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Forums » Looking for RP » Original Concept adventure RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hello! I'm looking to start up an original concept RP that can be anything from adventure, to suspense, etc. I am open to many different ideas and want to see where the characters end up!

I normally RP as a female, but can RP with anyone. We can totally play with the ideas of romance if you so desire.

Sorry if this is short, still getting the hang of things and testing the waters!
Magic 90%
Magic is very common. Magic-tech, grand floating islands, forests that sing, magical creatures may be an every-day occurrence.
Technology 30%
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.


Hello there! I'm interested in whatever you're planning. Besides, it's been awhile since I've RPed. :D
Yeah, maybe I'll join too. I read the writing on your other post and found it a worthwhile read, and would love to see more. What sort of fantasy adventure didja have in mind? :)
WishfulThinking Topic Starter

TheHero1208 wrote:
Hello there! I'm interested in whatever you're planning. Besides, it's been awhile since I've RPed. :D

Hello! Sounds good, if you have any ideas I would love to hear them. I'm honestly just looking into whatever and seeing what other people would like to RP as well.
WishfulThinking Topic Starter

Virtu wrote:
Yeah, maybe I'll join too. I read the writing on your other post and found it a worthwhile read, and would love to see more. What sort of fantasy adventure didja have in mind? :)

Hi! First of all, thank you!
As for what I had in mind right now it's a little up in the air with plenty of room for playing. I was thinking something along the lines of an adventure. Perhaps like a mission of some kind?
Let me know if you have any ideas!


Hmmm... I'm not sure exactly sure myself. Maybe I should try to think up a scenario with some sort of world peril. Like, this really strong monster is destroying Earth or someting, idk
WishfulThinking Topic Starter

TheHero1208 wrote:
Hmmm... I'm not sure exactly sure myself. Maybe I should try to think up a scenario with some sort of world peril. Like, this really strong monster is destroying Earth or someting, idk

I was thinking about a world in trouble of some kind. Perhaps a village in danger and an unlikely gang having to be put together in order to save the day. I love scenes that are set more in a less modern world. Not medieval but not mechanical or modern (if that makes sense) let me know if this helps!
Maybe a 1500s world (just the start of the renaissance and the fall of knighthood, the desperate pleas of dying chivalry) paired with a New Frontier similar to the new world -- but perhaps in this case, a natural disaster cleaved a rift in a once treacherous mountain range, opening a whole other fertile side of the continent. (Perhaps a more barbaric side as well, facing a civilization 1500 years strong that is grossly overpopulated as well)

Lol, I'm going too far aren't I?

Maybe instead we can all be childhood friends on a farming village (all the potatoes!) but then one of our sheep get lost in the forest, and one of us ends up captured by slavers and we all get taken to a foreign land.

Or we could make it a Chosen One Quest, where one of us is picked by a sign (light shining down on them from the clouds, or maybe a tree opening up to give forth a shield or a sheath, or something) and that character is tasked with unleashing some power (maybe locked away in tombs) that will equip them to overthrow the current government (maybe our people have been conquered by a foreign power not unlike Rome in rule and function. Or it could just be a tribe like the Mayanss that despite being advanced in tech, takes human sacrifices from our people, which might lead to some grudges if you know what i mean.)

Forget what I said, her idea is great! :O
WishfulThinking Topic Starter

Virtu wrote:
Maybe a 1500s world (just the start of the renaissance and the fall of knighthood, the desperate pleas of dying chivalry) paired with a New Frontier similar to the new world -- but perhaps in this case, a natural disaster cleaved a rift in a once treacherous mountain range, opening a whole other fertile side of the continent. (Perhaps a more barbaric side as well, facing a civilization 1500 years strong that is grossly overpopulated as well)

Lol, I'm going too far aren't I?

Maybe instead we can all be childhood friends on a farming village (all the potatoes!) but then one of our sheep get lost in the forest, and one of us ends up captured by slavers and we all get taken to a foreign land.

Or we could make it a Chosen One Quest, where one of us is picked by a sign (light shining down on them from the clouds, or maybe a tree opening up to give forth a shield or a sheath, or something) and that character is tasked with unleashing some power (maybe locked away in tombs) that will equip them to overthrow the current government (maybe our people have been conquered by a foreign power not unlike Rome in rule and function. Or it could just be a tribe like the Mayanss that despite being advanced in tech, takes human sacrifices from our people, which might lead to some grudges if you know what i mean.)

Yes! I am loving this so far!
Okay, so lets build on this! So I really love the first idea you stated about the natural disaster and a world beyond the chasm. What I think could be a great addition perhaps is that once upon a lifetime there was just one main kingdom. But a natural disaster (perhaps even later on down the road we figure out it wasn't a natural disaster at all) divided the kingdom into two portions. The one that remained on the other side of the cliff and the smaller half that was divided away from the main portion of the kingdom. This created tension between the two cities as to what to do. The larger portion strived while the smaller portion was struggling. Over the years they adjusted, but the smaller half struggled. Perhaps also the inhabitats of the smaller portion start realizing that the larger half is preparing for war? Or slowly beginning to drift even further away?

I also love the two ideas you threw out of the chosen one quest as well as just a journey quest. What if we combined the two? Perhaps the adventure starts off as just a simple quest the few of our characters begin but later on discover they are apart of something bigger? (being a chosen one quest) I would love to keep the concept of childhood friends.
(Total dibs on the character whos parents were on the larger part of the kingdom and now she lives with her grandparents who lived on the smaller part of the kingdom they all reside on hah!)

We can also throw in the invasion portion where a larger society comes to the smaller portion of the divided kingdom to invade and so our characters have to leave in order to try and get help?

ah so many ideas! Let me know what you think of all of this!! :D
That gave me a bunch of ideas.

So! Let's see...

1) A bit more detail on Divided Kingdoms

A calamity, seemingly of natual origin, strikes, a once united kingdom is divided (by water? By chasm? By mountain range? Oooh how about a chasm valley with searing hot geysers blasting up, and lava too.) This would cause some political issues-- there'd suddenly be two kings. Lets call the Big Kingdom "Grandy" (play on grande) and the Little Kingdom "Puck" (play on poco. Im so creative right.) for convenience sake.

So Grandy stabilized quickly by benefit of having the same king while Puck fell into a bunch of inheritance wars, between noble houses and unproveable claims to royal blood. Puck then becomes a divided kingdom with a council of "Lords" (maybe they even all call themselves kings) rather than a singular king, leading to a divided government and constant infighting. As a result, their tech and culture fall behind, and they remain in a medieval era while across the Chasm, Grandy prospers into a renaissance, with paintings and riches and growth in science and medicine.

Puck still receives trade and supplies from Grandy (perhaps Puck is the agricultural providor or is fertile in some magic-making mineral), but only wyvern riders and pegasus riders can cross the chasm, and only royal guard and say, 3 elite mercenary troops are permitted by royal decree to actually own and breed those winged beasts.

2) The Calamity itself

Maybe it was a sorcerer that caused it or some demon, and he's been inside the chasm, deep underground in the lava, and remains in this incubation stage until a certain ceremony (maybe special human sacrifice) is undergone. That way we could have this as an underlying threat driving the main action. Certain cultists/old religionists are advising the king of Grandy and convincing him to find the special human sacrifice so he can rule the world and not have to deal with all those false kings in Puck.

3) the New World
Not sure where this would fit in. Perhaps it opens up underground as the second part of the story? Maybe it's the underworld or a land of dragons that the King of Grandy wants to rule. Or maybe he was in love with a creature below that visits him in his dreams. Dunno.

