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Forums » Introductions » So, Hey everyone!


Hello and welcome to RPR. Nice to meet you.
Kim Site Admin

Welcome! So happy to see you already so active and getting along so well. :)

Are you finding everything okay? Is there anything we can help you with?

Hello and welcome!
Rawr~! Welcome to the RPR!
I hope you enjoy your time spent here.
Pretty nice place here, got one of the friendliest communities I've seen, the best, if I be so bold.
Anyway, don't be afraid to hit me up if you want a question answered or such! I do bite, but not much~!
Hi there and welcome to the site! Glad to have you join us, and you seem very nice! :D I like those genres as well, except I'm not very experienced with sci-fi.

Plus, I have some songs of Adam Lambert stored in my phone too! Not saying a hardcore fan, but yeah, he's great!

All that aside, feel free to chat! Don't hesitate to ask questions either as we'll be more than happy to accommodate you. :)

You are on: Forums » Introductions » So, Hey everyone!

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