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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Litzkiel Brothers

Elijah and Richard L (played by Septima-Kroi)

Both Litzkiel boys vaguely remembered not having the holiday to celebrate back home in Russia once upon a time. It was one of the many reasons he was happy to have moved to America. Naturally, when the holiday came about, he and his brother went all out. James and Laura loved Halloween, hence why there were three large boxes of decor in the storage shed. With their adoptive parents gone for the month, the boys had taken it upon themselves to decorate and get involved in the celebrations.

Elijah, dressed as Woody from Toy Story, was hanging the last of the black and orange lights left over from decorating, his hat waiting on the roof as he worked carefully from the ladder. The yard was decorated to look like a pretty generic graveyard, complete with cotton spider webs, "crumbling" grave stones, and fog from a machine at the edge of the porch. The porch was not left alone, though. A table rested between the door and a rocking chair that was occupied by a doll dressed like the grim reaper, a scythe resting in its skeleton hands. Forgetful as he was, though, Elijah had forgotten to set the candy bowl out on the table.

Oblivious to his forgetfulness, Elijah continued his work, humming along with the Halloween music playing from the CD player set under the table. The porch light was on, despite it still being fairly light outside, but encouraging any trick-or-treaters to the residence. The front door was open, a screen door the only thing keeping bugs out of the house. A sweet smell wafted from inside, indicating that the other resident was probably preparing caramel apples or some other sweet confectionery for the holiday.
Jet Enduro (played by Asroc)

"Utterly stupid..."

Jet was not amused by this holiday. However, he had a sweet tooth. Aside from peaches and peachy sweets, the treasure hunter decided to give this night a try. After all. Clive and Virginia suggested it. The most he hated about this Holiday is the fact he had to dress up. Sure? That would be fine and dandy. Giving a rather soft mutter to himself, the ivory white haired youth trudged his way down the streets. What was he dressed as anyway?

"At least this costume is somewhat fitting..." He said to himself. "Even if I look like a nerd."

Jet was dressed as Robin from Fire Emblem. OR casually known as the Avatar. He muttered a bit as something caught his eyes. Looking up and ceasing his swears that came from under his breath, the youthful treasure hunter made his way to the humble home.

Fog, Lights and decorative materials were strewn across this area. He didn't crack a smile, but it did amuse him. Maybe this day wouldn't be bad after all. Arriving near the porch, Jet pulled out something from from inside of his long coat of his costume. A rather cute looking cloth bag that was red in colour. On it was a picture of a cartoon black cat wearing a witch hat and holding a Jack o Lantern in it's paws.

Jet never had done Trick or Treating before. Only Clive's Daughter told him about it and how it involved candy and sweet treats. If it was like treasure hunting, it could be a new adventure for the ivory haired boy.


Silence is what came from him. It was just pure silence that came from him.
Elijah and Richard L (played by Septima-Kroi) Topic Starter

For a few moments, there was no activity. Elijah was completely unaware of the visitor, apparently. A bit of noise came from inside before heavy footsteps approached the doorway. A costumed red-head appeared at the screen door, pushing it open before noticing the guest. He rose one eyebrow at the white-haired person at the door, his gaze skeptical and frankly unwelcoming. He stepped out of the house, shut the screen door behind him, and stepped around the stranger, walking up to the ladder and giving it a gentle shake. "Hey. Ev. Some kid's at our door."

Elijah gripped the ladder tightly when he felt it tremble, but looked over the side when he heard the other boy's voice. He took a half step down the ladder and craned his neck until he saw the person in question. "OH! I forgot to put out the candy! Shoot! Could you grab it, Risk? I'm kinda preoccupied."

"Hey, the candy thing wasn't my idea. You deal with it." The red head started back towards the door, then paused, glancing back. "Oh, and the candy apples are done."

