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Forums » Looking for RP » At loss for words (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I don't mind RPing with others. Either PM or forum is fine with me!
I'd be very happy to roleplay with others. I think that might actually make it more fun!
So long as the group is small or has a post order I'm fine with either. Which ever works best. Same for my preference to forum or pms
Derglet Topic Starter

Hmm... I'll go ahead and say Forums then ^^; I'll quickly go make the Forum now
Derglet Topic Starter

So, now that we've got the forum set up, we should probably go over how they meet up at all? And where exactly do they meet?
Derglet Topic Starter

I don't know, on that one Street? XD
What are they trying to do throughout the rp? That'd have an impact on how they meet up.
Derglet Topic Starter

Not sure really. Perhaps we could do some thing where they're trying to take back the Kingdom or whatever?
I don't think that'd work to we'll with my character, whose an alien.

Maybe there could be some artifact of ultimate power our characters are trying get. Some other collector alien might want it and hire Jackie to get it. And yall characters could get roped in by a misunderstanding before Jackie translater goes out?
Derglet Topic Starter

Sounds good ^^
I don't think Sheila would be one for artefacts or ultimate powers. But maybe she could be trying to sell some of her creations to one of you guys, and that way be involved?
And maybe the translator and Pertahu could somehow cancel each other out? Since the alien technology could somehow influence Pertahus mechanism and cause him to go haywire, and that somehow would work against the translator?...
Derglet Topic Starter

Weronikus wrote:
I don't think Sheila would be one for artefacts or ultimate powers. But maybe she could be trying to sell some of her creations to one of you guys, and that way be involved?
And maybe the translator and Pertahu could somehow cancel each other out? Since the alien technology could somehow influence Pertahus mechanism and cause him to go haywire, and that somehow would work against the translator?...

I think that sounds good XD
I was just planning for the Translator to malfunction.

Ontop of that, I'm not sure what interferance there would be, if any, between Jackie's translator and Perhatu, as Jackie's Translator downloads and installs a language at her disgression, it doesn't update automatically, and the only waves it transmits go to Jackie's brain. Dunno how something not in her brain could interfere with that.
Oh, okay. Sorry, it was just an idea ^^"
I guess I'll just make Pert go haywire all on his own, sometime before Jackie comes but after some contact is achieved.
Hey, um, when are we gonna start?
And who starts?
Is this still open?
Derglet Topic Starter

-Weronikus Whoever wants to start can start, I guess XD

-Lendoran Well, if the others will have yah, go right ahead

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