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Forums » Art & Creativity » I won't kill myself

Life is full of pain
It is nothing but a painful sin
You try to make it better
But in the end it is useless
It is not great and all you want
Is to die and end it all
But then you think of all that you are leaving behind
Your family
Your friends
Your whole life
Don't end your life
Is what they all say
You wished to end it all
But when the time comes
You change your mind
You see that life isn’t that bad
You walk away from killing yourself
I know how you feel
Many of times I planned to kill myself
Don't end your life
Is what the voice in my head said
But I never could do it
There was just too much I was leaving behind me
And I could never hurt my family and friends that way
If anything the pain you wanted to leave behind
Won't go away cause you kill yourself
I won't kill myself
Is what you say now
It well only hurt more
And then you nothing good to hope for
Cause you would have killed it off by killing yourself
Now you’re glad you changed your mind
Now you need to let go of the past so that you can move on
Forget all your pain
Have no more regret
No more tears
No more bad toughs

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