This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
After the loss of the Easterners lands, and them settling into Tur Venh and establishing a mighty empire, a new threat has arisen. This time, it wasn't the practice of magic that threatened Vevarian society, but more the spawn of something worse...much worse...
An inter-dimensional creature by the name of 'Neross the Deathless' had made his first assault on the Vevarian province of Eastar in the east, bringing with him a massive army of ocean dwelling monstrosities. Eastar being of little fortifications and defence, is easily succumbing to this new threat. The Imperial Army having initially focused its manpower to the north immediately turns their attention to the East, however doubts arise that they're already too late.
With every innocent they slay, soldier or otherwise, becomes fuel for the Deathless, their blood sustaining his lust for vengeance on the Vevarians. Locals have begun to give this new threat a name: “The Dead East”. A prophecy predicts that a knight of clear heart and pure soul, could vanquish Neross, and bring peace to the land of Vevaria once again.
The current emperor of Vevaria: Raphael V, has called upon the help of mercenaries and other would be warriors to assist in this struggle for survival. He has ordered various wanted posters be strewn about the land of Neross' head with a reward of 50,000 Sceptres. Doubtless, a fine reward, but with great cost. He's even resorted to calling upon the assistance of other empires and kingdoms, advertising the head of Neross for his defeat.
The fate of Vevaria lies in the hands of its people, its help of otherwise foreigners, and its determination to survive.
I'm primarily looking for would-be heroes to fight Neross and his minions. I've initially planned out the first and second part of the story, but the third part I'm gonna try and leave up to the players. You can be any race, so long as they're humanoid. Please don't god-mode or anything, of course there's gonna be huge battles but please don't take initial control of the soldiers, unless you bring your own. On the subject of soldiers, you can be a king, or emperor of a foreign land assisting Vevaria with your own soldiers at your beck and call. You can be a mercenary in Vevaria's army, or a possible adventurer looking to earn some money. Of course, there are quite a few things to be in this RP, but I'll leave that up to you to decide. Raphael wouldn't play a big part in the story, his generals will play more a part than he will. There can be romance if you wish, but no romance to any of my characters. I think that's about it for now... Anyway, reply here if you're interested.
An inter-dimensional creature by the name of 'Neross the Deathless' had made his first assault on the Vevarian province of Eastar in the east, bringing with him a massive army of ocean dwelling monstrosities. Eastar being of little fortifications and defence, is easily succumbing to this new threat. The Imperial Army having initially focused its manpower to the north immediately turns their attention to the East, however doubts arise that they're already too late.
With every innocent they slay, soldier or otherwise, becomes fuel for the Deathless, their blood sustaining his lust for vengeance on the Vevarians. Locals have begun to give this new threat a name: “The Dead East”. A prophecy predicts that a knight of clear heart and pure soul, could vanquish Neross, and bring peace to the land of Vevaria once again.
The current emperor of Vevaria: Raphael V, has called upon the help of mercenaries and other would be warriors to assist in this struggle for survival. He has ordered various wanted posters be strewn about the land of Neross' head with a reward of 50,000 Sceptres. Doubtless, a fine reward, but with great cost. He's even resorted to calling upon the assistance of other empires and kingdoms, advertising the head of Neross for his defeat.
The fate of Vevaria lies in the hands of its people, its help of otherwise foreigners, and its determination to survive.
I'm primarily looking for would-be heroes to fight Neross and his minions. I've initially planned out the first and second part of the story, but the third part I'm gonna try and leave up to the players. You can be any race, so long as they're humanoid. Please don't god-mode or anything, of course there's gonna be huge battles but please don't take initial control of the soldiers, unless you bring your own. On the subject of soldiers, you can be a king, or emperor of a foreign land assisting Vevaria with your own soldiers at your beck and call. You can be a mercenary in Vevaria's army, or a possible adventurer looking to earn some money. Of course, there are quite a few things to be in this RP, but I'll leave that up to you to decide. Raphael wouldn't play a big part in the story, his generals will play more a part than he will. There can be romance if you wish, but no romance to any of my characters. I think that's about it for now... Anyway, reply here if you're interested.
Magic is common.
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Sounds neat. I wouldn't mind joining, and I'm assuming it's kind of like a medieval type of RP right?
TheHero1208 wrote:
Sounds neat. I wouldn't mind joining, and I'm assuming it's kind of like a medieval type of RP right?
Oh! Sorry for not mentioning this, but yeah, it's set in a late medieval-early Renaissance setting. Which character are you thinking of joining as?
I think Priam could work, but feel free to look over any of my other characters if you feel like it.
TheHero1208 wrote:
I think Priam could work, but feel free to look over any of my other characters if you feel like it.
Hmmmm... I could imagine Neross taunting Priam about his faith once they meet. Yes! You're in! We just gotta wait for a few others to join.
TheHero1208 wrote:
Okay! This is goin to be good.
We just gotta wait for others to join. Still open you people!
If you're still looking, I'd be interested!
theyanderedevil wrote:
If you're still looking, I'd be interested!
Yes! This'll be open till I have enough players. Which character will you be using?
Probably Crimson, if that's alright! I'll alter her age and basic info slightly so she'll fit into the time and plot, but she'd be the best character
theyanderedevil wrote:
Probably Crimson, if that's alright! I'll alter her age and basic info slightly so she'll fit into the time and plot, but she'd be the best character
Hmmmm... the second part of this RP takes place on the ocean, so I could imagine her freaking out of the fact they're miles away from land. I could also imagine Neross tapping into her fears once they meet. You're in!
Alright, sweet, lemme know when we're ready!
theyanderedevil wrote:
Alright, sweet, lemme know when we're ready!
Will do, this'll still be open when we get enough players!
I need to refine my writing style with this character and this adventure looks to be interesting! I will gladly offer my knight to join the adventure, as she has no country, no king, and only her code left. She is a travelling knight who carries all of her possessions that she will ever need.
Knight Valemia wrote:
I need to refine my writing style with this character and this adventure looks to be interesting! I will gladly offer my knight to join the adventure, as she has no country, no king, and only her code left. She is a travelling knight who carries all of her possessions that she will ever need.
Awesome! You're in! I love me some historically accurate material, so you're definitely in! Congratz! We just gotta wait for one more player, and we're just about ready to go!
Knight Valemia wrote:
I need to refine my writing style with this character and this adventure looks to be interesting! I will gladly offer my knight to join the adventure, as she has no country, no king, and only her code left. She is a travelling knight who carries all of her possessions that she will ever need.
Any chance you could tell me what a Burmecian is? I looked it up and apparently it's some kind of furry? Excuse my ignorance, I just need to know in order to plan out the story a bit more.
This seems interesting! Maybe either Evelyn or Aayla could join the RP? (Though I'd prefer Eve.) I am rping both of them in the renaissance, so that fits, too!
RainbowToRosie wrote:
This seems interesting! Maybe either Evelyn or Aayla could join the RP? (Though I'd prefer Eve.) I am rping both of them in the renaissance, so that fits, too!
You're in! I just have to ask Miss a few questions before we get this going.
Emperor Raphael V wrote:
RainbowToRosie wrote:
This seems interesting! Maybe either Evelyn or Aayla could join the RP? (Though I'd prefer Eve.) I am rping both of them in the renaissance, so that fits, too!
You're in! I just have to ask Miss a few questions before we get this going.
Got it! Thanks for letting me in!
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