This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Ok, let's see! We have...
... the Princess Catherine Fournier, daughter of a king who has just been deposed by a political enemy.
... Sir Adelbard Laudessagne, Marianne's personal guardian, assigned to her several months ago when the political turmoil began. He is from a neighboring kingdom.
... Sir/Dame Josette Hawkes, another knight of the court. She could be in the direct employ of one of the other noble characters if it's so desired--feel free to work that out amongst yourselves
... Fredrick Augustine, a mercenary foot soldier in employ of the former king.
... Lady Marianne, another lady at court.
... Lady Rose Duggens, another lady at court OR Azalea Streu, a mercenary foot soldier in the king's employ. (Either is fine. I like the idea of Rose more, but since both their profiles are geared for sci-fi it's a little hard to get a good grasp on the charas!)
... Lady Irene Black, another lady at court.
... a small handful of NPCs--a couple maidservants, perhaps another footsoldier or two, etc. We can all play them as needed.
I figure the other characters are nobles loyal to the former king, which is why they fled the castle with the party. However, if you have other ideas, I'm all ears. It might be fun for one of you to instead play a sympathizer that avoided the coup, and the party travels to your castle/manor/what-have-you in search of assistance. However, that might mean you wouldn't be able to join right away. If any of you are interested in that just holler.
Indar can be a fairly small country thick with lush forests and rippling plains, known for fine horses and silver mines. For the most part it is fairly flat, though the northern border is marked by a mountain range known as the Wyrmback, so foothills and low crags dominate much of the northern provinces. The capital city, Paldwyn, is located in the southeastern part of the country, a few days' ride from the ocean shoreline. An important part of daily life is the church, which honors a pantheon of gods (feel free to make them up as you desire) and generally decries various forms of paganism. Homosexuality is considered taboo, though perhaps not as taboo as in real-world medieval Europe, and lady knights and soldiers aren't a terribly uncommon sight, though most folk in warrior professions are still men. Magic is accepted, but not prevalent, and tends to be regarded with a bit of suspicion, though it's not treated like witchcraft or anything like that.
Indar's former sovereign was known as King Brendel Fournier, a kind ruler a little too loose with his coin. He funded many charitable acts. Some of the court found such exploits to absolutely worth the cost--feeding the hungry, building bridges and roads, housing prisoners--while others resented his actions. He drew ire as he borrowed money from his court, forcing them to raise taxes and causing unrest across the land. Finally a coup was planned and carried out by one Lady Annisse Braddshire, the wife of the king's brother, Duke Bruander. With king and queen presumed dead and their only child (Marianne) missing with a bounty upon her head, Bruander now sits upon Indar's throne, though he's a mere figurehead for Annisse's rule.
Our story picks up the morning after the coup, after a night of hard riding to flee from the capital city of Paldwyn, where the king's castle is located. Once it seemed that they weren't being immediately pursued, the party got a couple hours of rest in a hastily erected camp, and now are awakening to discuss what they should to next.
Does this sound good to everyone? 8)
... the Princess Catherine Fournier, daughter of a king who has just been deposed by a political enemy.
... Sir Adelbard Laudessagne, Marianne's personal guardian, assigned to her several months ago when the political turmoil began. He is from a neighboring kingdom.
... Sir/Dame Josette Hawkes, another knight of the court. She could be in the direct employ of one of the other noble characters if it's so desired--feel free to work that out amongst yourselves

... Fredrick Augustine, a mercenary foot soldier in employ of the former king.
... Lady Marianne, another lady at court.
... Lady Rose Duggens, another lady at court OR Azalea Streu, a mercenary foot soldier in the king's employ. (Either is fine. I like the idea of Rose more, but since both their profiles are geared for sci-fi it's a little hard to get a good grasp on the charas!)
... Lady Irene Black, another lady at court.
... a small handful of NPCs--a couple maidservants, perhaps another footsoldier or two, etc. We can all play them as needed.
I figure the other characters are nobles loyal to the former king, which is why they fled the castle with the party. However, if you have other ideas, I'm all ears. It might be fun for one of you to instead play a sympathizer that avoided the coup, and the party travels to your castle/manor/what-have-you in search of assistance. However, that might mean you wouldn't be able to join right away. If any of you are interested in that just holler.

Indar can be a fairly small country thick with lush forests and rippling plains, known for fine horses and silver mines. For the most part it is fairly flat, though the northern border is marked by a mountain range known as the Wyrmback, so foothills and low crags dominate much of the northern provinces. The capital city, Paldwyn, is located in the southeastern part of the country, a few days' ride from the ocean shoreline. An important part of daily life is the church, which honors a pantheon of gods (feel free to make them up as you desire) and generally decries various forms of paganism. Homosexuality is considered taboo, though perhaps not as taboo as in real-world medieval Europe, and lady knights and soldiers aren't a terribly uncommon sight, though most folk in warrior professions are still men. Magic is accepted, but not prevalent, and tends to be regarded with a bit of suspicion, though it's not treated like witchcraft or anything like that.
Indar's former sovereign was known as King Brendel Fournier, a kind ruler a little too loose with his coin. He funded many charitable acts. Some of the court found such exploits to absolutely worth the cost--feeding the hungry, building bridges and roads, housing prisoners--while others resented his actions. He drew ire as he borrowed money from his court, forcing them to raise taxes and causing unrest across the land. Finally a coup was planned and carried out by one Lady Annisse Braddshire, the wife of the king's brother, Duke Bruander. With king and queen presumed dead and their only child (Marianne) missing with a bounty upon her head, Bruander now sits upon Indar's throne, though he's a mere figurehead for Annisse's rule.
Our story picks up the morning after the coup, after a night of hard riding to flee from the capital city of Paldwyn, where the king's castle is located. Once it seemed that they weren't being immediately pursued, the party got a couple hours of rest in a hastily erected camp, and now are awakening to discuss what they should to next.
Does this sound good to everyone? 8)
Sounds cool! I'll go with Rose, then!

