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Forums » General Roleplay » In time...

Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She grasps two paper clips and attaches them to her hood and her hair so the hood won't fall. She smiles and runs toward the direction of the Fair she yells "ONWARD TO THE FAIR!"
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He gives off another chuckle, "You're cute you know." He doesn't realize what he just said but he just said it. He checks his bag again to see if everything is there which they are there.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She smiles and blushes ever so slightly and continued to run in the direction of the fair they were actually almost there.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

Running has slightly made him a little tired, but he can still keep up with her. Almost there...I suppose it will be fun by the time the day ends.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

Finally they made it to the entrance of the fair they decided to get a pass that allowed them to stay as long as they wanted and get on as many rides as they wanted. Vanata paid for hers and her entrance fee as they stamped a temporary tattoo on her hand that symbolized she had the pass she then waited on the inside of the fair for Roy.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He stopped by at a candy store to buy two lollipop before buying a ticket and work his way in. The stamp is stamped onto his hand. He walks up to her and offers a lollipop.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She smiles grasping the lollipop and pulling her hood up a bit more she put the lollipop in her mouth and said "What flavor is it? I can't tell..." she looked at him.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"Well...truth to be told I didn't pay attention to what flavor I grabbed soo.." He pops one into his mouth.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She smiles then looks around the Fair saying "What's your favorite ride here?" she looked at the variety of small, medium, and tall rides.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He gives a moment of thought, "Um...maybe Ferris wheel? I'm fine with all kinds of rides really."
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She grins "Ferris Wheel! I've heard of them they sound cool! Let's go!" she rushes over in the direction of the Ferris Wheel and shows her Hand stamp pass to the man controlling the ride and she sits down on the Ferris Wheel waiting for Roy to join her.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"Well then..heh heh." He follows her down to the Ferris Wheel and shows his stamp. Instead sitting beside her, he sits across from her.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

As the ride started she lifted her head up gazing over the edge her eyes sparkled in the sunlight that hit slightly above her eyes. She said "Wow that's a lot of rides..." she was startled as the ride got a bit quicker she held onto the poll in the middle as she was slightly afraid of heights but not too afraid.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He looks out onto the view. It's beautiful...maybe I should draw this view again if I have the time. Then he turns toward to Van and looks a bit concerned. "Um...are you all right?"
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She nodded only stuttering slightly "Y-Yeah, it's just this is going pretty fast and I'm a bit afraid of heights..." as the ride abruptly stopped to let some people off the ride they mid-air their carriage slightly moving back and forth she quickly leaned forward and held onto the pole in front of her she said "I-I'm totally fine!"
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He gives a little soft laugh, "Totally..." He goes silent again before saying, "If it feels better you can...sit next to me?"
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

As the ride started moving again startling her she quickly moved over and sat next to him. She let go of the pole and grabbed onto his arm abruptly like it was instinct.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"Um..." he says as he turns a little red. He looks at her and admires the warmth received from's...comfortable.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She smiled as the ride stopped she wobbly got off the ride and said "What next?"
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"Um...maybe roller coasters...?" he says with a little hint of maybe fear?

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