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Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She smiled taking another bite mouth full of food then she swallowed saying "What did Davine mean by taste in girls? Do you have Exs?" she faked a gasp and waited for his reaction.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

His face turns slight red in embarrassment. "Agh...y-yeah...I do.." He slowly takes another bite. "It's...the girls I was with are..just not the typical normal girls."
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She was curious she looked at the food and took a bite then she said "Oh... explain? What do you consider 'normal'?" she then looked up at him
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He looks at his food a moment before giving a sigh and looks at the crystal rose. "Just...not a princess...or a lusty girl...or...such.."
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She smiled and said "Or just not a criminal..." she laughed and said "You have some taste in girls... and I have some taste in guys hm..." she finished her soup and said "Well it is late... I must go to sleep so I am not dead tomorrow!" she chuckled "Goodnight!" she walked over to her room and looked at him as she turned the corner closing the door behind her she changed into her pajamas and took her bun out of her hair and laid in her bed waiting to hear Roy's footsteps to his room.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"Good night." He gives off a smile and finishes his soup. This's relaxing. He washes the dishes first before cleaning the table. It's a quiet night. Quiet and peaceful. The change of life is soothing. He heads to bed and dozes off quietly.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She listens as his footsteps trail off she smiles closes her eyes and slowly drifts to sleep. Her last thought of the day being He will be fine...He has dealt with bad girlfriends... He can survive my crazy life... He will...
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

The next morning, he woke up first. He takes a shower before he start cooking for breakfast. This time it's nothing surprising but just normal food. I suppose egg, bacon, cheese, and rice omelet would do. He turns the TV on before setting the table, then proceed to making breakfast by bringing out kitchen utensils.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

Vanata being a light sleeper woke up from a nightmare to the sound of the TV. She took a heavy breath then said "It's just the TV... Thank god!" she got out of bed and wrapped a cover around herself walking out of the bedroom first thing she saw on the TV was her face it saying "If you have seen this woman report it to the police immediately she is dangerous and the award is 1 Billion dollars." she growled in her mind thinking They give lies off to get me wow they're smart! UGH She sat down at the table saying "Good Morning! I see you made breakfast if it was any better than the food last night I will love it!" she grasped a plate and put Eggs, Bacon, Cheese, and a Rice omelet on it. She took the cheese and put it on the Omelet taking a bite her eyes widening she says "And you cease to surprise me in your amazing cooking skills!" she smiled taking a bite of Bacon.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He gives a little yawn, "Good morning." Washing the dishes, he hears her compliment and gives a little smile. "Thanks, I have been cooking for myself a lot." He has already finish eating by the time Van woke up. "So what are we doing today?"
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She said in reply "I have no idea..." she thought for a second then said "Do you like the beach? or the waterpark?" It was hot outside and she loved the water so why not! Then she started thinking How would I maneuver not getting noticed by the public... First I need a Swimsuit then I need Sunglasses and a hat then put my hair in a bun WOW that would work!
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"Beach?" he says as he raise his eyebrow. I'm not good with should I tell her...? Ugh. "Hmm...anywhere else?" He gives an awkward face.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She said "Yeah! A Arcade! or a Fair! or a Theme Park!" She thought Huh? Maybe he isn't in the mood for water she smiled brightly waiting for a response taking another bite of her Breakfast.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He dries the dishes and says, "Take your pick then, I..don't mind where really. I haven't been outside for quite awhile."
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She said "Hm... The Fair then? It's in town and I've always loved the Fair I've just never went being on the run and all..." she looked at him and smiled waiting for his response she took a bite of the bacon and eggs.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

She is..."All right then!" He puts the dishes away. "Where's my wallet..." He looks around the kitchen area. "Then today will be your day for the rides." He turns around and smile.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She jumped out of her chair yelling "YES!" she ran to the bathroom took shower then got dressed throwing her hood up she grabbed the rest of her Bacon on her plate then mouth full said "Are you coming?!"
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

Already dressed, he gives off a chuckle, "Yes, yes I am. No need to rush, we got all day." He unlocks the door.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She said "But the longer we stay there the better!" she followed him out the door taking a bite of Bacon.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"Right." He locks door. "All right, take the lead Van." He gives a smile

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