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Forums » Forum Games » Corrupt-A-Wish


Granted, but the next day its gonna be exactly the same for the rest of your life.

I wish I could eat any food in the world without getting sick or fat.

Granted, but no food will ever taste delicious again.

I wish I was more creative.
Granted, but now you can't stop being creative. Thus pushing everyone you love away from you with your "creativeness." Have fun!

I wish for world peace. :)

Granted,however someone took the last chip and now theres violence again

I wish for more time to do nothing
Granted, but you ended up spontaneously combusting because it is impossible to do nothing.

I wish it was next week.
Granted, but it turns out your destiny was to save the world that week. And you missed it. We are all doomed, DOOMED!

I wish I had a nicer car.
Granted, but you use all the gas just to back up out of your driveway. (Sucky gas milage)

I wish I could own my own star and the planetary system around it.
Granted; but all the planets are too close to the sun because it's slowly pulling the planets into it. Your galaxy-owner's insurance doesn't cover the apocalypse either and it costs an arm and a leg just to own that defective solar system.

I wish I had thought of that answer earlier.
Granted, sadly you go bananas from the temporal paradox and forever have trouble remembering what hasn't happened before 3 days after next week. BANANAS!!!

I wish it would snow without me hearing "Let it Go", "Frosty the Snowman" or any other song reminiscent of christmas or ice and all its forms.
Granted but now the only song you ever hear for the rest of your life is the most annoying song known to man. "I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves. I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves and this is how it goes~!"

I wish I was a dragon!
Granted, but like all great dragons you are mistaken for an oversized gecko.

I wish for nothing.
Granted, You are now nothing.

I wish that there would be no more war, crime, mindless killing.
Granted; they think before they shoot.

I wish my water bottle would refill itself whenever I'd drank the water.
(Seriously, that thing would be amazing on a hike.)

Grantted but it refils it with poison (should always specify when wishing for things)

I wish for a penny and my life to be destroyed
Granted; your whole word falls apart when batman kills your family in a gruesome matter. People cart you away to a mental asylum and keep you locked in a padded room away from human contact forever, leaving you with nothing but a penny that's stuck to the ground permanently.

(Ah, but when you specify, it sometimes kills the topic for a bit whilst someone figures out how to answer one wish.)
I wish I could stop and start time at my leisure.
Granted, but like TiVo you often times forget you are falling behind on what is currently happening. Too bad you have no fast-forward or skip!!!

I wish that I could generate and control my own electricity to power other devices.
Granted, but you end up generating too much electricity and now appliances and electronics are taking over the world. I hope you're happy. :)

I wish I had food.
Granted, but it is all rotten or would cause you to have severe and even life-threatening allergic reactions.

I wish I had more gas money.

Granted,however the price went up by twenty dollars the next day so you no longer have enough money

I wish for less wisshes

(Just thinking about prices like that man)

Granted but whatever you wish for will be a big lie that only you can see.

I wish I wasnt so tired.

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