Miss Lumina Starlight. 'Princess' of the Galaxy. (A title she doesn't much approve of!)
An idol, her songs inspiring, touching hearts, and bringing happiness to those in despair, or just giving catchy tunes and quality music to happy occasions as well! Her music is her passion, and she loves nothing more... except maybe astronomy. But she is also a very special girl being a Lumin Cor, and with her powers, has decided to throw a very special party! (Read about Lumin Cor's on her [Profile]!)
Within Eden 6, a Bio-Sphere (a very large space ship with cities, forests, lakes, and basically mimicking earth life) she lives within a luxurious mansion. While she travels from planet to planet, and ship to ship, she does have a home within Eden 6 where she relaxes often during holidays. But instead of relaxing, she decided to throw a grand masquerade ball for Hallow's Eve! And you're invited! In fact... everyone is! With her powers as a Lumin Cor, Lumina has opened time and space and thrown magical letters that will bring you to her mansion for the party! No matter what time or place you come from, you're in for a treat!
To get there, merely circle 'Yes I'd like to attend!' and you will be magically transported to Miss Lumina's mansion! To leave back to your own time and home, merely rip up the invitation! Don't lose it or you might not be leaving!
When you arrive, you'll end up in a large room with masks and costumes of all sorts! A large sign says, 'Please pick a mask and costume! This is a Masquerade Party!' And then you can proceed into the grand hall! When you pick your costume and mask and head into the grand hall, an eerie fog is seen around the floor, webs and spooky lighting greeting you and a artificial starry sky above glittering. Music plays and a huge table with all sorts of food! Simple snacks like pop and chips, to fancy things like shrimp and lobster! No expense was spared, there's something for everyone!
But... Lumina was so eager to have the biggest party of all time, she threw the letters through all kinds of portals... not thinking perhaps those who want to ruin the party or go after someone with her sort of powers may very well crash the party! So will you come and enjoy the party? Ignore the invitation? Or perhaps make things a bit more of a 'party' with your mischief? The choice is up to you!
Welcome to the Universal Starlight Masquerade!
An idol, her songs inspiring, touching hearts, and bringing happiness to those in despair, or just giving catchy tunes and quality music to happy occasions as well! Her music is her passion, and she loves nothing more... except maybe astronomy. But she is also a very special girl being a Lumin Cor, and with her powers, has decided to throw a very special party! (Read about Lumin Cor's on her [Profile]!)
Within Eden 6, a Bio-Sphere (a very large space ship with cities, forests, lakes, and basically mimicking earth life) she lives within a luxurious mansion. While she travels from planet to planet, and ship to ship, she does have a home within Eden 6 where she relaxes often during holidays. But instead of relaxing, she decided to throw a grand masquerade ball for Hallow's Eve! And you're invited! In fact... everyone is! With her powers as a Lumin Cor, Lumina has opened time and space and thrown magical letters that will bring you to her mansion for the party! No matter what time or place you come from, you're in for a treat!
To get there, merely circle 'Yes I'd like to attend!' and you will be magically transported to Miss Lumina's mansion! To leave back to your own time and home, merely rip up the invitation! Don't lose it or you might not be leaving!
When you arrive, you'll end up in a large room with masks and costumes of all sorts! A large sign says, 'Please pick a mask and costume! This is a Masquerade Party!' And then you can proceed into the grand hall! When you pick your costume and mask and head into the grand hall, an eerie fog is seen around the floor, webs and spooky lighting greeting you and a artificial starry sky above glittering. Music plays and a huge table with all sorts of food! Simple snacks like pop and chips, to fancy things like shrimp and lobster! No expense was spared, there's something for everyone!
But... Lumina was so eager to have the biggest party of all time, she threw the letters through all kinds of portals... not thinking perhaps those who want to ruin the party or go after someone with her sort of powers may very well crash the party! So will you come and enjoy the party? Ignore the invitation? Or perhaps make things a bit more of a 'party' with your mischief? The choice is up to you!
Welcome to the Universal Starlight Masquerade!
She wore a long dark blue gown, glittering with small white lights woven into the fabric. The skirt was long, with much lace of multiple shades of blue and gold. She wore a long blue glittering shawl that was more like a scarf around her shoulders behind her neck, hanging at her sides. Her mask was dark blue adorned with golden swirls and sparkly jewels representing stars, a few long blue feathers also covered in jewels on one side of the mask.
Bright blue eyes glanced around the grand hall, the ballroom. It was perfect. A spooky starry night theme. She grinned and bit her lip nervously. She had only begun to get the hang of her powers as a Lumin Cor, and yet she decided to do something this crazy as one of her first experiments with her powers. It made her heart race with excitement to think what sort of new and interesting people would respond to her invitation.
Bright blue eyes glanced around the grand hall, the ballroom. It was perfect. A spooky starry night theme. She grinned and bit her lip nervously. She had only begun to get the hang of her powers as a Lumin Cor, and yet she decided to do something this crazy as one of her first experiments with her powers. It made her heart race with excitement to think what sort of new and interesting people would respond to her invitation.
Wonder-Gamer was just lying down on his couch, playing a nice round or two of Sm4sh, wishing at least something interesting could happen. It's been so long since anyone's approached his home on Halloween... So far, only like 5 people have stopped by for candy... He would've just gone to sleep then, but an invitation poked him in the left eye.
WG: Ow! Jesus Christ, my eye...!
He cupped it with his left hand, and looked around to see who could've done this. He looked back at the invitation and read it...
WG: A party, huh...?
As soon as he read the words "Universal Party," he figured some evil aliens would just teleport in an trash the place. It was his job as a member of the Wonderful 101 to keep intergalactic peace and protecting the innocent. He got himself ready, dressing up rather nicely in red t-shirt tucked into some marine jeans, his silver Wonder-Pendant dangling around his neck. After getting ready, he circled "Yes" on the invitation. The next thing he knew was that he was in some sort of a costume room... He could see a wide variety of masks and costumes, but he denied wearing them at all.
WG: I got my own costume...
He grabbed his Wonder-Pendant and observed it with great detail. This miniature device was used in order to save Earth from a full-scale alien invasion. He could never forget those fun times... He'd walk out the door, into the grand hall. The size of it was gargantuan; well, it WAS called the "GRAND HALL" for a reason... Soon after, he'd catch a glance of Lumina. He would walk up towards her.
WG: Excuse me, are you the host of this party?
WG: Ow! Jesus Christ, my eye...!
He cupped it with his left hand, and looked around to see who could've done this. He looked back at the invitation and read it...
WG: A party, huh...?
As soon as he read the words "Universal Party," he figured some evil aliens would just teleport in an trash the place. It was his job as a member of the Wonderful 101 to keep intergalactic peace and protecting the innocent. He got himself ready, dressing up rather nicely in red t-shirt tucked into some marine jeans, his silver Wonder-Pendant dangling around his neck. After getting ready, he circled "Yes" on the invitation. The next thing he knew was that he was in some sort of a costume room... He could see a wide variety of masks and costumes, but he denied wearing them at all.
WG: I got my own costume...
He grabbed his Wonder-Pendant and observed it with great detail. This miniature device was used in order to save Earth from a full-scale alien invasion. He could never forget those fun times... He'd walk out the door, into the grand hall. The size of it was gargantuan; well, it WAS called the "GRAND HALL" for a reason... Soon after, he'd catch a glance of Lumina. He would walk up towards her.
WG: Excuse me, are you the host of this party?
((OOC: Yay~ I attracted guests! Haha loved your intro! Sorry about your guys eye though! Haha~))
Lumina heard some footsteps, glancing over as Wonder-Gamer walked over and asked if she was the host of this party. She greeted him with a gentle, yet somewhat playful white smile. "Why yes I am." She replied curtsying, her long gown moving quickly with the motion as well as her long ebony hair. She then stood straight, "Lumina Starlight. Welcome to my home on the Eden-6 Bio-sphere. Depends on where you've come from, we're either far in the future, the past, or maybe the same timeline!" She giggled. "I'm still getting used to my powers as a Lumin Cor, but decided to try something new with the teleporting magic invitations."
Lumina heard some footsteps, glancing over as Wonder-Gamer walked over and asked if she was the host of this party. She greeted him with a gentle, yet somewhat playful white smile. "Why yes I am." She replied curtsying, her long gown moving quickly with the motion as well as her long ebony hair. She then stood straight, "Lumina Starlight. Welcome to my home on the Eden-6 Bio-sphere. Depends on where you've come from, we're either far in the future, the past, or maybe the same timeline!" She giggled. "I'm still getting used to my powers as a Lumin Cor, but decided to try something new with the teleporting magic invitations."
(Thank you!)
WG: Yeah, you kinda hit me in the eye with your invitations...
