Granted, but the dice are made of solid metal and thus break your computer screen
I wish that I had more time to sit on my butt and do nothing productive!
I wish that I had more time to sit on my butt and do nothing productive!
Granted, but sadly now you have muscular degeneration in on your rump. Tough break!
I wish more people I know would be online and posting more often. (WHAT?! I get bored after I'm done with IRL stuff...)
I wish more people I know would be online and posting more often. (WHAT?! I get bored after I'm done with IRL stuff...)
Granted, however these people are actually people you don't know and post ALL THE TIME.
I wish I could draw faster.
I wish I could draw faster.
Granted, but your quality pays for it. Stick Figures everywhere!
I wish i could find a job.
I wish i could find a job.
Granted, but it is in Russia. AND IN MOTHER RUSSIA YOU NO FIND JOB, JOB FINDS YOU!!! To the coal mines!!!
I wish I could sail the stars in one of those space ships in fiction that can trek the galaxy in a few days and the universe in a few years!!!
I wish I could sail the stars in one of those space ships in fiction that can trek the galaxy in a few days and the universe in a few years!!!
Granted but your ship breaks down on a planet filled with hostile creatures.
I wish I could pause time.
I wish I could pause time.
Granted, but sadly you never learned how to "play" time.
I wish I had a shard of comet ice that I could keep frozen in a freezer.
I wish I had a shard of comet ice that I could keep frozen in a freezer.
Granted, but someone uses it as literal ice, and thus, you no longer have it.
I wish I had more room for more pets!
I wish I had more room for more pets!
Granted, but they kick you out for not paying rent.
I want friends IRL that I can count on. DX
I want friends IRL that I can count on. DX
Granted, but your friends become annoyed by you constantly counting items on them and start to avoid you.
I wish I never had to sleep.
I wish I never had to sleep.
Granted, but you will slowly devolve into a sub-human monster who will die if you fall asleep for even a second. (Any creepypasta fans out there?)
I wish I could grow money from any tree I want to.
I wish I could grow money from any tree I want to.
(Yup, definitely a fan, though I haven't read that story I can't read/listen to many of them without the threat of nightmares.)
Granted, but now every tree you go near turns into a money tree and you can't avoid the horde of people following you to grab money from the trees.
I wish summer vacation was longer.
Granted, but now every tree you go near turns into a money tree and you can't avoid the horde of people following you to grab money from the trees.
I wish summer vacation was longer.
Granted; but the internet doesn't work for you anywhere you go when it's summer.
I wish I had a good book to read.
I wish I had a good book to read.
Granted, sadly you forget at a bus stop where a hobo uses all the pages for illicit purposes.
I wish to be banished on the moon and that I can survive in space.
I wish to be banished on the moon and that I can survive in space.
Granted, but you have the most truly annoying song you can think of as background music forever.
I wish I could sleep for whole 24 just once. (Im just so tired..)
I wish I could sleep for whole 24 just once. (Im just so tired..)
Granted, but you may never sleep again without having terrible nightmares.
I wish that I could enter any story I wanted to at anytime.
I wish that I could enter any story I wanted to at anytime.
Granted,but it is what happened after the story and no matter which one you go in there all doing drugs
I wish for a dog that knows how to fly a ship that ship having talking pizza which is getting shiped to vampires that will give me a crown the crown will give me more sleep and I wake up from a dream to realize im a millionare
I wish for a dog that knows how to fly a ship that ship having talking pizza which is getting shiped to vampires that will give me a crown the crown will give me more sleep and I wake up from a dream to realize im a millionare
Granted, but sadly the machine that all of this was coming out of exploded violently burning it all to a crisp.
I wish that where I move to will have internet waiting for me.
I wish that where I move to will have internet waiting for me.
Granted, when you get to your new place you find a raving homeless man calling himself "Internet."
I wish people I roleplay with are always on when I'm on.
I wish people I roleplay with are always on when I'm on.
Granted, but you find that you lose all your free time, your job, your home, and your precious internet.
I wish this day could be over!
I wish this day could be over!
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