched in cursive across the front. Sleeves were rolled up to just beneath his elbows, hiding the majority of those tribal tattoos on his arms, but not quite all of them. Dark jeans covered his legs and black combat boots were on his feet. A silver Superman necklace was tucked behind the black t-shirt he wore under that hoodie. Lip was pierced on his right side, and the hybrid had an awful habit of chewing on it. He was doing just that as he paced anxiously, just waiting for a knock on his door. "Come on..." he whispered to the air. He was never all that patient to begin with, and putting him in a situation where he's awaiting trick-or-treaters in costumes? Madness.
Lunar Aura (played by MeowHipster)


(You wanted me in, here I am xD Picture that photo with red hair. It'd be 3am soon. So I'm off here, my apologies for the lacking post.)

Lunar was out with some friends considering it was Halloween, that was the only holiday she really celebrated. Clothes were torn in places, and dirt stained with blood dripping down it. One would question if the blood were real or not on a normal day. But, who could tell? She played the part of the zombie thing she was dressed up as, stumbling and limping to each house. Stumbling upon Red's without knowing it. Left hand raised and clawed at the door before knocking like a loon. Blood marks would be on the door, but not claw marks, why? Her nails weren't all that long and she wouldn't mess up someone's house like that. Skull bucket was in her right hand decked out with cob webs that was obviously added for an old time effect. As she waited, her head turned to look at the tree and the decor of the building, it was.. interesting.

(I had to join this thing! <3 Annnd I'm lazy too guys so I did the photo ref thinger too. Click above to seeee. :3)

Kiri waltzed up the sidewalk, pausing a moment as she saw Lulu limping towards the porch already. She knew who it was because of the familiar scent. The vampire giggled as she watched the redhead scratch at the door like a real zombie and made her way up as well. "Hey Lu!" she grinned, probably looking rather creepy in her skull makeup. Poor girl also had no clue who was about to answer that door. Had she known this was her ex's house, she'd have likely waited for Lulu down at the end of the walk, or maybe even behind that tree! She would probably be told she was too old for this kind of thing, but the girl just couldn't resist the urge to dress up in spooky attire and parade around town. The candy wasn't even important because she couldn't really enjoy it.. But, she did know a werewolf and darkling who would thank her later if she gave it to them when she got back to Pulse.
Redifined Mayhem (played by FallenLegacy) Topic Starter

He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the scratching at his door. Originally, he assumed it may be a cat or something, until he heard the normal knock afterwards. The male drew in a deep breath and opened the door with the warmest smile he could muster up. "Hey Lu!" the smile cascaded into a grin when he recognized her. "Damn.. You look creepy," he laughed, rubbing at the back of his skull. It was that moment he noticed Kiri as well and his heart skipped slightly. "Kiri?" he asked, "I uh.. I like the skull makeup you got goin' on. It's pretty hardcore." A subtle gulp was given as he fought letting this turn awkward. "Since you guys are friends, I'll load ya down," he grinned, grabbing two handfuls of candy a piece from his bowl he'd had waiting, "I kinda stocked up this year. Skittles, Snickers, Hersheys, Butterfinger, the works.. Kinda cheatin' though because whatever I don't give out tonight I can just eat later since I don't hate any of that jazz." A thought hit him and he smirked, "Guys. How about we get a pic together? Normally I'm a selfie-hater but in this case I can't quite pass it up." He waved his black iPhone at them as he awaited a response. If not, he'd shove it back in his pocket and ask the next really cool costume for a photo. If they said yes, then he'd pose with them and take a goofy pic.
Lunar Aura (played by MeowHipster)

She waved frantically at Kiri once she realized that was her, "Heeyy!~" Lunar looked over for a few moments while she waited for that door to open, a finger pointed to Kiri's face now, "Nice paint!" Teal orbs short to the door once it was opened and she grinned, "Red! I didn't know you lived here!" She rubbed the back of that purposely messy hair now, "Supposed to. How else am I gonna scare kids?" Attention was turned to Kiri as they began talking, what luck they had running into one another on this night. As Red spoke about them being friends and giving them extra? Lunar turned her attention back his way with a laugh, "Sweet." Skittles..? That didn't shock her at all. "Cheating indeed." Femme looked toward Kiri again after Red asked for a photo, "You wanna take one? I say we should!" Her own cellphone, a Galaxy, was stuffed in her sock.

(<3 Sorry, gotta clean the house for this weekend. Shoullld be on tonight, afterwards, if nothing happens.)
Kiri grinned brightly as Lu had complimented the paint, "Thank ya, thank ya." She choked when she saw the Famous Redifined Mayhem open that door and heard that heart of his skip once he'd looked at her. "Thank you," she murmured softly, offering the best smile she could manage to the man that used to be her world. She laughed when he gave them so much candy, shaking her head as she held out her bag to him. Of course he had Skittles. It was his favorite. A pic together? Was he serious? He looked serious.. She laughed again and nodded when Lu agreed they should take one. "Okay," she said, moving to pose next to them goofily as well. His cologne in her nose was doing numbers on her stomach and she leaned away as soon as the pic was taken so that she wouldn't have to smell it as strongly for long. "Where's YOUR costume Mr. Mayhem?" she asked him with a smirk.
"Trick or Treat!" Abbie's voice yelled from the street. She made her way up towards them, waving frantically at Lulu and Red. She didn't know Kiri yet, but she seemed to be a friend of theirs. Abs was dressed in a black masquerade gown and lacey black mask with feathers. Her hair was in loose curls and pinned back on one side with a silver clip adorned with more black feathers. Lips were painted her ruby red as always, her fangs on display tonight since she could get away with it. "Hello Brother," she cooed upon reaching them, "Give me candy." She poked her tongue out at him spitefully, holding that bag out. She'd then give Lu a big ol' grin, "How've you been Lu Bear? Shove any glow sticks up any noses lately?" A wink was given. Inside joke.
Noël Noire (played by FreeJayFly)

Walking along the path and pausing in his steps as the night continued on, Noël had a hint of a smile on his zombified face. The house that he had just approached seemed really well decorated, and with an eye for decent composition, he had walked about the front of the house a bit more. Noël had done his best with making sure important information -- like the address -- was out of the shot.

Withdrawing his camera from his bag, Noël had set up his shot and waited for a moment before snapping a few shots in the location he was in now. He got up, moved elsewhere, and started taking pictures again.

Normally, Noël asked for permission... normally. However, some of the decorations and the lighting was just too perfect in a moment to ignore it.

It was better to ask forgiveness than permission in some cases. In the case of photography, that much rang true in the moment.

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