Welcome! I think I just met your fiance(?) a thread or two over. You both seem like extremely friendly and wonderful folks. I'm so glad to have you with us!

And we're both glad to be here and so welcomed as well, Kim - thank you!
Indeed, Lianoth would be the nickname my fiancée goes by on here.
Indeed, Lianoth would be the nickname my fiancée goes by on here.

I haven't roleplayed on Skype before, but I have experienced that firsthand too for a bit. And I know how that feels! Especially after feeling so confident about a certain character's name then turning out to be wrong all along. It crushes my soul. Er, I guess that's an overstatement though. 
Thanks for the tip! Otherwise, I would have panicked and not know what to do. I swear, once I'm done with all college work, I'm gonna get out there and try as much things as I can!

Thanks for the tip! Otherwise, I would have panicked and not know what to do. I swear, once I'm done with all college work, I'm gonna get out there and try as much things as I can!
Hi and welcome!! I'm so glad to hear you're finding our community friendly and welcoming.
I hope you'll like us enough to stick around for a while!

It can be a soul-crushing experience. ^-^ Thought usually it's just a realization our memory is, in fact, limited. Or the given character name was not that significant in the first place.
A whole life before you.
College does tend to "get in the way" of things, particularly things that require some time. I should know with my MA thesis looming over me ominously and tapping its foot all "when are you going to pay attention to ME!?" like.
Thanks for the welcome!
I do hope to stick around as well. Particularly once I immerse myself into a story or two.
Am testing the waters more than going diving at the moment. But all in due time, right?
It can be a soul-crushing experience. ^-^ Thought usually it's just a realization our memory is, in fact, limited. Or the given character name was not that significant in the first place.
A whole life before you.

Thanks for the welcome!
I do hope to stick around as well. Particularly once I immerse myself into a story or two.
Am testing the waters more than going diving at the moment. But all in due time, right?
I think we can agree on that. I just hope my memory could be on my side longer!
True enough. I constantly remind myself that it's still a stage for growth.
That is a very interesting way of looking at it, and surprisingly, I think I do see it that way now.
True enough. I constantly remind myself that it's still a stage for growth.

JanniCat wrote:
I should know with my MA thesis looming over me ominously and tapping its foot all "when are you going to pay attention to ME!?" like.
That is a very interesting way of looking at it, and surprisingly, I think I do see it that way now.

Anthropomorphism usually tends to make things more interesting. And though it's an interesting way to look at it, it's definitely not optimal according to my supervisor. ^-^
Memory seems to be finicky in the sense it'll have you remember things you'd rather forget and vice versa. It's good when it cooperates. Frustrating when it does not.
Memory seems to be finicky in the sense it'll have you remember things you'd rather forget and vice versa. It's good when it cooperates. Frustrating when it does not.
JanniCat wrote:
Anthropomorphism usually tends to make things more interesting. And though it's an interesting way to look at it, it's definitely not optimal according to my supervisor. ^-^
Memory seems to be finicky in the sense it'll have you remember things you'd rather forget and vice versa. It's good when it cooperates. Frustrating when it does not.
Memory seems to be finicky in the sense it'll have you remember things you'd rather forget and vice versa. It's good when it cooperates. Frustrating when it does not.

It truly does too. I always keep wondering why I remember most of the things I do not want to instead of the things I'd like to keep in my memories. Perhaps getting into this deeper would require some sort of psychological, and even maybe, a complex explanation?

I guess I am pretty insane myself then~ ^^
And I think the topic of why memory words this way or another is something one could base a doctoral degree on. It's just... well, it can be quite robust.
Psychological sounds quite complex it itself. Not sure if philosophy wouldn't get involved. Or even metaphysics? Why is it memory works like this and not otherwise? x)
Shesh, this could really just keep going. ^^
And I think the topic of why memory words this way or another is something one could base a doctoral degree on. It's just... well, it can be quite robust.

Psychological sounds quite complex it itself. Not sure if philosophy wouldn't get involved. Or even metaphysics? Why is it memory works like this and not otherwise? x)
Shesh, this could really just keep going. ^^
Hi! Welcome to RPR! Don't worry about being shy! Everyone here is way too kind to make you feel not at home!
Thank you for the welcome, Rainbow!
I hope to come out of my shell a bit once I establish my characters a little. Or simply find the time and will to fill out their profiles here.
Everyone really is very kind, agreed. ^^
Definitely a good decision to have registered and posted an introduction! No regrets!
I hope to come out of my shell a bit once I establish my characters a little. Or simply find the time and will to fill out their profiles here.
Everyone really is very kind, agreed. ^^
Definitely a good decision to have registered and posted an introduction! No regrets!
Welcome to RP Repository friend!
Have a nice stay~!

Thanks for the welcome, both! ^^
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