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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Forgotten foundings [1x1]

Jack (played by AlexORiordan)

rolled 1d20 and got 16

Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''So Tori did get caught....But I'm helpless. I can't do anything to saver. Jack told me to focus on getting my sister...'' Thend held his head, shaking. ''Ugh...So many choices...''
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

Another day passes.

rolled 1d20 and got 6

Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Dark was trapped between two choices. Find Tori once more, or save his sister. He wondered around until he found a quiet place and held up the button and string, watching it.
Tori (played by AlexORiordan)

It became still for him.
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Should I go find Tori and save her?''
Leon Kaliman (played by AlexORiordan)

A man next to Dark looks over at him. He has a bottle of whisky though, so he's mellowed out.
Leon Kaliman (played by AlexORiordan)

Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Dark ignored the man. ''Even though Jack told me to find my sister?''
Leon Kaliman (played by AlexORiordan)

It slows down, but is still going clockwise.

The man blinks.
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

He sighs, and puts it away somewhere. ''Than I have to find her. My sister can wait.''
Leon Kaliman (played by AlexORiordan)

The man looks at him and chuckles, "Yeah, you're going to try to go against the Order's mages AND the Clairborn army... Good luck!" He was drunk.
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Dark shot him a glare of coldness. ''I can tell your drunk, and I can assure myself that your acting stupid due to it. Your talking to the offspring of a feared demon.''
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

(Going to bed. NIght)
Leon Kaliman (played by AlexORiordan)

"And you're talking to one of the best former arch-mages of the Order... but the world doesn't give a shit about either of us. If the war hero Lloyd can't even save his own daughter, what makes you think you can?"
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Because I vow to save who saves me, and for now my sister will have to protect herself until I can rescue Tori.''
Leon Kaliman (played by AlexORiordan)

"Well... got a plan?"
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Not really, but I plan to take whatever actions are neccearry to suceed.''
Leon Kaliman (played by AlexORiordan)

"Then you're going to need some help." The man stood up, but his steps wavered, "I've been waiting to get back at Kizuato and his bastards for years. Kizuato can't be beaten, but there are ways you can keep him from killing you."
Darkness Light Falls (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Dark snorted. ''I shall state that killing me is futile. I can die, but I end up be resurrected only hours after death, usually finding myself near some old Altar. I don't intend to beat some, I just want to rescue my only friend. And you look drunk. Still.''

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