"Well, then offer one! That's what they're for!" Elijah sounded exasperated, already starting to dismount the ladder. The other rolled his eyes and instead silently went back inside, carelessly letting the screen close behind him. A few rungs down, Elijah perked up again. He stepped up, grabbed his hat, and shoved it on his head before hurrying back down to tend to the situation. "Howdy! Sorry about that," he apologized. "Risk and I are on our own this year, so it's been kinda crazy. And prince charming isn't too happy. Eh, what're you gonna do?" He finished with a shrug. "Oh right! Of course! You're trick or treating - candy. I left the candy bowl inside. Just one moment please." He went inside and grabbed the bowl from the table just inside.

"Help yourself," he said with a smile, holding the bowl out once he returned. He made a mental not to leave a note suggesting 'Take Three' or something of that meaning.
Jet Enduro (played by Asroc)

Jet seemed rather clueless now. Oh well. He was still clueless on how this worked. All he was told that it involved dressing up and getting sweets. Not that he minded. He wanted to get this over and done with. However, his curiosity was getting the best of him. The decorations did make him smile, despite he didn't chance his expression or say anything about it.

"Uh... I am... kinda."

Jet's tome didn't seem like his normal, cold and dry tone. Instead he sounded more baffled and clueless. "I guess it's why I am dressed like a dork and your costume..."

He gave a rather quizzical look, followed by him pointing at the other's costume.


His eyes focused more on the bowel full of sweets. Take a few, he placed them in his bag.

"I guess I should say 'Thank You'." He addressed. "And uh. Nice costume."
Elijah and Richard L (played by Septima-Kroi) Topic Starter

Elijah curiously noticed the other fellow's expression, as well as the way he carried himself. There was only one logical explanation for that. He did not find it bad or anything, but he was observant enough to notice it. Listening to the white-haired stranger's speech pattern only proved his hypothesis.

"You don't go trick-or-treating often, do you?" His smile was friendly and understanding despite the question. He set the bowl down on the small table, grabbing a marker and a small card from underneath and writing his little note. He set the note against the bowl and clicked the marker shut, "Don't worry; it's not that hard. It's actually fun once you get into it! Let me tell you, my first Halloween? Total nightmare - I was petrified. Nine years old; never heard of the holiday. But after that? Grumps and I were the terrors of the neighborhood." He jerked his thumb back towards the house, indicating his red-headed brother.

"Oh, thanks," he finally said, scratching the back of his head but also messing up the placement of his hat. "I was thinking about being Cinderella's Prince Charming since our theme this year is Disney characters, but I managed to get Grumps to dress as Philip, so I settled on the cowboy." He tipped his hat as he said this, quickly adjusting it.
Jet Enduro (played by Asroc)

"N-never have done so..." The snowy haired youth muttered under his breath. This was his first time after all. He didn't want to say anything or have a smart ass remark. Remaining silent still and a bit clueless, he huffed a sigh. Maybe this night could be fun. After all, Jet never had "fun" before. Aside from raiding tombs in exchange for cash.

"I guess I could get use to it."

His tone sounding less cold and baffled to more positive? Oh Jet, you silly boy. He gave a nod at the other's costume. Nodding a bit, he put his hands in the pockets of his coat.

"You'd fit in my town with that get up."
Noël Noire (played by FreeJayFly)

Ah... Halloween. One of those events that Noël admittedly had not been too terribly familiar with despite his upbringing in America. While he was familiar with the holiday, the decorations, and the notion... his upbringing did not see him off on too many trick-or-treat events. That being the case, Noël had been dressed up as a zombie using some of his make-up FX and old, thrift shop clothing.

The evening itself had been eventful for him and a friend as they had been asking people for pictures. Noël had been happy to get some people within frame and getting the right lighting for some Halloween pictures. However, with his camera bag filled with his supplies, and a notebook filled with names, he decided that perhaps the rest of the night should be celebrated with some door-to-door knocking and trick or treating.

Sure, some people might have said he was too old for it... though the hope was that people would recognise that Noël was out for fun, and it was getting to that time where most kids were starting to have been brought back inside. Walking along, Noël took pause in front of a house that seemed to still have some attention drawn to it and decided that perhaps that should be first house of the night for an evening wrap up.

Jogging over, Noël had waved to those that were around and said to them, "hey there! Happy Halloween! Trick-or-treat, and all that fun stuff!"

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