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Forums » Forum Games » Corrupt-A-Wish

Granted, but they will turn into cockroaches if you take them out of the bag.

I wish I was the richest person in the world.

Alecia wrote:
Granted, but they will turn into cockroaches if you take them out of the bag.

I wish I was the richest person in the world.

(That is fine with me, I'll keep them in the bag, and sell it to someone while still in the bag....their problem not mine lol)

Anyway, Granted but the IRS/TAX collectors take your riches from not paying taxes.

I wish I owned a candy factory...
Sanne Moderator

Granted, but you develop an allergic reaction to sugar!

I wish it was Christmas already.
Granted, but you are the Grinch (pre-severe macrocardia).

I wish I had the power to make enemies be at peace with one another.
Granted, but whenever peace is made, an entire species of an animal dies.

I wish I could turn into a goose.
Granted, but you get an avian disease.

I wish I had something to eat in my fridge.
Granted, but you have to fight off the morbid cream cheese that has somehow taken form into that of Chuck Norris.

I wish I had a lovely bunch of coconuts.
Sanne Moderator

Granted, but they fall on your head and give you a concussion. :(

I wish humans could get high off of catnip, and all other drugs cease to exist!
Granted, but criminals find something else illegal to sell.

I wish for... Some sort of... Propeller...
Granted, but it's not functional at all, it's just a tiny propeller, you can do nothing with.

I wish my laptop cord would work reliably.
Sanne Moderator

Granted, it is now so reliable it will become the new Skynet mainframe.

I wish everything in the world is rainbow colored.
Granted but everyone gradually start to think it's dull

I wish my braces were off
Granted, but the retainer is even worse.

I wish for everyone to read this post.

And then I wish for a lifetime supply of non-icky, always-fresh, tasty, unstealable, non-replaceable, poison-immune, exclusive-to-me-only chocolate chip cookies! (I've played this game before. XD)
granted, but a giant block of concrete falls on top of them.


I wish more people would join RP Kingdoms!
granted, but everyone thinks it's really dull XD

I wish for a chair that didn't squeek
Granted, but the curse is reversed. Congrats, you are now damned.
@SD: Granted, but your chair squeaks instead. (:P)

I wish for a Ban-Hamma. (And to be immune to bans from said Hamma.)
Sanne Moderator

Granted, but SUDDENLY, all it does is send ridiculous amounts of love to whoever you're trying to banhammer on! Oh ho ho.

I wish I had a real lava blanket that will not destroy me out of fear of me destroying it.
Granted, but it destroys everything else it touches!

I wish it was dinner time.
Granted, but you missed it.

I wish for everyone to be a Grammar Nazi, so that no one has to be. (If that makes sense)
Sanne Moderator

Granted, but now the world no longer needs editors and good writing is no longer good our outstanding, but normal and boring. Sadface. :(

I wish I had chickens for daily fresh eggs.

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