Faint orange lights flicker at the porch of the Corazon family. A small cozy cottage was their home, and usually it looked quite lovely, but now it looked like it was hit by a storm-- in a good way.
The wood on the house looked worn and old, the paint looked dried also. The grass on the lawn looked withered (A feet done by the Corazon family painting on them.) and the trees no longer had any leaves on them, instead, they had Christmas lights dangling from the branches, connecting the trees with each other, the lights were dim and often flickered on and off though.
On one of the trees was a bunch of cans rapped up in a garbage bag then rapped in cloth to look like a mummified human, and then with a liquid solution the Hephaestus kids had given Dari, the things was able to be set on fire without actually burning. Instead of pumpkin lanterns, the Corazon family only used candles. The candles were placed hapharazardly around the yard, except for the ones that were specifically placed where the human head dummies were.
Since her family had decided to go out drinking for a bit, only Dari was left at home. She had decided to dress up as Jade Harley in her witch of space outfit, which in contrast to the house, looked really cute. Since Dari was quite bored with just handing out sweets whenever someone said "Trick or Treat", she decided to give people handmade and hand-packed chocolate if she liked their costume, and then give them fake rubber rats or rubber cockroaches if she didn't like them.
Fwump... fwump... fwump. A sharp-featured woman in a space suit comes tromping down the street, her movements deliberate and he expression focused as she navigates in the getup meant for a more, er, gravity-free environment. It doesn't look like a cheap costume, either. It looks like something from right out of the Smithsonian, complete with an Apollo mission patch. She carries the helmet under her arm. In the other hand, she holds a bright white canvas bag with the word "Boo!" stenciled on it.
"Hello, citizen," she says as she comes up the walkway to meet Dari. "Are you enjoying today's patriotic, community building activities?"
"Hello, citizen," she says as she comes up the walkway to meet Dari. "Are you enjoying today's patriotic, community building activities?"
Dari stared at the incoming person, finding it adorable and respectable that they were walking in that kind of way just to fit their costume, it was a really nice touch.
"Not that much, I'd rather be going around scaring children, but this'll work I guess." Dari answered with a sweet smile, amused by the costume, it wasn't everyday you could see something that detailed though. "That's a really detailed costume you have there? Or is it the real thing?" Dari asked in bewilderment, those kinds of things were hard to find, and expensive at that.
"Not that much, I'd rather be going around scaring children, but this'll work I guess." Dari answered with a sweet smile, amused by the costume, it wasn't everyday you could see something that detailed though. "That's a really detailed costume you have there? Or is it the real thing?" Dari asked in bewilderment, those kinds of things were hard to find, and expensive at that.
The good doctor smiled a slow, almost mechanical smile, but her eyes seemed to show real pleasure. Or was it pride? Long days in the lab dulled one's social skills, unfortunately.
"It would be irresponsible to wear national treasures as a costume. I simply applied the patch to one of the suits retired from training. It's considerably less valuable than the ones that have actually been to the moon. What about you? Your costume is... highly unusual."
"It would be irresponsible to wear national treasures as a costume. I simply applied the patch to one of the suits retired from training. It's considerably less valuable than the ones that have actually been to the moon. What about you? Your costume is... highly unusual."
"Hm, I guess so." Dari answered with a snort. "I just recycled one of my costumes I used when in an event I went to before this." She explained with a smile. "If I was acting as this exact character right now, she would be jumping and hugging you, she likes that kind of stuff." she added, patting her dress. Sure, it may have been a bit inappropriate to dress up as a not well-known character, or just even anything well-known as witches or even astronauts as this lovable lady did, but she just didn't have enough money since she spent it all on making this dress.
"So much better than goin' in narrow spaces! Eeehhuukk! I hate narrow spaces!"
A small, cat like creature toddled his way towards the humble home. Sure, he'd be mistaken as a child wearing a costume, but the little furry cat like being did manage to wear something at least. A pirate costume? Sure, even if he wore a bandanna on his head, a coat and boot like covers on his feet. His tail flickered a bit. He did not like this place. It seemed so creepy to him. Well, to him, maybe others like this sort of thing.
Holding a small sack, which was perfect for his size in his paws, he slung it over his shoulder and headed over the house hold, where he saw another person. Maybe this person would give him treats, perfect treats to his liking.
A small, cat like creature toddled his way towards the humble home. Sure, he'd be mistaken as a child wearing a costume, but the little furry cat like being did manage to wear something at least. A pirate costume? Sure, even if he wore a bandanna on his head, a coat and boot like covers on his feet. His tail flickered a bit. He did not like this place. It seemed so creepy to him. Well, to him, maybe others like this sort of thing.
Holding a small sack, which was perfect for his size in his paws, he slung it over his shoulder and headed over the house hold, where he saw another person. Maybe this person would give him treats, perfect treats to his liking.
