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Forums » Looking for RP » Roma Victor! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Centurion Maximus De (played by Warmonger349)

Been wanting to use this guy, but I ain't got the chance, yet! I know, there is no description on any of my characters, but that's because I really don't know how to write one and could use some help >.<

So, this is for two things.
One: To find a good RP for a Centurion
Two: To find help with creating descriptions. I know how to make them on this site, I've just never been good at writing them.
Hey dude! So my descriptions are always the best but I think there a decent start if you'd like to go for it. I'll give you some pointers if yah ask and we can maybe start our own RP.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Roma Victor! (closed)

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