Wonder chuckled for a few seconds; his left eye was still able to see, only the vision was a tad bit blurry. He then proceeded to pull out some sort of ID from his jeans with little difficulty.
WG: Wonder-Gamer, CENTINELS Planetary Secret Service, and member of the Wonderful 101. Pleasure to meet you.
For a moment, Wonder was serious about his job. He needed to know if this wasn't some sort of ruse for alien mind-control or another invasion or whatever.
WG: "Lumin Cor"? What's that? Some sort of extraterrestrial race?
WG: Yeah, you kinda hit me in the eye with your invitations...
Wonder chuckled for a few seconds; his left eye was still able to see, only the vision was a tad bit blurry. He then proceeded to pull out some sort of ID from his jeans with little difficulty.
WG: Wonder-Gamer, CENTINELS Planetary Secret Service, and member of the Wonderful 101. Pleasure to meet you.
For a moment, Wonder was serious about his job. He needed to know if this wasn't some sort of ruse for alien mind-control or another invasion or whatever.
WG: "Lumin Cor"? What's that? Some sort of extraterrestrial race?
Lumina frowned, "W-what? I did? I'm sorry!" She crossed her arms, "I guess this isn't as easy as it seemed..."
She then looked to him, nodding at his introduction. "Quite a mouthful. It's a pleasure. I think." She grinned sheepishly. She then paused at his question biting her lip, "Not exactly. It's existed since the beginning of time apparently in humnas... Only one of us exist at any given time. Since the 'Lumin Cor' means Luminious Heart. I have this crystal heart thingy... and it's super powerful ancient magical stuff. When I eventually die, note that Lumin Cor's live crazy long, the magic finds a new body, before it's born, so a baby, and the next Lumin Cor is born. It's completely random and confusing. I'm still learning about it myself. Buuuttt..." She grinned, "Gives me these super cool powers and stuff..." She then frowned.
"I kinda hope maybe I can do something more useful with it once I get the hang of what I can even do... Osric didn't explain it all. And he's off doing businessy stuff. He doesn't have time for parties."
She then looked to him, nodding at his introduction. "Quite a mouthful. It's a pleasure. I think." She grinned sheepishly. She then paused at his question biting her lip, "Not exactly. It's existed since the beginning of time apparently in humnas... Only one of us exist at any given time. Since the 'Lumin Cor' means Luminious Heart. I have this crystal heart thingy... and it's super powerful ancient magical stuff. When I eventually die, note that Lumin Cor's live crazy long, the magic finds a new body, before it's born, so a baby, and the next Lumin Cor is born. It's completely random and confusing. I'm still learning about it myself. Buuuttt..." She grinned, "Gives me these super cool powers and stuff..." She then frowned.
"I kinda hope maybe I can do something more useful with it once I get the hang of what I can even do... Osric didn't explain it all. And he's off doing businessy stuff. He doesn't have time for parties."
WG: It's alright... It's just pain.
He tried to smile. Carefully, Wonder paid close attention to Lumina's story, taking in every detail, even if it was vague.
WG: I see...
He felt like this was some sort of plot to an RPG... But surprisingly, he followed it with ease. Probably because of video games...
WG: Anyways, you're aware that there might be some people or..."outworlders" that might ruin your party, right?
He tried to smile. Carefully, Wonder paid close attention to Lumina's story, taking in every detail, even if it was vague.
WG: I see...
He felt like this was some sort of plot to an RPG... But surprisingly, he followed it with ease. Probably because of video games...
WG: Anyways, you're aware that there might be some people or..."outworlders" that might ruin your party, right?
Lumina frowned, still seeming a bit uneasy about her invitation poking the poor boy in the eye.
"I'm still sorry about that."
She then sighed, "I... thought about that." She bit her lip and smiled a bit sheepishly, "Though... it only came to mind... AFTER I sent out the invitations." She explained with a nervous giggle. "B-but! I'm sure... I could probably stop them. Maybe. I think..." She seemed a bit unsure of herself. "Being told you have these immense crazy powers is one thing, learning to use them... well... that's not the easiest."
"I'm still sorry about that."
She then sighed, "I... thought about that." She bit her lip and smiled a bit sheepishly, "Though... it only came to mind... AFTER I sent out the invitations." She explained with a nervous giggle. "B-but! I'm sure... I could probably stop them. Maybe. I think..." She seemed a bit unsure of herself. "Being told you have these immense crazy powers is one thing, learning to use them... well... that's not the easiest."
Wonder sighed for a moment; he definitely saw this coming. This night so far had just been begging to have some sort of an evil alien cult or something of the same caliber to just destroy all guests.
WG: That's fine... It's totally fine...
"It wasn't all that fine", he thought. But then he remembered. He was a Wonderful One! He could deal with all the aliens by himself if he wanted to! Wonder then reassured Lumina.
WG: Don't worry about it! I can handle it a couple of invaders! I mean, not without this baby right here.
He pointed at the Wonder-Pendant, which was almost shining from a nearby light.
WG: That's fine... It's totally fine...
"It wasn't all that fine", he thought. But then he remembered. He was a Wonderful One! He could deal with all the aliens by himself if he wanted to! Wonder then reassured Lumina.
WG: Don't worry about it! I can handle it a couple of invaders! I mean, not without this baby right here.
He pointed at the Wonder-Pendant, which was almost shining from a nearby light.
Masquerades weren't just a kind of party for the female Founder. It was a way of life.
When the invitation arrived, it certainly raised some eyebrows, but the Founder was in an unusual mood this evening. She'd need none of the costumes or masks that were on display -- instead, she became them, mimicking a ball gown and a mask that she saw on her way in. No one was inside them wearing them, because she was them. It looked like a ghost had come to the party.
Entering the grand hall, she approached the other two souls that had arrived before her.
"Am I early?" Her voice was that of a mature female, and slightly deep. But where DID it come from, on just a dress and an empty mask?
When the invitation arrived, it certainly raised some eyebrows, but the Founder was in an unusual mood this evening. She'd need none of the costumes or masks that were on display -- instead, she became them, mimicking a ball gown and a mask that she saw on her way in. No one was inside them wearing them, because she was them. It looked like a ghost had come to the party.
Entering the grand hall, she approached the other two souls that had arrived before her.
"Am I early?" Her voice was that of a mature female, and slightly deep. But where DID it come from, on just a dress and an empty mask?
WG: Hm?
Wonder's head turned towards the sound of the mature female voice.
WG: Oh, hey there. I guess you could say you're early.
He needed to introduce himself. It'd be a bit rude not to.
WG: I'm Wonder-Gamer. Agent of the CENTINELS, member of the Wonderful 101, yada, yada, yada...
Once Wonder introduced himself fully once, it gets more tiresome the more he does it.
WG: I take it you are...?
Wonder's head turned towards the sound of the mature female voice.
WG: Oh, hey there. I guess you could say you're early.
He needed to introduce himself. It'd be a bit rude not to.
WG: I'm Wonder-Gamer. Agent of the CENTINELS, member of the Wonderful 101, yada, yada, yada...
Once Wonder introduced himself fully once, it gets more tiresome the more he does it.
WG: I take it you are...?
Lumina smiled at Wonder-Gamer's declaration of wanting to protect the party and the guests.
"Well I'm grateful for your attendance then!"
She paused as it looked like... A ghost...? Clothing moved, and a voice spoke of a mature female...
Lumina swallowed hard. She wasn't the best around ghosts. But she tried to remind herself, she sent out invitations everywhere. Anyone or anything could show up. "Not exactly early... it's begun. Just not many have yet arrived. But with my odd invitations I'm not sure how many will be attending..." She said slowly. "S-so welcome... u-uhm... but are you... a... ghost?... P-pardon my forwardness! I've just never met a ghost before..."
"Well I'm grateful for your attendance then!"
She paused as it looked like... A ghost...? Clothing moved, and a voice spoke of a mature female...
Lumina swallowed hard. She wasn't the best around ghosts. But she tried to remind herself, she sent out invitations everywhere. Anyone or anything could show up. "Not exactly early... it's begun. Just not many have yet arrived. But with my odd invitations I'm not sure how many will be attending..." She said slowly. "S-so welcome... u-uhm... but are you... a... ghost?... P-pardon my forwardness! I've just never met a ghost before..."
The masks stretched and distorted, so that it seemed to be smiling. "You may call me a friend," she answers, to both Wonder Gamer's question about her name and Lumina's question about what she is. "You must be a brave girl, to invite so many with no knowledge of what could happen."
Lumina was startled but intrigued. "A.. friend?... A-alright." She replied, swallowing a bit hard.
At the next words Lumina paused, shaking her head, "I'm really more curious than brave... I wanted to have a party for all the ages... but also test out my abilities. I've always had these powers but I never knew. So when I decided to throw a party... well... I thought doing something crazy would be fun and a good test to see what I could do."
She then bit her thumb, chewing the tip. "But as he just said... I didn't think about anyone bad showing up until after the fact. I just got too excited..."
At the next words Lumina paused, shaking her head, "I'm really more curious than brave... I wanted to have a party for all the ages... but also test out my abilities. I've always had these powers but I never knew. So when I decided to throw a party... well... I thought doing something crazy would be fun and a good test to see what I could do."
She then bit her thumb, chewing the tip. "But as he just said... I didn't think about anyone bad showing up until after the fact. I just got too excited..."
Wonder could see the look of worry and a bit of guilt on Lumina's face. He tried to cheer her up with some regretful moments from his life.
WG: Hey, we all get too excited sometimes. I mean, one time I was so hyped for game only to get utter garbage. (Muttering under breath) That's what I get for trusting SEGA with somethin' new...
WG: Hey, we all get too excited sometimes. I mean, one time I was so hyped for game only to get utter garbage. (Muttering under breath) That's what I get for trusting SEGA with somethin' new...
The holiday was not one she had often celebrated, but something about this "Halloween" put Zahra in a festive mood. Regardless of her travel habits, she decorated the ship for the holiday. Both inside and out, it was obvious that the whole crew prepared along with her. The captain herself was decorating her own cabin, humming a tune as she worked. A few candles on the window sill, a carved pumpkin on one corner of her vanity. She crossed the room several times, but at one point, she paused and looked at her desk, seeing an envelope that had not been there a moment before.
"Odd..." she muttered, picking the object up. She turned it over a few times before opening it, surprised to see that it was indeed a paper letter. There were never many of those in these times. She scanned it thoughtfully, her expression turning into one of amusement and vague delight as she read it a second time. She turned the paper over a few times, searching for an address. She scanned the page for a third time, noting instructions. Absently, she grabbed her sword and her holo-watch as she started out the door of her cabin. Taking the well known route, she made her way to the deck and finally called out to her Quartermaster.
"Kyzil! You're in charge." The Lombax smiled slightly at the inquiry of her destination while she strapped the sword around her waist. "I got an invitation to a party. I'll be back later. Make sure the ship's secure before the men get drunk. And for Zoni's sake, make sure you order more rum before we head out after the holiday! I don't want another incident like last year!" She hardly waited for confirmation from him before she started back down below, descending to the lowest deck where she kept her personal star-fighter. Leaning against the much smaller ship, she read the invitation yet again. With a final nod, she pulled out an ink pen from inside her sword's hilt, circling the confirmation of her attendance and putting the pen away once again.
Zahra was unsure of what to expect once she had done so, but the odd sensation that made her fur bristle was definitely not something she would have originally accounted for as an option. Then again, most types of teleportation devices gave her that tingling feeling along her skin. She brushed her fur down impatiently before her ears perked once she noted the room she had arrived in. Many, many different costumes and masks met her eyes. A grin briefly graced her face, and then she set to searching through the items. Eventually, she found something that suited her.
The red-orange shade of the dress complimented her caramel and chocolate fur well. The skirt was short, but layered with a thin, dark chiffon material to give it a full look. The upper half of the dress was garnished with simple ribbon along her sternum while hints of lace and brass buckles augmented the look, the cloth's patter giving the illusion of a form-fitting jacket layered over the dress. The loose, detached sleeves of the same red-orange had their own layering effect. A pair of brown knee-high boots, also with brass buckles and a very slight heel, fit surprisingly well. Once changed, she managed to buckle her sword back around her waist, favoring it over the one she found. The colors of the sword and sheath changed to go with the outfit yet also not blending so much that it was practically invisible.
She looked herself over in the mirror, ears perked and tail flicking as she preened. She nodded resolutely to her reflection, feeling ready to set out, but the Lombax also felt that something was missing. After a long moment of scrutinizing her mirrored self, she snapped in realization. "What's a Masquerade Ball without a mask?" she asked herself with a chuckle. Ah, how could she forget? She took a few minute more searching for a suitable and comfortable mask before she found one she was content with. The straps required just a bit of modification, and a bit of gentle bending fixed how it fit, but otherwise it was fine. Finally ready, she gave herself one last glance over, then left the room as she hid her other outfit in her own pocket of zero-space. The letter joined her previous attire, a way to prove her as an invited guest in her thoughts.
