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Forums » Looking for RP » Fall of the Last Dragon (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hark, the Great Hero Sigismund has slain Pride, last and mightiest of the Dragons.

However the Dragon's children, seven monstrous races, each wish to take their parent's places as tyrants. To enslave each other and mankind, the world has been thrown into total war. Sigismund turns from the world and mankind must inspire new men and women to fight. Kings and Knight, Lords and Heroes alike arise to carve out the new world. Will mankind once again find themselves bondsmen to a monstrous race, or perhaps they shall claim the future as their own?

For this rp there are two different styles I will gladly gm or play in. Either an adventure party, were you do stuff such as dungeon crawling and quests. We can use a simple system or anything you guys want for this. Or a court story, were we play as nobles in either a human or monstrous court. This can have much looser mechanics. I have no problem running both if enough people are interested. Just pm or respond if you have any questions, I will be glad to answer.
Magic 80%
Magic is common.
Technology 30%
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Totally interested in this! Just wanna know, what are these seven monstrous races?
SirEpic Topic Starter

Glad you asked.

I am totally flexible if you have any input on the races, but I have a pretty good idea already. Each of the Dragons is named after a sin. Each have a major weakness, which they pass on to their children in different forms..
    Greed's Children - The Faefolk
    Sloth's Children - The Lizardfolk
    Gluttony's Children - The Leviathans
    Envy's Children - The Mages*
    Lust's Children - The Demons
    Wrath's Children - The Furies
    Pride's Children - The Superbs**

I hope this list was helpful, I don't want to make a large post so I didn't go into detail.

* Various races who share Envy as a father, and gain magic powers. Look similar to their own race.
** Various races who share Pride as a mother, and gain invincibility. Look similar to their own race
Ah, Mitch doesn't look too well for this, does he? Poor lil' Gluttony XD

So I guess if I want to get into this, I'll have to through a less futuristic Azalea at yah :P

Unless you're cool with spirit thingies, but I'm guessing not XD
I would have to create a new character for this, but I am interested.

This looks fairly interesting, what i'm more concerned about is what type this would be, preferably I would like to do the Dungeon Clearing and Questing stuff.
SirEpic Topic Starter

Mr. Larsson,

I have asked the people who are interested and they would prefer an adventure story with such features then a court story. If you want to get start please private message me. If the other two are still interested we can get started pretty soon.

Ok :D

And Please it's just Larsson XD
I was wondering if I could
SirEpic Topic Starter

hawkslayer246 wrote:
I was wondering if I could
Sure, let me send you a pm.

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