"Recycling is patriotic," Irene replies, perhaps a bit cryptically. At this point, the conversation is interrupted by a small cat creature. Irene stares at it with what appears to be a mixture of curiosity and deep suspicion, but she says nothing to it. Perhaps she thinks if she holds still it won't notice her?
Dari stared at the cat the came to her door with a sack, sure he interrupted a nice conversation, but the little thing looked adorable. Okay, this one's cute. Half plastic cockroaches and half awesome chocolate the girl thought to herself as she evaluated the costume.
To help, Dari decided to crouch on the floor, it was a gesture that meant she actually wanted to talk to you if you're small, if you're only short she won't do it though--that would be rude.
"Trick of treat?" She asked with sheepish smile, sure it was supposed to be the people coming to her house who'd ask that, but she just suddenly had the urge to ask that.
To help, Dari decided to crouch on the floor, it was a gesture that meant she actually wanted to talk to you if you're small, if you're only short she won't do it though--that would be rude.
"Trick of treat?" She asked with sheepish smile, sure it was supposed to be the people coming to her house who'd ask that, but she just suddenly had the urge to ask that.
It had been more than eventful for Vale as he made his way to the next place. He had told himself that him going out and socialising for the event was mostly for Juri and Liuma's sakes. They had pleaded with him to go out and enjoy the festivities. Liuma even more so since she had not ever been out and trick or treating. However, it seemed that Vale lost the two women he had been with and had been on a long search to find out where the tiefling and other elven woman were.
Coming across a house that seemed festive enough, Vale walked up the pathway to it before halting at the foot of the stairs. He had not really been one for reciting 'trick or treat' when it came to approaching these homes. Instead, he had been more curious about whether or not anyone had seen a woman that had long, curved horns, or a short elven woman that had a hankering for shiny objects.
Clearing his throat, Vale had approached the gathering of folks.
"Er... good evening," Vale greeted. "I... I don't suppose you might have seen a couple women walking about. One is about three inches shorter than me -- has a tail and some horns? The other is much shorter -- comes up to about my chest -- and has elf ears and black hair?" Vale asked, hoping someone might have seen them.
"I seem to have lost them on our time out and about," Vale explained further, frowning somewhat as he wondered just what kind of trouble those two could get into.
Coming across a house that seemed festive enough, Vale walked up the pathway to it before halting at the foot of the stairs. He had not really been one for reciting 'trick or treat' when it came to approaching these homes. Instead, he had been more curious about whether or not anyone had seen a woman that had long, curved horns, or a short elven woman that had a hankering for shiny objects.
Clearing his throat, Vale had approached the gathering of folks.
"Er... good evening," Vale greeted. "I... I don't suppose you might have seen a couple women walking about. One is about three inches shorter than me -- has a tail and some horns? The other is much shorter -- comes up to about my chest -- and has elf ears and black hair?" Vale asked, hoping someone might have seen them.
"I seem to have lost them on our time out and about," Vale explained further, frowning somewhat as he wondered just what kind of trouble those two could get into.
The doctor turns toward the new person who addresses them. "I am afraid that I have not, but I will be glad to assist you in your search. Give me your contact information, and I will call you if I see them as I walk the neighborhood."
Hesitating for a moment, Vale had frowned and pulled out what looked to have been a spherical device. It had lit up as soon as he took a glove off and placed a finger upon the surface. It had a holographic display, and while it might have seemed weird for someone like Vale to have it, he seemed to know what he was doing in actually getting the required information he needed out of the device.
"Very well, I suppose... I could leave you with it if you are to see the women I'm talking about. They hurried off this afternoon, excited for the events tonight. I've been looking for where they might have ended up in this neighbourhood for a while. Starting to think perhaps they've moved on to the next one," Valian said with a tired sigh.
"Very well, I suppose... I could leave you with it if you are to see the women I'm talking about. They hurried off this afternoon, excited for the events tonight. I've been looking for where they might have ended up in this neighbourhood for a while. Starting to think perhaps they've moved on to the next one," Valian said with a tired sigh.
A slow smile spread across the doctor's face as she was offered some kind of wondrous holographic technology. She took it between thumb and forefinger, turning it this way and that for her inspection. If it required bare skin contact to operate, it would be silent for her, considering that she was literally dressed in a space suit, gloves and all.
"Very well. I shall resume my walk, and keep my eyes open for your companions. It was a pleasure meeting all of you. May we meet again soon."
Turning the unwieldy suit around, she begins back down the walkway the way that she had come.
"Very well. I shall resume my walk, and keep my eyes open for your companions. It was a pleasure meeting all of you. May we meet again soon."
Turning the unwieldy suit around, she begins back down the walkway the way that she had come.
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