Upon arriving at the great hall, she could already feel the generally festive air. Seeing the decorations and the over all set up, it was easy to tell that the host really loved Halloween. That did bring a new thought to her mind: which of the people here was the host? Despite her thoughts being a bit on the lost side, she kept a confident air. Shoulders back and her right hand resting casually on the hilt of her sword, she approached the small group. "Not late, am I?" she asked playfully, throwing her voice just slightly to accentuate her mixed accent.
"Odd..." she muttered, picking the object up. She turned it over a few times before opening it, surprised to see that it was indeed a paper letter. There were never many of those in these times. She scanned it thoughtfully, her expression turning into one of amusement and vague delight as she read it a second time. She turned the paper over a few times, searching for an address. She scanned the page for a third time, noting instructions. Absently, she grabbed her sword and her holo-watch as she started out the door of her cabin. Taking the well known route, she made her way to the deck and finally called out to her Quartermaster.
"Kyzil! You're in charge." The Lombax smiled slightly at the inquiry of her destination while she strapped the sword around her waist. "I got an invitation to a party. I'll be back later. Make sure the ship's secure before the men get drunk. And for Zoni's sake, make sure you order more rum before we head out after the holiday! I don't want another incident like last year!" She hardly waited for confirmation from him before she started back down below, descending to the lowest deck where she kept her personal star-fighter. Leaning against the much smaller ship, she read the invitation yet again. With a final nod, she pulled out an ink pen from inside her sword's hilt, circling the confirmation of her attendance and putting the pen away once again.
Zahra was unsure of what to expect once she had done so, but the odd sensation that made her fur bristle was definitely not something she would have originally accounted for as an option. Then again, most types of teleportation devices gave her that tingling feeling along her skin. She brushed her fur down impatiently before her ears perked once she noted the room she had arrived in. Many, many different costumes and masks met her eyes. A grin briefly graced her face, and then she set to searching through the items. Eventually, she found something that suited her.
The red-orange shade of the dress complimented her caramel and chocolate fur well. The skirt was short, but layered with a thin, dark chiffon material to give it a full look. The upper half of the dress was garnished with simple ribbon along her sternum while hints of lace and brass buckles augmented the look, the cloth's patter giving the illusion of a form-fitting jacket layered over the dress. The loose, detached sleeves of the same red-orange had their own layering effect. A pair of brown knee-high boots, also with brass buckles and a very slight heel, fit surprisingly well. Once changed, she managed to buckle her sword back around her waist, favoring it over the one she found. The colors of the sword and sheath changed to go with the outfit yet also not blending so much that it was practically invisible.
She looked herself over in the mirror, ears perked and tail flicking as she preened. She nodded resolutely to her reflection, feeling ready to set out, but the Lombax also felt that something was missing. After a long moment of scrutinizing her mirrored self, she snapped in realization. "What's a Masquerade Ball without a mask?" she asked herself with a chuckle. Ah, how could she forget? She took a few minute more searching for a suitable and comfortable mask before she found one she was content with. The straps required just a bit of modification, and a bit of gentle bending fixed how it fit, but otherwise it was fine. Finally ready, she gave herself one last glance over, then left the room as she hid her other outfit in her own pocket of zero-space. The letter joined her previous attire, a way to prove her as an invited guest in her thoughts.
Upon arriving at the great hall, she could already feel the generally festive air. Seeing the decorations and the over all set up, it was easy to tell that the host really loved Halloween. That did bring a new thought to her mind: which of the people here was the host? Despite her thoughts being a bit on the lost side, she kept a confident air. Shoulders back and her right hand resting casually on the hilt of her sword, she approached the small group. "Not late, am I?" she asked playfully, throwing her voice just slightly to accentuate her mixed accent.
"Ahhh, I see," the ghost woman intones knowingly. "So perhaps not so brave after all... I believe your kind - or a kind similar to yours - has an expression involving the demise of felines who indulge too heavily in curiosity?" She chuckles, and the effect is ghoulish coming from an empty set of clothing.
But then a new guest! "Not at all," she says, turning to "stare" at Zahra with the empty eye sockets of her masquerade mask. "In fact, it seems we all may be the first arrivals to this party. Which brings me to my next question for our brave young hostess: What festivities do you have planned for us?"
But then a new guest! "Not at all," she says, turning to "stare" at Zahra with the empty eye sockets of her masquerade mask. "In fact, it seems we all may be the first arrivals to this party. Which brings me to my next question for our brave young hostess: What festivities do you have planned for us?"
You are on: Forums » General Roleplay » Trick Or Treat: The Universal Starlight Masquerade
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus