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Forums » Forum Games » Corrupt-A-Wish

Granted, but the fire spreads to your favorite restaurants

I wish for a Lamborghini Aventador
Granted but you will now forever be in a car commercial driving in the same barren road for the rest of eternity.
But look at this car!
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I wish that the wish I granted didn't put Floatch into an unending purgatory. It was a pretty big mistake on my part.

Granted. But you switch places. You get the car, however, still get the same punishment.

I wish I could get a new hoodie
Granted, but you can only use it for two days then it will magically disappear. :c

I wish I had an invincible wishing device (that could grant wishes, pfft).
Granted, but your wishes always get corrupted. (Corrupt-a-wish-ception?)

I wish I could travel in time.
Granted, but you quickly discover that you cannot travel back to times you have already been in, creating multiple paradoxes as you cannot return to your own time. End Universe. Roll credits.

I wish my life story was a Star Wars Intro!
Granted. Your entire life is a Star Wars prequel.

I wish I could reach the Nuclear Throne.

Granted, but it's so terribly radioactive that it melts your flesh off if you get too close to it. Too bad too, that's where the world's last supply of cake is stored.

I wish squeakers weren't in TF2 and would go back to COD.
Granted, but now there are adults that take the place of squeakers dang YouTubers...

I wish I could always be happy.

Granted, but you are happy when someone dies too. Even if it's your closest friend.

I wish I could make my cat happy.
Granted, but now it died from happiness... Poor cat...

I wish I had a high self esteem

Granted. But then you get too full of yourself and all your friends leave you

I wish I had a Wii U :l

Granted, but within an hour, it breaks.

I wish I was immortal!
Granted, but you got to saw your loved ones die before your very eyes.

I wish I was a Wonderful One like my character.
Granted, but you became to wonderful now your dead

I wish I knew how to wield a weapon

Granted, but you end up killing people you love.

I wish I knew how to use a weapon that wouldn't kill anyone.
Granted. You know how to use a specific legendary sword that cannot kill, only harm. It doesn't exist though, It's only an idea some random person had but if it existed you'd know how to use it... By swinging it.

I wish you wouldn't corrupt my wishes again. It's been really tough for my friends and family.
Granted! All of your future wishes are uncorrupted! However, your friends and family quickly grow bored of the calm and leave you, alone forever.

I wish it was quieter here.
Granted, all you can hear is silence for the rest of your life.

I wish I could excel at drawing and make tons of money from it. XD

Granted, but you get bankrupt after spending it on junk.

I wish I had more cats, but not too many!

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