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Forums » Looking for RP » Why did you push that button? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Milena (played by Sanne)

Her world is very different from our own; there are flying teapots for pets, dimensional portals pop up as a natural phenomena, magical accidents are a frequent occurrence and technology has kept up to date (and in some ways even surpassed ours). It takes something mundane to make Milena raise a brow!

One day a pedestal with a big, red button on top that says "DO NOT PUSH" appears in front of the pet store she works at. Your character, intending to purchase a pet, and Milena decide to investigate. One of them pushes the button...

Looking for a one-off roleplay where we go through this little adventure and then the characters go on their merry way again! Modern fantasy setting, all species allowed except for immortals or characters that are too large or too small to function normally inside a normal sized house etc. Probably little to no combat, and primarily using dice if there are 50/50 decisions to be made, just to keep things interesting. I welcome you to add a little bit of your own quirky insanity to the world!
Magic 90%
Magic is very common. Magic-tech, grand floating islands, forests that sing, magical creatures may be an every-day occurrence.
Technology 50%
Combat 10%
Small possibility of combat, usually brief and not detailed.

Details: Occasional dice use, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.

Milena (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

Still looking. :) I want to stress that most characters are welcome, regardless of their backstory. Milena's world connects to tons of other places so it's natural for her to meet people from different worlds.
Dari Pablo (played anonymously)

Hello, I'm interested in this.
((Oh my gosh your character is so adorable. 0-0))
Milena (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

Dari Pablo wrote:
Hello, I'm interested in this.
((Oh my gosh your character is so adorable. 0-0))

Aww thank you!! I'd love to play, does Dari exist in Mil's universe or will she end up visiting somehow? :) Anything is possible!
Dari Pablo (played anonymously)

Milena wrote:
Dari Pablo wrote:
Hello, I'm interested in this.
((Oh my gosh your character is so adorable. 0-0))

Aww thank you!! I'd love to play, does Dari exist in Mil's universe or will she end up visiting somehow? :) Anything is possible!

Ends up visiting somehow. This'll probably be something along the lines of her doing something that angered the gods that ended up sending her to Mil's universe.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Why did you push that button? (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus