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Forums » Forum Games » Corrupt-A-Wish

Granted, but now animals have gained super intelligence and abuse humanity.

I wish I have a teleporter!
Granted, but you can only teleport to areas full of super-intelligent beasts who want to eat you.

I wish I had unlimited amounts of unspoiled food!
Granted, but its all terribly salty and they just ran out of water at the local cantina.

I wish I knew the answer to every problem.
Granted, but everyone thinks you're lieing/cheating

I wish I could type faster!
Granted! but your fingers fall off if you don't take breaks every ten seconds.

I wish I had superpowers.
Granted, but due to the inspecific nature of this wish you've been given the power over small amounts of dust and shapeshifting into a butterfly.

I want an ordinary chocolate chip cookie.


I wish for a wish that gives me a wish only to end with 1 wish left starting witth zero
Kim Site Admin

You confused the genie and get a camel instead.

I wish my apartment cleaned itself.

Granted,but it puts stuff in the wrong place and you can NEVER FIND IT MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

I wish for free everything
Kim Site Admin

Granted, but you then have so much stuff that you are buried in it and crushed to death.

I wish my white board markers never dried out, but also erased easily even when I left them on the board for months and/or years. D:

Granted,but there invisable

I wish that corrupt a wish was real
Granted. But the world crashes like an old computer from all the strain, the Earth Re-boots and everything was like it was before.

I wish I could own my own meteorite.

Granted,you caaaaan but you dont

I wish that a egg was a dollar
Granted, but everyone else bought all the eggs before you could get to any of them.

I wish I had a longer attention span!
Granted, but now you must live with the realization that stuff is boring and you can't not pay attention to it anymore.

I wish i owned a talking duck.
Rynh wrote:
Granted, but now you must live with the realization that stuff is boring and you can't not pay attention to it anymore.

I wish i owned a talking duck.

Granted, but all it does is yell out "Aflac" non-stop, 24/7. When you try to get rid of it, you hear it in your dreams.... It never leaves. You are forever haunted by the Aflac duck.

I wish I owned a successful zoo or animal sanctuary!
Granted, but sadly you are quickly plagued by animal rights activists that have protests daily outside your office.

I wish that we always had gorgeous weather. Doesn't matter what kind I just want it to be awe-inspiring every time someone looks at it.

Granted,but someone thought it would be awsome for it to rain lava and... yeah it happened

Granted, however immediately after completion they released Dark Souls 2.

I wish I was the fairest woman in all the land.

(Well played wellplayed)

Granted,but it was all a dream

I wish that adding dice to a post ment throwing dice at your computer

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