This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
The world is dark and corrupt, there is no one left to trust, not even yourself. The people you once knew and loved are broken like mindless Zombies with only one purpose in life, to kill. He cant even remember the last time you've seen the sun, it's been cloudy for weeks on end and that's the time when most of these...things... come out to hunt. You're running low on food and have no other option but to go out to search for food in the ghost town that was once your home. The crows's songs of death are the only songs to be heard, reminding you about it's always with you. The birds mock you as the flap their wings and soar into the sky, rinminding you of how you will forever stay refuged within these walls. Those who have survived this far have either gone mad or have given up on their own lives, letting themselves open as an easy target for the mindless monsters that creep in the night. It's sickening to watch, as you pass by the fresh corpses or the half eaten bodies that slowly start to become one of them.
as you walk deeper into this broken place you see a hoard of these gruesome looking things gathering up in one place, maybe they have found new prey? as you step closer you see a shining glimmer of silver flash above the hoard, breaking the arkness for a moment, piercing the clouds. One by one the hoard becomes smaller and smaller until there was one standing, A young man, Panting in exaughstion, his Silverblue hair stained with the Dark blackish red blood of the hoard he had just taken down, He grips the sword that was also painted heavily with the blood of theh enemy and he looked up towards the sky. A drop of rain fell and soon enough it began to drizzle, then rain. He runs his hand through his hair then looks into your general direction, sword slightly risen to show that he still had a bit of energy left to fight. What will you do?
((Okay, so this roleplay is Mostly Drama, with a bit of action here and there, and I am looking for 2 to 3 extra roleplayers for this one. Magic is allowed, but it is limited and not very useful for fighting "the Hoard" Heavy artillery will not be allowed though, sorry... This is meant to be like a post-apocalyptic kind of theme, so characters are deprived of most things that they were to have normally. also please, please, PLEASE do not godmod (I.E. controll other characters beside your own) it ruins everything for everyone! I want this roleplay to be fun and "Novel Worthy" as I like to say, and I want everyone that is participating in this to be comfortable and having fun as well, Okay? Lets have fun! The character I will be using is Prince Luke of the House of Cards(HOC), If you'd like to know more about him, dont be afraid to go check him out!))
as you walk deeper into this broken place you see a hoard of these gruesome looking things gathering up in one place, maybe they have found new prey? as you step closer you see a shining glimmer of silver flash above the hoard, breaking the arkness for a moment, piercing the clouds. One by one the hoard becomes smaller and smaller until there was one standing, A young man, Panting in exaughstion, his Silverblue hair stained with the Dark blackish red blood of the hoard he had just taken down, He grips the sword that was also painted heavily with the blood of theh enemy and he looked up towards the sky. A drop of rain fell and soon enough it began to drizzle, then rain. He runs his hand through his hair then looks into your general direction, sword slightly risen to show that he still had a bit of energy left to fight. What will you do?
((Okay, so this roleplay is Mostly Drama, with a bit of action here and there, and I am looking for 2 to 3 extra roleplayers for this one. Magic is allowed, but it is limited and not very useful for fighting "the Hoard" Heavy artillery will not be allowed though, sorry... This is meant to be like a post-apocalyptic kind of theme, so characters are deprived of most things that they were to have normally. also please, please, PLEASE do not godmod (I.E. controll other characters beside your own) it ruins everything for everyone! I want this roleplay to be fun and "Novel Worthy" as I like to say, and I want everyone that is participating in this to be comfortable and having fun as well, Okay? Lets have fun! The character I will be using is Prince Luke of the House of Cards(HOC), If you'd like to know more about him, dont be afraid to go check him out!))
On very, very, rare occasions there may be unexplained, POSSIBLY supernatural events. Minor "environmental" magic. Perhaps implies the existence of a deity or supernatural entity. Or perhaps it's just tricks?
Industrial revolution
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.
Would you be interested in my character for this particular forum? I've been meaning to find somewhere to use her, and this forum sounds awesome.

(Sure thing! This character sounds like tons of fun by their description ^∆^)
((Would you prefer a female or male character? This sounds really interesting and I would love to do this!))
Mythiclover1001 wrote:
((Would you prefer a female or male character? This sounds really interesting and I would love to do this!))
(( you may use whoever you want, it's all up to you, so long as they meet the standards and follow the rules for this roleplay))
Prince Luke Of HOC wrote:
Mythiclover1001 wrote:
((Would you prefer a female or male character? This sounds really interesting and I would love to do this!))
(( you may use whoever you want, it's all up to you, so long as they meet the standards and follow the rules for this roleplay))
Alright cool. Do we just start then?
Mythiclover1001 wrote:
Prince Luke Of HOC wrote:
Mythiclover1001 wrote:
((Would you prefer a female or male character? This sounds really interesting and I would love to do this!))
(( you may use whoever you want, it's all up to you, so long as they meet the standards and follow the rules for this roleplay))
Alright cool. Do we just start then?
((I will have a massage out with all of the character's involved, just comment "participating" in these comments as the character that you will be and we will get started once everyone has joined in))
Participating. Shun.
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Caught in the Crossfire (closed)
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus