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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Abbie

Her house was like every other on the block, normal and white, the roof having dark green shingles. There was no porch, but a slab of concrete indicated the entry. A green door was decorated with a wreath of purple, orange, and black ribbon. In her yard were your random decorations. From orange bags with pumpkin faces stuffed full of leaves to real pumpkins carved and lit with candles. A smoke machine was on the lot somewhere, maybe, as it was insanely foggy around her house. The other houses nearby weren't nearly as bad. Were you brave enough to check things out?

If so, Abbie was shoving another random piece of cinnamon into her mouth as she sat on the bar in the kitchen. Legs kicked absently as she watched whatever horror movie was playing on television. She'd had creepy music playing in the background just loud enough for Trick-or-Treaters to hear when the door was opened. Abs was dressed in a fairy costume herself, complete with large black wings and a lacey little black spaghetti-strap dress that was almost TOO short, showing off long and slender sun-kissed legs. Pretty bare feet were decorated with rings and anklets to add to the effect, nails painted black.
Aria Zauviir (played by Kim)

Aria's nurse maid gently placed her down on the sidewalk, right where the path led to Abby's front door. The little girl was dressed as a yellow duckling.

"Now, just go up there and ring the door bell, like we practiced. I'll be right here watching, okay?" the old woman said, helping pull the tiny girl's fuzzy hood back on top of her head. "Remember that being scared is part of the fun tonight, so don't be too startled."

Aria nodded her tiny head, and shuffled down the walkway. She had to stand on her tippy tip toes to reach the doorbell.
Abbriella Mayhem (played by Maddilyn_Massacre) Topic Starter

She squealed a bit when she heard the doorbell, excitement playing over her features. She'd grab her bowl and head to the door, opening it with a big smile.

"Hello there!" she giggled to the small little duckling, "You look absolutely adorable." Abbie shouldn't have been TOO scary, since she was only a fairy, but she was still a stranger so she wouldn't take it the wrong way if the child was shy or awkward with her. She knelt down and offered the bowl to the girl, "Take whichever ones you want sweet pea. Or grab you a big handful. You're my first visitor so you get first dibs." A playful wink followed and she flashed a smile to the end of the path where her maid was waiting.
Aria Zauviir (played by Kim)

"Thank you," the little girl said in a voice so small it was almost a whisper. She at first held her linen bag (hand-embroidered with an image of a pumpkin) out for candy to be put in it, but after an awkward moment, realized she was being invited to choose her own candy. This seemed to warm her up a bit, and she even cracked the tiniest of shy smiles as she reached to pick out a handful of candies, dropping them one by one into her empty treat bag.

"Are you a fairy?"
Abbriella Mayhem (played by Maddilyn_Massacre) Topic Starter

"You're welcome," Abbie beamed happily. She was a lover of all things cute and small, and this little duckling fit both those categories. She smiled again when the girl picked out her candy and dropped them into her bag she'd had with her.

"I am tonight," Abbie laughed, "Reaching over her shoulder to poke one of those big black wings. On Halloween you can be anything you wanna be for just one night. It's one of my favorite holidays for that reason."
Aria Zauviir (played by Kim)

"So you don't really fly?" she asked, pulling the drawstring on her bag to keep all her candies safely inside. Her tiny hands were unusually graceful for a child so young. Must be the elven blood.
Abbriella Mayhem (played by Maddilyn_Massacre) Topic Starter

She shook her head, "Nuh uh. They're not real wings. I wish they were. I'd love to fly. Can you swim as good as a ducky?" Abs wasn't sure she wanted to tell the girl what she 'really' was, because it'd likely scare her a bit. Vampires were usually a scary race of creatures, depending on the vamp that is.
Aria Zauviir (played by Kim)

"Ouhhhm. I practice a lot." The little girl twisted her lips, ducking her head a bit. She seemed to be suppressing a shrug, or any other verbal or physical communication that she might not really be a duckling.
Abbriella Mayhem (played by Maddilyn_Massacre) Topic Starter

Abbie snickered a bit and nodded, "Well that's good! Everyone needs to learn how to swim. I practice too sometimes." She knew how to swim, but she was trying to be sweet to the child and relate to her.
Aria Zauviir (played by Kim)

"I have to go trick or treat more," the girl's voice returned to that near whisper, and she shuffled her feet. "Thank you for candies, miss fairy."
Abbriella Mayhem (played by Maddilyn_Massacre) Topic Starter

"Okay doll," she smiled, "You're very welcome. Have fun." She waved to the nurse maid and watched to make sure the girl made it back to her okay before closing the door and waiting for the next trick-or-treater.
Noël Noire (played by FreeJayFly)

Humming to himself whilst sucking on a brain-shaped lolly, Noël had been fiddling with some of the treats that he had retrieved thus far by going out and finishing his night. Of course, he still had his camera ready for anything. Aside from taking photos, he also took video of people that were willing to be in his Halloween vlog that he had on his second channel on iFilm.

Making his way to the next house, Noël waved to the two ladies that had been there before making an awkward bow with a bit of a zombie groan. After all, he had taken the time and effort to dress himself up as a relatively convincing zombie, so why not play the part every now and again? It was not like he did not embarrass himself enough times in a day online as it was.

"Fiiiinne eeehhhvning, ladiiiees~ Your buhhraain caaaases are looking delicioouuuu-- fiiiine this eeeevvning!" Noël said in jest, drawing out his words and 'struggling' to stand back up straight. "Triiiick 'r brraaains~"

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