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Forums » General Roleplay » In time...

Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He is little shy and says a little, "Um...I don't know..nature?"
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She nods and draws a tree like a professional colors it and shades it then once she is finished the tree has a gentle breeze hit it and a few leaves fall out she hands it back to him and grins saying "Told you I could do it! Haha... My power is I can harness anyone's power within that 24 hours just by touching them that's why everyone is after me I have the strongest power..."
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He is a little surprise, "That didn't expect that. No wonder people are...after you"
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She laughed "Yeah I'm not sure if they want to kill me, take my power or what though that's the scary part..."
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"I see..." he just replies. "So...what now..? I are you or...something" He doesn't know what to say.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She grinned saying "Your awkward in talking to people aren't you Haha... I can tell!" She accidently started to lift her head up then immediately forced it back down she thought Don't lift your head up by accident idiot!
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"Yeah heh..bad experiences but..why do you always look down?", he looks at her curiously.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She sighed "Because every time I have look up someone notices me and then I get chased by the bad guys and that equals me dying like my mom and dad did..." she continued "And I don't want that to happen... but If I wasn't in public I wouldn't look down like this and I surely wouldn't have this hood up..."
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"I'm sorry to hear...". His tone drops by hearing that. "Something...I can do for you?" He looks at her with worriness.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She sighed "Nah it's fine!" she decides to change he topic quickly so she continues "Anyway I'm curious where do you live?"
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

" at one of the apartments around here. Just living alone" he replies with curiosity.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She nodded saying "Does it have a nice view?"
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He replies, "Mmhmm...probably why I start taking up's nice"
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She laughed "Haha... Is your job being a artist or do you have a side job?"
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"That is pretty much it...I could just do...simple side jobs. At times I do but not much." Her laugh makes him give a little smile.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She nods saying "I see, seems interesting wish I could get a job or a house but I did I'd probably be found..."
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

He gives a moment, "Tried living at someone's house before?"
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She sighed "Nah haven't trusted anyone enough in the past to do that. I mean I have a bounty over my head from god knows who for Billions I mean practically anyone would turn me in for that..." she looked down then peered at Roy head still down waiting for what he would reply with.
Roy Anderson (played by robinnrose)

"That's true......." He went a little silent. " there anything I can do..?" He looks down at the ground and start scribbling something on the notebook.
Vanata Ingret (played by Marcat2001) Topic Starter

She thought for a second then said "I mean... If you have a little room at your house... Could I stay with you?"

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