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Forums » General Roleplay » In time...

Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

Vanata arrived at the apartment ad went back into the window closing it behind her. She then heard a odd silence in the house so she drew two daggers and she walked out of her bedroom into her living room to see two men charge at her she stabbed them both in the heart as blood then she pushed them off he daggers blood splattering onto her face she then grabbed their Walkie Talkies and said into them both "I apologize but your soldiers were killed in action... buh-bye!" she crushed the Walkie Talkies ad sat on the floor in their blood staring at the wall maybe she was going a bit psycho from what the letter said.
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

"Me lads going to bleed." He was spurting out random gibberish now.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

The doctor injects the medicine into the patient. Afterwards, Phoenix is left with a nurse who is completing the rest of the paperwork. Roy sees the doctor exiting and returning to his business. Hopefully Van is fine at home...
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She stands from the blood and walks out of the front door of the apartment for who knows what reasons.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

(Go Dragon :D)
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

Oops, my bad!)

Phoenix stared at the nurse. She reminded him of Cynthia, he didn't bother asking her name since he was probably never going to see her again.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He walks back into the room, seemingly fine which eases him. "Are you feeling better?"
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

"Much better, thank you Sir, also.. Please tell the woman who helped you I give you both my thanks." He smiled, getting off of the bed and onto his own two feet.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

Vanata walked all the way to the Hospital as she walked in covered in blood everyone stared at her she walked to where Roy and Phoenix where and she stared at them blood dripping. It wasn't her blood and everyone could tell she said nothing she just sat down crossing her legs as some called the police and others stared at her.
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

Phoenix turned to face Vanata. "Oh! What wonderful design! I love the blood decoration." He chuckled, "Thank you for assisting me back to my normal self!" He said cheerily.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He looks at Van, a little worried on what happened. " ran into trouble didn't you...?" He gives off a sigh, "We should get out of here before they arrive Van."
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She said nothing as she grabbed Phoenix by the throat she began choking him as she said "Cynthia hm I remember her... I killed her in order to save my dad, but sadly he's dead and gone they killed him anyway, but maybe now psychopath you can have a clear conscience in hell huh?" she stared at him not listening to Roy's words she was over come by rage over what was in the letter. She yelled "Seems fair hm? You killed the person I love and I killed the person you love!" she growled saying "YOU KILLED MY LOVE IN FRONT OF ME AND I KILLED YOURS SEEMS... FAIR TO SAY THE LEAST!" she released him and walked out of the room and out of the hospital. It was now clear that was in the letter.
(Drama XD)
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

Phoenix's eyes widened, tears escaping his eyes. But soon, those tears were replaced with anger. He grabbed a pen from the nurse and drove it into her eye, repeatedly stabbing her until her face was nothing, "Die! Die! Die! Die!" Were the words he kept repeating.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

The doctors rush backs in and restrains with him with whatever is necessary before injecting him the medicine again. They are doing whatever they can do calm him down. Roy a little speechless. What kind of mess did he go into this time?
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

Vanata walked ou.t of the hospital and back to the house taking a shower she just stared at the bodies of the two men.
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

The medicine did nothing, his double personalities were gone, his jnsanity had taken over his regular personality, he pushed the doctors off of him and began stabbing and killing them. He had a grin on his face as blood splattered him in the face and body. "You're all going to die!"
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He quickly heads to find Van wherever she was kind of difficult. He didn't notice what happened to the doctors after they restrained him...Doubt he would of done anything to help them. It wasn't that easy for him to kill someone...
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She stared at the bodies beyond angry she yelled at the top of her lungs staring at the bodies.
Phoenix Krete - Heav (played anonymously)

Phoenix continued his murderous rampage in the hospital before finally taking it out onto the streets, forcing trees onto people and throwing cars at cops.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He quickly heads back home, gladly finding her there, but....the bodies. He looks at the bodies, they aren't civilians. "So...that was the blood"

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