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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for good hearted researcher/aver (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

You've been reassigned to work on an island off the coast of japan. Youve been given a house on tokashiki, known for their beautiful reefs. Your house even has a glass floor that allows you to look down at the mysterious and wonderful sights of the ocean. So what do you do when you see something that makes you think you are crazy. There's no way that was a mermaid right?

Looking for a researcher of some sort. And if not an average joe can be substituted just as well. The idea is the discovery of this creature. And then wanted to explore this discovery.

I don't have an official profile up for this character but I have everything worked out for him. And I can discuss it in pms.

I would like to include romance, though it is not necessary. I will be using a male merman themed character. Again PM me for details. And we can also further discuss the plot.(high preference for human characters(
Magic 50%
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Technology 50%
Combat 30%
Distant war may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat will likely be summarized, not played out in detail.
I am wondering what kind of character you are looking for. I have a few that may work, depending on parameters that you may have.
Jerry Jay (played by ConnanBell)

This guy is about as average a Joe as you could get, but boy is he out there as far as average goes. He loves traveling and looking at new stuff, like oceans and reefs and stuff. He is not a fighter, nor is he very smart. His only weapon is his personality and pure, innocent heart.
This sound fun, I only have one character though, you can view her profile to see if she suits your interest..
Silverbloodvrs Topic Starter

Still open to anyone who is interestes

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for good hearted researcher/aver (closed)

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