X) phone word dump, excuse any mistakes
WishfulThinking Topic Starter

Oh Love it! Really digging the world building. As I read over your ideas I think #3 with the second world perhaps is too much right now, but maybe later on in the story it can come into play. But for the initial start up I don't think it's needed.
So I think our three (or two depending on how many of us there are) grew up in Puck. Maybe even they were either very young or not even born when the two kingdoms divided. Maybe the driving factor for them is that one of the characters (one I'm leaning towards haha) Decides she wants to go finally see her parents in Grandy, but can't make the journey alone. They don't have any flying beasts to get them across but she thinks that with the three or two of them they could make it together with their wits and skills as farmers and what not. Perhaps they grew up in the forests playing scouts/adventures/warriors etc. And they have many survival skills as well.
They begin on this journey only to somehow stumble upon the cultist type group in the mountains.
Maybe even one of the characters gets captured by said group, later on to be rescued or even taken to Grandy.
What do you think of these ideas? :)

As I said, these ideas sound great, I just wish I can contribute somehow. Still, they all sound very interesting. I'm fine with doing whatever though. :D
WishfulThinking wrote:
So I think our three (or two depending on how many of us there are) grew up in Puck. Maybe even they were either very young or not even born when the two kingdoms divided. Maybe the driving factor for them is that one of the characters (one I'm leaning towards haha) Decides she wants to go finally see her parents in Grandy, but can't make the journey alone. They don't have any flying beasts to get them across but she thinks that with the three or two of them they could make it together with their wits and skills as farmers and what not. Perhaps they grew up in the forests playing scouts/adventures/warriors etc. And they have many survival skills as well.
They begin on this journey only to somehow stumble upon the cultist type group in the mountains.
Maybe even one of the characters gets captured by said group, later on to be rescued or even taken to Grandy.
What do you think of these ideas? :)

This sounds fun! A few tweaks I suggest, though; something causing her want to meet her parents to be an immediate want, survivalist lifestyle, and maybe they first want to somehow join up with one of the traders, though they know it'll be hard work.

I think perhaps her grandparents passing away would be a good catalyst to seek out the parents (this way, she has nothing left to tie her to her old life, and maybe needs someone to take care of her now. It's convenient that this has been, maybe, her dream from a young age. Maybe she has a signet ring or something to qualify her claim to parents). In addition, they ought to know some traveler group -- maybe hobo-like gypsies or merchants. They want to go to a certain city (a capital, or richer king's city) that has a roosting area that accommodates flying traders that come from across the Chasm (likely located near the Chasm as well).

Rather than the lot of them having survivalist skills, perhaps one of us was raised by the huntsman that brings back food from the forest, another of us was raised by the herbalist/alchemist, and the third could be the child of a guardsman or maybe has the brute strength of a miner. This way we have varied abilities that suggest varied worldviews as well.

EDIT: Oh, but the rest of it sounds great! Running into cultists in the mountains, I like the idea quite a bit... hmm, yeah, perhaps they hold secret ceremonies there or near there. Perhaps they're even plotting to thieve some flying steeds from the trading post.

Virtu wrote:
WishfulThinking wrote:
So I think our three (or two depending on how many of us there are) grew up in Puck. Maybe even they were either very young or not even born when the two kingdoms divided. Maybe the driving factor for them is that one of the characters (one I'm leaning towards haha) Decides she wants to go finally see her parents in Grandy, but can't make the journey alone. They don't have any flying beasts to get them across but she thinks that with the three or two of them they could make it together with their wits and skills as farmers and what not. Perhaps they grew up in the forests playing scouts/adventures/warriors etc. And they have many survival skills as well.
They begin on this journey only to somehow stumble upon the cultist type group in the mountains.
Maybe even one of the characters gets captured by said group, later on to be rescued or even taken to Grandy.
What do you think of these ideas? :)

This sounds fun! A few tweaks I suggest, though; something causing her want to meet her parents to be an immediate want, survivalist lifestyle, and maybe they first want to somehow join up with one of the traders, though they know it'll be hard work.

I think perhaps her grandparents passing away would be a good catalyst to seek out the parents (this way, she has nothing left to tie her to her old life, and maybe needs someone to take care of her now. It's convenient that this has been, maybe, her dream from a young age. Maybe she has a signet ring or something to qualify her claim to parents). In addition, they ought to know some traveler group -- maybe hobo-like gypsies or merchants. They want to go to a certain city (a capital, or richer king's city) that has a roosting area that accommodates flying traders that come from across the Chasm (likely located near the Chasm as well).

Rather than the lot of them having survivalist skills, perhaps one of us was raised by the huntsman that brings back food from the forest, another of us was raised by the herbalist/alchemist, and the third could be the child of a guardsman or maybe has the brute strength of a miner. This way we have varied abilities that suggest varied worldviews as well.

I have a feeling that this is going to be an amazing RP. I like the idea of a soldier's child. Maybe one could be an orphan as well, either a rogue-like child who has to steal for his food, or is just generally treated as family by most of the villagers. Just trying to throw ideas out there, ehehe. I like your guy's ideas alot though, they're really interesting.
Awesome, Hero! x) I won't mind taking the huntsman's son, then! Stealthy is as stealthy does, heh.

Also, what do you think of the Chasm also being a place where monsters are coming out of? It may add some peril to our adventure to face off things from the medieval bestiary.
WishfulThinking Topic Starter

AH this is perfect. I think you brilliantly tied it all together with your additions! Love the passing of the grandparents as well as the different skills of the kids. What ages are you thinking for them? I definitely prefer the younger years of around 17+. But their ages can be of a variety.
It also looks like we have all of the basics done so we can probably get going here pretty quickly.
Is there a time of year or season you prefer?
Will you like to create a brand new characterfor this rp? I think I am going to.
Also, in this world do you think humanoid type hybrids would be typical? Or rather more outcasted?
Ohh thanks xD >//>

I don't mind being around 17+ of age. I'll probably make a new character to be the huntsman, probably a free-spirited smooth-talker type, a bit loose on the morals tho. Maybe he'd be 19, or 18, or 17, dunno quite yet, haha.

It would probably be just at the beginning spring time when we decide to leave, and used the winter to prepare -- that way there's no snow and the land is bountiful with the harvest.

As for humanoid-type hybrids, what did you mean? Folks with animal ears or like fire elementals or elves and dwarves? I kind of imagine, with there being only two kingdoms, that there wouldn't be much discrimination by merit of having lived near one another for so long.

I mean, we could come up with reasons for why the culture discriminates against these hybrids, but personally, I think it'd fit the story better not to have much of a discrimination theme unless it ties in with the cultists somehow -- it may prove distracting rather than add to the plot or the world. Besides, there's tension enough with the warring groups x) We could make up lots of things about the different kings of Puck, their personalities and histories. Heck, some could be mafia, others secret cultists (a free masons), some other group quite orderly but exercises cruel and unreasonable punishments in public (see spanish inquisition that no one expects), and so on.

Not to mention coming up with a mystical element to make this fantastical. A magic ore vein, perhaps, or maybe ghosts or immortal and magical creatures that live side by side to the kingdoms like the fae? Should there be legends of old or prophecies to fulfill? What about a magic university or mages in general?

Dunno, what do you think? x) I'm getting ahead of myself, no doubt.


Also I settled on Cheeky as the basis for the huntsman. I'm thinking he's about 17 years old. Why don't we brainstorm the characters together too? :3 I havent settled on a name, but I was thinking he'd been a bully as a child (but the kind that no one likes, not the kind that laughs with a group behind him), always with the frogs in girls' desks and spiders in their hair. The gross kid that'd eat worms and half-eaten food other kids throw away. That sorta kid, haha.

I wouldn't mind being the soldiers son or miner or whatever. Strength and honor are the way to go. Besides, maybe he'll be the one who excels at fighting. What I was thinking of was a carefree boy who's a little bit overconfident, meaning he'll let his guard down a lot, especially if he thinks the battle is over.

Man, this is so much to take in. All of these ideas, just *head explodes*

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