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Forums » Looking for RP » Maybe there's more to this guy than just (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Leon Robertson (played by Leon)

You need someone dead. Leon wants money, and a way to kill time (Pardon the pun, unintentional.). You hire him, and you meet with him in a coffee shop to discuss the target, payment, and things of the like. But there's something... intriguing about him. Something more than just his looks, or the pistol on his belt so large that 'hand cannon' would be a better term to describe it. When he calls to say the job is done, maybe you say you want to meet to discuss a new target. Or maybe you just want to talk. Only time will tell. Maybe there's more to this guy then just being a gun for hire.

Looking for a female character, for there will be romance. But in this case, it won't be easy. Leon may not respond well to any advances. He won't be completely cold and unfeeling, but years of being paid to kill has... watered down his more sensitive emotions. Maybe you can bring back the sensitive and kind Leon that there was years ago.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Leon Robertson (played by Leon) Topic Starter

Still open.
Would any of my characters work?
Hey, you think Melissa would fit the bill? I think it could be interesting to see the two interact...
I'm up for this.
Looks fun! Can I join?
Corwyn Marsallus (played by VocaloidAddict)

Heyo! Would Corwyn work for this?
Rowena (played by LungDrac)

If you're not put off by a cat lady hybrid, then sure!
Sky Sinity (played by ZeperTheStar)

Maybe I can make this work? Using a fully human forme that is.
Leon Robertson (played by Leon) Topic Starter

Still open.

Hey, if the topic is still open then I would like to RP. If any of my characters work then PM me :)

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Maybe there's more to this guy than just (closed)

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