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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat : Letala

Letala (played anonymously)

The area you would find yourself in, would be very... otherworldly, the colors of things would be off, glowing silvery grass. Apples that glew a bright shade of blue, roads winding around every which wade, built in an almost abstract sort of way that seemed to change direction throughout the journey across them. A sound would echo from a castle built so tall with peach stoned brick, shining off the sky stuck on perpetual twilight, a woman singing and harps playing a sweet tune. The closer towards the castle there were pumpkins a shade of periwinkle, and rabbits and squirrels hopping around happily, glowing golden lights danced around like giant fireflies, and once you made it to the courtyard the source of the music would be found.

Sitting on a stump at the edge of a fountain would appear to be a eleven lady, her hair unnaturally red, and skin whiter than snow. She had a motherly effect about her, despite looking rather young. Her harp was playing itself floating around her head while the lady of spirits stroked a rabbit in her lap, another floating crystal cauldron floated around her as well, she looked to the rabbit, and frowned slightly having a one sided conversation with the fluffy white creature. "You just have to have candy Harold.... No no I'm sure of it, you just have candy, and mortals come to get it from you. They transform into monsters and steal your candy and you thank them for it... it's how it works." The rabbit twitched it's nose "No you don't know it all...Harold."
The area that Ferric found himself in now seemed to have thrown him for a bit of a loop. He knew that there were holiday shenanigans going on at current, though he never really suspected that someone would go this out of the way for something. Sure, were he back in some parts of Arvendor, or even travelling through Arcis, he might have expected it. But here...?

Well... where was here, exactly? Now that Ferric thought about it, the event that was taking place this evening had been confusing at best. Perhaps that was why he could not find anything with relative ease.

Approaching what was presumed to have been the centre of the clearing, Ferric had thought it best not to interrupt the woman that had been singing to her heart's content. On the other hand, however, it would have been nice to have some kind of mental bearing on where it was Ferric had ended up that evening. So... clearing his throat, Ferric had made his presence known to those that were in the courtyard area.

"... Good evening? Is it evening here? I can't quite tell. In any case, good day to whomever is in here!" Ferric said, wishing not to be too awkward right away.

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