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Forums » General Roleplay » In time...

Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

Should I take a look...? ......No..I shouldn't be so assertive...I'll ask Van. He heads to close the window then goes back to sit with Van.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

Around a hour later Vanata awakes and she yawns sitting up rubbing her eyes and looking around.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He looks at her with a smile, "Awake..?" She looks really cute when sleeping and waking up...
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

^That's not a weird thing to think about or anything.. XD)

Phoenix had taken a small weapon out to 'cleanse' people with this day, throwing it into people's eyes then bringing it back with his 'anomali' of a power. He repeated this a few times before taking out a small handgun he had also taken out, grabbing explosive objects and throwing them at Civilians and shooting the objects. He reached outside their apartment and threw a barrel at the door, also shooting it.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She nodded saying "Yeah, What's up?" she was looking at him since his face looked worrisome. Then she heard a explosive go off and she yelled "WHAT!" she fell off the couch in terror.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He is shook up from the explosion as his pieces of paper goes everywhere. "What the hell?" He quickly searches for the armor and applies to himself. An armor set appears on him, it isn't medieval...something like futuristic.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She sat up from falling on the floor yelling "IT'S HIM THAT EVIL GUY WITH NO LIFE!" she started to crawl over to the door then she opened it.
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

Phoenix chuckled as he saw the explosion, throwing cars into the building as well, causing more explosions. He was about as addicted to explosions as he was to cars.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He activates his sword paper. A flaming sword appears. Then he goes outside and looks what's wrong.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

Vanata rushed outside behind him then she rushes down the stares at the guy yelling "What are you doing!" she ran up to him. She had no powers cause they didn't leave the house all day.
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

"I'm having fun, is that a problem?" Phoenix asked, looking down upon the female that had now approached him, he didn't care if they tried to stop him, he would still continue.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He was cautious but slowly approach Van from behind. He was just looking at him. Wary and cautious. Nervous on what his next move. He wasn't thinking about fighting was survival....why?
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She said "Yes it's a problem... and Please stop and don't make it a problem..." she looked at him concerned saying "What's wrong with you? Bad childhood?"
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

"Bad childhood...? No.. I don't think at least... hold up." Phoenix went back through his memories then opened his mouth, "I guess." He shrugged,
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

His notebook and pencil is still at his side, but he is just waiting for this out...? "At least don't kill people..."
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She said "Your doing this for a reason... Family? Girlfriend? Wife? Murder? Sad life? What!?" she stared at him.
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

"Three and four, both tied somehow, you figure it out." He replied, his voice slightly shaky now. Just the memory of his murdered wife brought him shivers.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He went silent...."Lost love?" He seems to know where this is going.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She looked at Roy and then looked at the guy saying "You doing this makes you no better than them... You see that right?" she took a step closer worried.
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

Phoenix began shaking, legs feeling weak. He sat down and pulled his knees to his chest. "I-i know.. I just.." He began to tear up.

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