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Forums » General Roleplay » In time...

Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He gives off a little chuckle, "Actors...are nice. I can see yourself being in one." He thinks about something, "I like teachers...normal jobs...nothing more. Maybe...doctors, so said by my parents but due to my powers I lied on being an artist."
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She smiled then started looking through some genres on Netflix then she said "Uh what genres do you like?" she thought Normal... Never thought of being normal I've always been abnormal...
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He replies, "Well...horror isn't my type of genre...I suppose action adventure, romance, and those cartoonish movies?" He isn't into much violence or gore, rather some things that are rather calm and peaceful with the exception of action adventure.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She nodded thinking HE DOESN'T LIKE HORROR ACK! NO! UGH! Compromise I suppose... she smiled "Um I'm Cool with practically anything just tell me what you choose..." she lied but it was undetected.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He admits sheepishly, "Well...I don't watch a lot of I would usually draw in the meantime of it."
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She smiled "Oh? Well just look at the movies that are here and find one that interests you..." she looked over at him and handed him the remote.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He gives a little sarcastic complain, "Whhyyy meeeee." He hands the remote back, "You pick. I don't care."
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She said "Fineeeeeeeeee" she thought Okay choose something you both may like she grasped the remote and started flipping through the movies then she found a great Action-Adventure Movie. She said "How about this one Roy?"
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He takes a glance, "Sure." He takes his notebook and pencils as he sits down on the couch.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

(I would say the name for the movie but I can't think of one XD)
She nodded and turned on the Movie and sat the remote down next to her as the Movie began to load.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

(I'm not much of a movie watcher so I don't know what to suggest either XD)
He sits cross legged on the couch, shoes off of course. He starts drawing something, nothing in particular but something while watching the movie.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She slowly grabs a pillow and plops her head on it watching the movie very intrigued of what was to happen next in the movie. She loved Shows more than Movies but she didn't find it that big of a deal to discuss it though because she did pick the movie... but she chose it to his taste not her own.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He...he doesn't talk much during the movie. Scribble here and there on the notebook. There is something odd about him today, something weighs in his mind. It's....too...normal...
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

Eventually the movie is over and Vanata is dead asleep on the couch hair flailed around everywhere. Then a noise echoes in the house where was unknown what or who it was is unknown. Vanata being the Heavy sleeper she is seemed not to hear it.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He listens in closely but doesn't do anything yet. Since she's asleep, he doesn't want to disturb her. He starts to draw something on the notebook to prepare for something, then stands up to see what's going on. He doesn't leave the living room though.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

Vanata turns over on the couch and tussles a bit. Then the noise went silent and it turned into footsteps or something of the sort something like walking.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He checks where the walking is coming from, cautiously. It could be the men from before....I should be careful.He prepares his magic at his disposal. Four sheets. Flaming sword. Heal. True sight. Armor and Strength.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

Then the footsteps stop and there is a shuffling and it is now apparent it is coming from Vanata's room then there is a creaking noise and all noises stopped. Vanata still dead asleep toppled over on the couch.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He slowly stick his head into Vanata's room to see what's going on, turning on the lights.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

All there was, was a open window and a note on her bed on the top of it, it said "To Vanata" in violet ink.

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