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Forums » Forum Games » Corrupt-A-Wish

Granted. you now have all the S rank kills in all videogames in the world.

I wish I was able to time travel without causing paradoxes and being able to take anything from those time periods and eventually become godlike.
Granted, but someone gun-scythes you, and due to it being the best weapon ever created, you fall/die to its sheer awesomeness.

I wish to eat cake that shall not eat me, contain/be made of anything other than cake things, be eaten by anyone but I, be alive, allow me to eat it, blow up, run away, be stolen, be destroyed at all, have someone bath in it, be poisoned, or harm me in anyway. Oh, and no nukes.

Granted, but while you were out eating it your house burns down. And I'm pretty sure your pet was inside.

I wish that I could eradicate the flu completely! Without starting some kind of Zombie apocalypse or widespread pandemic.
Granted, the flu is eradicated! ....But now that you're well, you have no more excuses to not go to school or work.

I wish I could eat fish allergy-free again without being allergic to anything else, edible or otherwise.
Granted fish is all you can eat from now on since its illegal to eat any other meat.

I wish i could find info/instructions/videos on programming robotics and be able to execute that programing so i can enter competitions.

Granted, but your programming becomes so good that any robot/program you create becomes sentient.

I wish Microsoft didn't buy Minecraft.
Wish Granted but whoops!
Ah jeez. it isn't owned by Microsoft anymore but it is now owned by Herobrine. everyone is haunted and the world will have 3000 years of darkness. Plus Microsoft now owns the rights to half life 3.

I wish Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4 anime would come out right. And I guess while I'm at it, Part 5, 6, 7 and 8 too.
Granted, but since the budget was blown on that road roller scene back at Part 3, the rest of the series is gonna look a bit like:
(Jesus Christ, DIO. What the hell happened to you?)

I wish my Internet didn't go at the speed of molasses.
Granted, now it goes at the speed of a snail.

I wish I could get a proper night's sleep...
Granted, but you still feel like you had no sleep.
I wish I could get my dream job and be a actress!
Granted, but your sleeping hours have dramatically decreased! Drama-tically. Haha, get it? //shot

I wish to finally get a pentab of my own to hone my art skills!
Granted. You got a tab with pens.

I wish I didn't procrastinate often.
Wish granted. You no longer procrastinate, but you become a workaholic instead and never have free time any more.

I wish that I didn't have to go to work tomorrow.
Granted, but the reason why is that you got fired. I am so sorry.

I wish I could have a nice vacation on a tropical beach...
Granted, but you get stranded on the tropical beach with no food or water and no way to contact civilization for help!

I wish the the weekend would hurry up and get here!

Granted, but is gonna be shorter than the ever before..and you got to go to work/school ...

I wish winter season would end today.
Granted. It will start again tomorrow.

I wish for more pillows.
Granted, but they irritate the skin.

I wish inspiration was easier to find.
Granted! Inspiration is easy to find, but it always runs away quickly and hides again.

I wish I had something sweet to drink right now.
Granted, but it was too sweet to drink.

I wish I knew everything about the lore of The Binding of Isaac.

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