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Forums » Introductions » I Am Your Queen!

I am the RoleplayQueen, Queen of all Roleplaying. I'm also queen of Roleplayia The Kingdom of Roleplaying. RP with me! ^^
*kneels down* Hello, your highness! Welcome to RPR!
*kneels* Welcome, great queen. I hope you find this site to your liking.
Welcome to RPR! Tell us a bit about yourself :D what's your favorite genre of RP? Do you have any hobbies outside of RP? If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask...we're all super friendly and happy to help!
Rawr~! Welcome to the RPR!
Hope you enjoy your stay!
Rawr~! Well, never thought I'd meet a Roleplay Queen (I always assumed Kim was the Roleplay Queen here), but anyway, I am humbled by thou presence!
Anyway, *Cough* don't be afraid to hit me up! I do bite, but not much~!
I knelt on one knee and balled my hand into a fist, placing it on my chest, "Welcome to the site, Your Majesty. Please do inform us if you have any inquiries."

// This kinda seemed better in my head xD
RoleplayQueen Topic Starter

Thanks, everyone! ^^
I shalt not bow, for allt are equal in me eyes
But thoug do have me respect~

What was that.... A drunk royal pirate? We shall never know
Welcome the site either way~
Sanne Moderator

Welcome to RPR!! I hope you'll have a grand time here with us. :D Please don't hesitate to ask us any questions you might have!
Kim Site Admin

From one royal to another, welcome to the site! ;)

Hello,your majesty. Welcome!

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