This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
In the far, far future Supernatural beings are ordinary, or the usual. Though depending on their power depends on how rich they are and what job they have so let's say you have Super strength or Multiple powers... You'd be higher in the economy. But, Lets say your character can control Turtles they'd probably have no job and no income... Meaning you'd be lower in the economy. Vanata is Multi-Changer(something I made up
)Multi-Changers can use any powers of the person they touch within that 24 hours thus making her a Powerful being and knowing that every high being wants to kill her.
I want 1 Villain who wants to kill her and 1 good guy to be by her side (Already have the good guy) they MUST be supernatural beings and any kind of past is fine! Cursing is okay just don't curse in every sentence. Violence is seen in the RP but nothing too extreme please! Romance will probably happen depending on the RP but don't let it be anything too extreme like Nudity (Let's keep it PG-13) I want precisely 2 players no more than that thanks!

I want 1 Villain who wants to kill her and 1 good guy to be by her side (Already have the good guy) they MUST be supernatural beings and any kind of past is fine! Cursing is okay just don't curse in every sentence. Violence is seen in the RP but nothing too extreme please! Romance will probably happen depending on the RP but don't let it be anything too extreme like Nudity (Let's keep it PG-13) I want precisely 2 players no more than that thanks!

Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (generation ships)
Unrest may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat may be summarized.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Hmmmm I am interested but I seriously don't know what character I should use xD
Haha, Just tell me some characters and if you want them to be good or bad and I'll tell you which ones would probably work better for the RP!

Let's see....unrolls a scroll. One's that doesn't screw up lore are...Runa, Kanota Luz(kitsune), Alley who is a heavy ice user, Henry Hall who controls Runa in another lore, a puppeteer that controls 7 other characters or less, Hanza, a human x spirit contract(ranges from an ice user,a spirit reaper, a death reaper, a knight(user has arranged marriage problem)), Lighter that uses magic on the atomic scale(not op), Rory who is emotionally unstable (magic ties to her emotions), Roy who can draw anything that turns into anything(may be slightly op), and I think that is it...? Maybe? I can always make more if you got any ideas
Depending on whether you want to be the villain or good guy depends on which I'd pick because If you want to be a bad guy the more insane the better! But if you want to be a good guy, I'd say the more sane the better!
Power wise? Also forgot to mention each puppet come with their own powers sooo yeah.
I mean power wise I'd say Henry Hall should be the bad guy, and power wise for the good guy I'd say Roy. Though do you want to be a bad guy or a good guy? Or rather do you want to be Henry or Roy in the RP

I don't know. In the mood of being a good guy. Putting in the bad guy position is baaaddd.

This might play out interestingly....Roy used to have problems with succubus.
Hm, I feel it will be interesting, If we can find a Bad Guy
. I mean last case scenario I have a bad guy we can use but I'd rather have another person cause more the merrier!

Indeed unless the person stops responding. Also not to mention Roy had really bad fails with girls xD. Like...5 fail love hits. One got married off. Oh I need to make him...

I have one character that classes as 'bad' but just isn't supernatural in anyway, I could alter him to fit this though and it's this guy right here.
He'd work! What power or powers do you want him to have?
Da taaaa. Finished him. Also I left out information on purpose

DrDragonHD wrote:
Well, due to his personality, I'd say Telekinesis, yes I'll go with Telekinesis. c:
Roy Anderson wrote:
Da taaaa. Finished him. Also I left out information on purpose

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