Sounds perfect!
Sounds good
Just waiting to hear back from Light since her char is so prominent. If she doesn't get back to me within a few hours I'mma have one of the other nobles take the spot as Adelbard's charge so we can get the ball rolling! The backstory could be tweaked to make it work, so if anyone would be interested if it comes to that, lemme know.
I made the thread!
Catherine is now the princess who is rightful heir to the throne.
Catherine is now the princess who is rightful heir to the throne.
If you're still accepting, I'd like to make a character suggestion. I'd like to play this RP as Aetherian 1, or Noruuth. I could work his story around into the plot, like he's coming down from a "local" mountain or floating island to check out some ruins in his small airship, when he comes across the group, fleeing from, or resting from fleeing the scene, while on his way towards the ruins. I don't how you feel about a battlemage dragon, but, you never know right?
Hi! I'd love to entangle more characters into the story, but I'm not sure how well a mage dragon character would fit in. Do you have any other ideas that you would want to do?

Think I could throw in a foppish steward that plays at dukedom via partial regency? A commonborn, yet somehow trustworthy servant (perhaps a bastard) to an old Duke that's hoarded troves of riches and hidden them away, earning all the loathing oft reserved for dragons. I was thinking that due to his condition, the duke is more secluded from the political goings-on of the kingdom, and therefore someone among the current cast of characters knows or has heard about him and hopes he may ally with the king.
I've got a bit of a plot in mind too if you're interested, but no worries if not. First and foremost is whether the character concept is A-Ok by your reckoning.
I've got a bit of a plot in mind too if you're interested, but no worries if not. First and foremost is whether the character concept is A-Ok by your reckoning.
Hey there! If I can still join, I'm thinking of creating a character to fit this RP. His name is 'Arnold the Lesser' and he's from a land called Vevaria. He's been drafted in the Imperial Tempest Legion (an army for criminals) and is washed up on the shores of Indar with nothing but his armour and two-hander. I'd say he could fit in as he's left confused and disorientated until he stumbles upon Adelbard and the rest.
Well, I do have a summoner that might fit in pretty well. Same idea as how he gets into the story, accept maybe just heading to the next town looking for or mercenary work and such.
(Fantasy 1 or Kraven on profile)
(Fantasy 1 or Kraven on profile)
@JohnAtArms: I had been wondering if you'd show up.
Currently they're a few days walk from the coastline, but as they're a larger group the going would be slower, though they might soon get their hands on some horses. But if Arnold can stumble into them a little ways inland, that would work!
@Virtu: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. PM me and we can work out the details.
@Draken901: Kraven looks neat. I was going for a lower fantasy sort of feel with this RP, where magic isn't terribly abundant, and it's generally regarded with suspicion. So Kraven might not be getting a whole lot of work even if he's not being chased outta town with pitchforks
But he could work! PM me and we can work out more details!

@Virtu: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. PM me and we can work out the details.

@Draken901: Kraven looks neat. I was going for a lower fantasy sort of feel with this RP, where magic isn't terribly abundant, and it's generally regarded with suspicion. So Kraven might not be getting a whole lot of work even if he's not being chased outta town with pitchforks

Adelbard wrote:
@JohnAtArms: I had been wondering if you'd show up.
Currently they're a few days walk from the coastline, but as they're a larger group the going would be slower, though they might soon get their hands on some horses. But if Arnold can stumble into them a little ways inland, that would work!

That's what I was originally thinking, that does work

Archives of Animus wrote:
JOHNATARMS, MAH BOI. Good to see ya again lad.
Heh heh, good to see you too Draken ^^ hopefully we can continue that RP with Red sometime later.
JohnAtArms wrote:
Adelbard wrote:
@JohnAtArms: I had been wondering if you'd show up.
Currently they're a few days walk from the coastline, but as they're a larger group the going would be slower, though they might soon get their hands on some horses. But if Arnold can stumble into them a little ways inland, that would work!

That's what I was originally thinking, that does work

Ok! Feel free to glance through the RP so far (party is currently in the woods) and decide how you want to insert yourself. And as for knowing me, no I don't think so, but I remember some of your threads and characters just from my perusing. Not sure if we ever actually talked. So hi, good to meetcha! 8)
Adelbard wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Adelbard wrote:
@JohnAtArms: I had been wondering if you'd show up.
Currently they're a few days walk from the coastline, but as they're a larger group the going would be slower, though they might soon get their hands on some horses. But if Arnold can stumble into them a little ways inland, that would work!

That's what I was originally thinking, that does work

Ok! Feel free to glance through the RP so far (party is currently in the woods) and decide how you want to insert yourself. And as for knowing me, no I don't think so, but I remember some of your threads and characters just from my perusing. Not sure if we ever actually talked. So hi, good to meetcha! 8)
*giggles* A pleasure. But yeah, I've read through most of the RP so far, and I'll try and find a way to insert Arnold into this.
I feel a forest tribal girl is needed in here, somewhere...
Am I right?
Am I right?
Awesome! I'll try and type up a decent explanation via phone. Failing that, I should be able to hop on a computer within the week. ovo7
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