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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Forgotten foundings [1x1]

(This is between me and AlexORioden~)

Hungry, he was. Travelling through the dense undergrowth of the tall grass, this darkened mass of scales could be heard somewhat. Despite bleeding at his mouth from a broken tooth, he pressed on. He could smell the smoke from a house nearby, maybe a place of respite. Hopefully someone there would make a great meal for a creature like him. Deadly by most standards, yet to other standards he was a reject. As he neared the smokey scent source, he nervously peered up from the grass, stand breifly onto his hind legs, red eyes glaring out with an undying hatred.
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

Tori was a young woman, who found herself starting to become middle aged. She found after a while living with her family became a bother, since they had many dis-agreements, so she had decided to live on her own. She was proud of where she was, she had built her house on her own, cared for herself and hunted and gardened. Though, she was often very lonely, she found this gave her a lot of time to read and study whatever she liked. Today, she had caught a wonderful buck, and was preparing the meat with herbs and vegetables. She smiled as she cooking, having to hold herself back and wait for the meal to be ready.
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

He takes a deeper breath, taking in the scent of the smoke and continues onward. His clawed feet barely made a sound. It was, howver, a tragedgy of his chains that caused to make a racket as he walked. He could also smell something cooking, causing his stomach to hurtbadly from a hunger that had been bugging him for a while. He grimaces, and shook off. Dark then sdtands up again, ignoring the fact he was in plain sight now.
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

Tori blinked, hearing the rattle of the chains. She jumped slightly in surprise, but couldn't be sure of the source of the sound. Though she could tell the sound came from outside. She went to the window and opened the shutters. One look at seeing Dark, her face went green and she screamed, slamming the window shut again.
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Dark let loose a startled roar and dived back into the grass, heart beating real hard. He had been spotted. Usually he wouldn't pay much heed to this, but hearing a scream meant he was found out. But his stomach growled once more, and he crawlerd up to the house, chains rattling still as his slick tail rubbed against a bucket, knocking it over.
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

Inside, Tori fell to the floor and scrabbled to her feet. She quickly threw her arrows over her back, strapped her sword around her waist, and got her bow ready with an arrow. She carefully opened her door and came outside, carefully listening and looking around. "That thing was huge... a demon... but during the day?" She thought to herself.
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Dark peered through the blinds, using his claws a bit. But upon seeing the girl gone, he grunts and gets back onto all fours, turning around. He starts to head back to the grass when he heard a noise. A door? He turns back around gradually, then sneaks to the front. Or attempted to. His chains once again rattled loudly as he attempted to sneak up to the girl.
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

Tori was trained well by her father to use her senses at their best. She heard Dark instantly and turned around, her arrow aimed right between his eyes. There was fear in her eyes. She was small and short, a girl with vibrant green eyes and long white hair, a pedigree of her breeding. She wore the cloths of a huntress, mostly likely made with her own hands. She held her bow strong, and was willing to shot him any second.
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Dark yelped, and stops cold. Standing on the dirt, his blackened scales were instantly visible. HIs huge wings rested slightly on his back, though the right side first wing on the front was hanging limply. Most dragons only had two wings, but he had six. HIs hands ended in sharpened claws, with a face armed with six sharp horns a mouth full of teeth. HIs stomach growled once more. ''H..Hungry...''
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

Tori's eyes widened, "You... talk.... Demons don't talk..." She loosened her bow slightly.
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Talking is a trait that few of my kind have learned over the generations. It a rare quirk in a long line of these 'demons'..'' He replied, trying to sound calm. He walks closer to her, but kept a cautious step, head lowered with his red eyes narrowed. No intent to hurt, but cautious in a way to keep watch over actions. He had learned most of his lessons without parents there to help him.
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

She pulled her bow back and stepped back, "Stay where you are!" Her expression changed to be more defensive. "What do you want with me? I can guarantee if you're looking to make a meal of me, I'll be taking a few of your limbs in the process." She was trying to sound strong, but you could tell she was frightened to the core.
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''I'm just hungry. Do you have any food to spare, besides yourself?'' He asked, stopping once more. He had stopped standing sideways, as to reveal his skinny build. Wingsthat clung loosely to his spine. ''I do hunger for food, but I can't find anything to eat besides..Fish.''
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

Tori blinked. She examined him a little more. At first she was about to criticize him, since he looked like he could easily hunt on his own. But realizing he had chains on his limbs, she realized he must have been imprisoned for some time and might now be too weak to hunt on his own. She lowered her bow, "You look like my sister could break you in half. Were you imprisoned somewhere?"
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''I was trapped in a hunting facility where they kill 'demons' for money. I escaped, but these chains are still on me and they never fed me. I'm not here to haem anyone.''
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

She stood straight, "You must have come from the fort then..." She rubbed her neck. A part of her wanted to kill him right there, take him back to the fort. Heck, maybe she could get some money for it. The other part of her knew that if this was a unicorn, she would probably help him out. (In Tori's world, unicorns are considered a breed of demons, but they are tolerated since they don't normally attack humans.) "I was raised well to kill demons. How can I trust you won't attack me the moment I try to help you?"
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''If I had wanted to harm you, I would have already done so.'' He stated coldly. His huge wings were spread enough to show they were still in use for flight, though heavily bruised. ''I was raised to avoid your kind, yet I stand here now, don't I?''
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

Though Tori was very trusting in her own skills, she had never seen his kind before, and knew she couldn't be sure if he was a match for her. But she didn't want to fight. She thought for a moment. "I don't want to hurt you either. I have a few scraps from a buck I killed this morning. You can have that." She was letting her guard down, but she still sounded scared.
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Can I have it then?'' He asked calmly as he folded his wings and faced her once more. His mouth still bled slightly, barely noticable at least. ''I've never hurt anyone before.''
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

Tori nodded, "Stay here then." She backed up carefully and went into her house. She saw her food was burning on the stove and gasped, "No no no no!!" She ran over and took it off. She tasted it and frowned. If her father was here, she'd give it to him, but it was now too well done for her tastes. She dragged out the bag of the scrap meat and bones to him in one hand, and had her meal in a bowl in the other and set them down in front of him and backed up. "My food got overcooked. You can have it."

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