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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Robin

Robin (played by WonderGamer101)

The night was strange... For Hollow's Eve, Robin expected to be back at Ylisstol, giving candy to all those who approached the towering castle and enjoying the detail of everyone's costumes. Instead, his daughter, Morgan, convinced him and Lucina to see what Hollow's Eve would be like in the future. Overall, it was...almost the same, only instead, Robin resides in a little home that he and his family rented for the night. The home was small and packed, but it was quaint enough for 3 people. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room with some sort of an electronic device that Robin didn't recognize, and some sort of a cookery. But that wasn't the strangest thing. Oddly enough, people seemed to recognize them, thinking that they wore really amazing costumes of the "characters." This left him confused, since they were now in a time where heroes from the past would surely be forgotten. And yet, the people knew of his family. He was baffled, and he still could not figure out why and how were they so recognizable. Were the people told of the Shepherds deeds in the distant future? He tried to take his mind off of everything by brushing up on his tactics. As he did so, he took a glance at the entrance; beside it, was a bowl of candy big enough for Gaius to steal it all and consume all of it in 3 days. Robin would wait until he heard the knock of a child outfitted for this night.
Ayoka (played anonymously)

There was a rustling in the bushes outside the cottage, as Ayoka could no longer suppress the wagging of her tail. Candy! Candy everywhere! She'd already had quite a bit of it, and was feeling more than a little sugar high because of it. Now her nose had led her here, to a giant, unattended bowl of candy on a porch!

She belly crawled toward the bowl, trying (unsuccessfully) to be stealthy, until she got close enough to pounce. She shoved her whole head into the bowl, gnawing on candies wrapper and all. Her canine tail wags so hard behind her, it looks like she's going to knock herself off balance and fall over. Except, of course, she's already mostly laying down with her face in the sweets.
Robin (played by WonderGamer101) Topic Starter

Robin kept hearing the rustling as he kept reading, and he looked up to see...something eat from the bowl of sweets. He got up quickly, trying to make the creature stop.

Robin: H-Hey, stop! What're you doing?!

Hurriedly, he picked up the small creature away from the bowl.

Robin: What were you doing?!
Ayoka (played anonymously)

Ayoka made an "oof" sound as someone grabbed her around the midsection, and craned her neck up to see who it was. Being the size of a young, normal human female, she would take a little more effort to move than your typical puppy-person.

"Omm forry," she said around a mouthfull of wrapped candies. "Err vess yerss?"
Robin (played by WonderGamer101) Topic Starter

He placed the puppy-person down carefully.

Robin: Well, these are for other people... Not just you. Please get those wrapper out of you mouth; you'll choke on them.
Ayoka (played anonymously)

Ayoka spit the still wrapped candies into her hand, but held on to them tightly. With her other hand, she tried to grab another handful from the bowl. Even as she said, "Oh okay!"
Robin (played by WonderGamer101) Topic Starter

Robin: That's enough candy for you...

He picked up the mess of sweets that have fallen onto the floor and placed them back into the bowl, curious to know how this...person came into his home. The window was closed, and the door was...


He left the door unlocked. At least he remembered now.
Ayoka (played anonymously)

"You're right, I've had enough." The girl agreed enthusiastically, stuffing candies into her pockets, and kneeling down to help Robin pick candy up off the floor. Of course, she stuffed the fallen candies directly into her pockets rather than returning them to the bowl...
Robin (played by WonderGamer101) Topic Starter

Robin: Don't act as if you didn't stuff those in your pockets...

Clearly, he knew. He WAS one to know about people's motives; this particular quality made all others back at his realm bond with each other. He could be a psychiatrist if he wanted... He extended his hand out, a sign that basically meant "Give those candies back."
Ayoka (played anonymously)

Instead of candies, Robin got a handful of nose as the girl sniffed his palm thoroughly.
Robin (played by WonderGamer101) Topic Starter

The dog-person sniffing his hand tickled him. He chuckled for a moment.

Robin: I meant the candies... The sweets in your pocket?
Ayoka (played anonymously)

"Oh no, I don't have any of those." She sounded completely sincere, but her body language could not be more guilty. She stuffed her hands into her pockets and skittered backward toward the door.
Robin (played by WonderGamer101) Topic Starter

Robin stepped closer. She's completely guilty.

Robin: Stay right there, and hand them over.

"She's just like Gaius..." he thought.
Ayoka (played anonymously)

"No! No no no no no!" She yapped, going to let herself out of the unlocked door through which she'd come in.
Robin (played by WonderGamer101) Topic Starter

He had a serious look on his face, as he leapt towards the door to prevent Ayoka from leaving.

Robin: Just... Please give them back. They're for the others, and you're just going to take half of the bowl?
Ayoka (played anonymously)

Ayoka tilted her head, backing away from Robin and deeper into the house now that the way out was blocked. "Oh, but I really want them," she said, as if this were a very reasonable and compelling explanation.
Robin (played by WonderGamer101) Topic Starter

Robin sighed. This was getting tiresome. And she just wants the candy.

Robin: Are these for someone?
Red XIII (played by Asroc)

"How strange..."

Nanaki casually padded over to the humble area His ears flickered a bit as he seemed rather curious for that manner. His tail slowly waved a bit as he sniffed the air. Lovely sweets filled his nose. However, he was not allowed to-have such tasty morsels.
Ayoka (played anonymously)

"Oh, they're for me," Ayoka chirps merrily. She's clearly very excited about this idea, but then she pauses, sniffing the air. "There's someone at your door."
Robin (played by WonderGamer101) Topic Starter

Robin then heard the sound of footsteps, approaching the main entrance of the cottage.

Robin: Hold that thought for a moment.

He turned around to grab the bowl of the remaining candy and opened the door. He looked around to see if anyone was around. When he did, Robin didn't see a person in costume, but a tiger-like creature before him. Was this...the one who wanted the candy?

Robin: (confused) Umm... Why, h-hello there..!

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